114 research outputs found

    Polivalencia fitoclimática y diversidad potencial de cubiertas forestales arbóreas naturales en la España peninsular

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    A multivariate methodology was assayed to evaluate the phytoclimatic versatility of peninsular Spain and how this relates to the potential diversity of natural tree covers. The instances of greatest phytoclimatic versatility occur in a range of altitude between 1000 and 1300 m; these are cool phytoclimates with only short, low-intensity periods of aridity. These factorial ambits of maximum versatility correspond chiefly to the substeppe nemoral subtype 6(7), followed by genuine nemoral VI and humid nemoromediterranean 6(4)2 subtypes. The lowest values of versatility and potential diversity correspond to dry genuine Mediterranean (4i) or transitional Mediterranean 4(6)1 subtypes and to alpine oroborealoid or oroarcticoid subtypes. In geographical terms, intermediate mountain areas in the north of the Peninsula and some massifs in the southern half score the highest in the Diversity Index used. The lowest scores are found in the southern half of the Peninsula, although in the northern half low scores are also found for littoral areas, interior areas of the Duero and Ebro basins and alpine areas. Autoecological phytoclimatic spectra headed by stands of Pinus nigra and Quercus petraea present the greatest phytoclimatic versatility, while those headed by Quercus ilex ballota and Pinus uncinata stands present the least versatility. This article offers new methodological horizons for the study of the effects of climate change on plant diversity.Se ensaya una metodología multivariante de evaluación de la polivalencia fitoclimática de la España peninsular y de su relación con la diversidad potencial de las cubiertas arbóreas naturales. Las mayores polivalencias fitoclimáticas se dan en una franja altitudinal situada entre los 1000 y los 1.300 m, correspondiendo a ámbitos fitoclimáticos frescos y con escasa duración e intensidad de la aridez. Estos ámbitos factoriales de máxima polivalencia se corresponden principalmente con el subtipo nemoral subestepario 6(7), seguido del nemoral genuino 6 y del nemoromediterráneo húmedo 6(4)2. Los menores valores de polivalencia y de diversidad potencial se corresponden con subtipos mediterráneos genuinos (4i) o transicionales 4(6)1 secos y con subtipos oroborealoides u oroarticoides de alta montaña. Desde un punto de vista geográfico, las zonas de media montaña de la mitad norte peninsular y algunos macizos montañosos de la mitad sur dan los valores más altos del Índice de Diversidad utilizado, mientras que los menores se dan en la mitad sur peninsular, aunque en la mitad norte las áreas litorales, las áreas interiores de las cuencas del Duero y Ebro así como y en las áreas de alta montaña también se corresponden con valores bajos del índice. Los espectros fitoclimáticos de carácter autoecológico encabezados por pinares de Pinus nigra y por robledales de Quercus petraea presentan la mayor polivalencia fitoclimática, mientras que los encabezados por encinares de Quercus ilex ballota y por pinares de Pinus uncinata presentan la menor. El presente trabajo abre nuevos horizontes metodológicos para el estudio de los efectos del cambio climático sobre la diversidad vegetal

    Caracterización y potencialidades fitoclimáticas de la sabina albar (Juniperus thurifera L.) en la Península Ibérica

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    This paper presents some contributions to the phytoclimatic characterization of stands of Juniperus thurifera L. in the Iberian Peninsula. For the phytoclimatic characterization, 1.098 sampling points from the 2nd National Forest Inventory of actual vegetation in which Juniperus thurifera was the principle especies in the forest were considered. The phytoclimatic diagnosis followed the phytoclimatic models of Allué-Andrade. Phytoclimatic territorial models were constructed in digital format on the basis of preliminary territorial factorial estimations, wich were used to determine climatic factors and phytoclimatic terns. The potential phytoclimatic area and the factorial ambits for the existence of Juniperus thurifera was performed in five phases of increasing strictness, based on factorial comparison (convex hull), phytoclimatic terns comparison, phytoclimatic suitability and evaluation of competitor Quercus and Fagus species. Juniperus thurifera stands are found in the phytoclimatic subtypes VI(IV)1, VI(IV)2, IV(VI)1, IV3, IV4, VI(VII) and VIII(VI). Subtype VI(IV)1 is both the most prevalent of the species (70% of stations studied) and the one with the highest index of phytoclimatic suitability. The highest phytoclimatic suitability is found in the phytoclimatic terns (VI(IV)1; VI(IV)2;-; -; -) and (VI(VI)2; IV(VI)1;- ;-;-). These terns are also the most prevalent of the species. In the strictest phase this calculation determined potential areas of high phytoclimatic viability for Juniperus thurifera totalling 1.958.700 ha in the center-east of the Iberian Peninsula. However, any practical interpretation of these results must take into consideration the phytoclimatic capacity for competition from some forest species. The territorial highest suitability phytoclimatic data set is available at www.fitoclimoal.com.Se realizan diversas aportaciones al conocimiento fitoclimático de los sabinares albares (Juniperus thurifera L.) en la Península Ibérica. La caracterización fitoclimática se efectuó a partir del estudio de 1.098 puntos de muestreo procedentes del II Inventario Forestal Nacional con presencia de Juniperus thurifera como especie dominante de la formación forestal. El sistema fitoclimático utilizado fue el de Allué-Andrade, que se aplicó a un modelo climático factorial previo construido mediante variables climáticas regionalizadas sobre un modelo digital de elevaciones de toda la España peninsular. En base a la información climática factorial y fitoclimática extraída de los 1.098 puntos de muestreo, se aplicaron cinco niveles de filtrado de exigencia creciente a la base de datos territorial, las dos primeras aproximaciones de carácter climático factorial, de las que destaca la utilización del método de la envolvente convexa, y las tres últimas de carácter fitoclimático basadas en comparación de ternas, índice de idoneidad y competencia fitoclimática de varias fagáceas, todo ello con objeto de delimitar el área potencial de máxima viabilidad fitoclimática de esta especie. Los sabinares de Juniperus thurifera se posicionan en los subtipos fitoclimáticos VI(IV)1, VI(IV)2, IV(VI)1, IV3, IV4, VI(VII) y VIII(VI) siendo el subtipo VI(IV)1 el de mayor frecuencia (70% de las estaciones estudiadas) y de mayor índice de idoneidad. Las ternas (VI(IV)1; VI(IV)2;-; -; -) y (VI(VI)2; IV(VI)1;-;-;-) son las de mayor frecuencia y mayor idoneidad. El área potencial de máxima adecuación fitoclimática después de aplicada la restricción más exigente es de 1.958.700 ha en el centro-este peninsular. La presencia de la especie en ternas fitoclimáticas en las que el subtipo fitoclimático autoecológico asignado a Juniperus thurifera es el de mayor escalar de adecuación frente a las principales fagáceas arbóreas competidoras permite corroborar que los sabinares se distribuyen prioritariamente en zonas con baja pujanza fitoclimática de especies del género Quercus. La base de datos geográfica de alta viabilidad fitoclimática está disponible en www.fitoclimoal.com

    Caracterización y potencialidades fitoclimáticas de los robledales de Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. y de Quercus robur L. en España

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    This paper presents some contributions to the phytoclimatic characterization of stands of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L. in España. For the phytoclimatic characterization, 577 sampling points from the 2nd National Forest Inventory of actual vegetation in which Quercus petraea was the principle especies in the forest were considered and 1,780 sampling points for Quercus robur. The phytoclimatic diagnosis followed the phytoclimatic models of Allué-Andrade. Phytoclimatic territorial models were constructed in digital format on the basis of preliminary territorial factorial estimations, wich were used to determine climatic factors and phytoclimatic terns. The potential phytoclimatic area and the factorial ambits for the existence of oak stands was performed in five phases of increasing strictness, based on factorial comparison (convex hull), phytoclimatic terns comparison, phytoclimatic suitability and evaluation of competitor forest species. Quercus petraea stands are found in the phytoclimatic subtypes VI(IV)2, VI(IV)4, VI(V), VI(VII), VI and VIII(VI). Subtype VI is both the most prevalent of the species and the one with the highest index of phytoclimatic suitability. The highest phytoclimatic suitability is found in the phytoclimatic terns with genuine subtype in VI and first analogous subtype in VI(V). In the strictest phase this calculation determined potential areas of high phytoclimatic viability for Quercus petraea totalling 1,969,000 ha in the north of Spain. Quercus robur stands are found in the phytoclimatic subtypes VI(IV)2, VI(IV)3, VI(IV)4, VI(V) and VI. Subtype VI(V) is both the most prevalent of the species and the one with the highest index of phytoclimatic suitability. In the strictest phase this calculation determined potential areas of high phytoclimatic viability for Quercus robur totalling 2,989,000 ha.Se realizan diversas aportaciones al conocimiento fitoclimático de los robledales albares [Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.] y de los robledales pedunculados (Quercus robur L.) en España. La caracterización fitoclimática se efectuó a partir del estudio de 577 puntos de muestreo procedentes del II Inventario Forestal Nacional con presencia de Quercus petraea como especie dominante de la formación forestal y de 1.780 para Quercus robur. El sistema fitoclimático utilizado fue el de Allué-Andrade modificado, que se aplicó a un modelo climático factorial de variables climáticas regionalizadas sobre un modelo digital de elevaciones de toda la España peninsular. En base a la información climática factorial y fitoclimática extraída de los puntos de muestreo respectivos se aplicaron a la base de datos territorial cinco niveles de filtrado de exigencia creciente, los dos primeros de carácter climático factorial, de los que destaca la utilización del método de la envolvente convexa, y los tres últimos de carácter fitoclimático basados en comparación de ternas, índice de idoneidad y competencia fitoclimática de varias especies forestales, todo ello con objeto de delimitar el área potencial de máxima viabilidad fitoclimática de estos robledales. Los robledales albares se posicionan en los subtipos fitoclimáticos VI(IV)2, VI(IV)4, VI(V), VI(VII), VI y VIII(VI) siendo el subtipo VI el de mayor frecuencia y mayor idoneidad. La máxima idoneidad media aparece en las ternas con subtipo genuino en VI. El área potencial de máxima adecuación fitoclimática después de aplicada la restricción más exigente es de 1.969.000 ha. Los robledales pedunculados se posicionan en los subtipos fitoclimáticos VI(IV)2, VI(IV)3, VI(IV)4, VI(V) y VI siendo el subtipo VI(V) el de mayor frecuencia y mayor idoneidad. El área potencial de máxima adecuación fitoclimática para Quercus robur después de aplicada la restricción más exigente es de 2.989.000 ha

    Caracterización y cartografía fitoclimáticas del bosque nativo subantártico en la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia, Argentina)

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    Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego is especially peculiar in phytoclimatic terms, situated as it is at an extreme southerly latitude, surrounded by large water masses and close to the great mass of Antarctic ice. Its main peculiarities in this sense are the coolness of its summers and a very narrow temperature range. As a result, the woodland landscapes in the parts with forest cover are dominated by microphyllous broadleaf physiognomies, both evergreen and deciduous, of the Nothofagus genus. This paper reports a more in-depth investigation of the hitherto little-known phytoclimatic conditions in that territory which included calibration and validation of a model of phytoclimatic suitability that addresses the principal plant physiognomic units and phytoclimatic mapping. It discusses the causes behind the presence of broadleaf formations in thermal conditions which in the northern hemisphere would allow only coniferous formations or no tree formations at all, and also the edaphic peculiarities that may explain the presence of a evergreen species like Nothofagus betuloides in subantarctic mixed forests.La Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego presenta una muy marcada originalidad fitoclimática por su posición en latitudes muy australes, estar rodeada por grandes masas de agua y por su cercanía a la gran masa de hielo polar antártica. Esta originalidad se traduce en un escaso calor estival y una oscilación térmica muy reducida como principales peculiaridades, dando lugar en sus porciones arboladas a paisajes boscosos dominados por fisionomías planifolias de carácter micrófilo, tanto perennifolias como caducifolias del género Nothofagus. Este trabajo profundiza en las hasta hoy escasamente conocidas condiciones fitoclimáticas de este territorio, mediante la calibración y validación de un modelo de idoneidad fitoclimática respecto de las principales unidades fisionómicas de vegetación y el establecimiento de una cartografía fitoclimática. Se discuten las causas que provocan la existencia de formaciones planifolias en condiciones térmicas que darían lugar a formaciones aciculifolias o desarboladas en el hemisferio Norte, así como las particularidades edáficas que condicionan la presencia de la estrategia perennifolia representada por Nothofagus betuloides en los bosques mixtos subantárticos

    A step forward in tropical anthracology: understanding woodland vegetation and wood uses in ancient Sri Lanka based on charcoal records from Mantai, Kirinda and Kantharodai

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    The aim of this study is to present the anthracological results from three archaeological sites located in the North, North West and South East of Sri Lanka. The study is based on the observation and analysis of 1689 charcoal fragments using for support the reference collection of South Indian wood at the Institute of Archaeology ( UCL), Inside Wood (2004-onwards) and several wood anatomy atlases. Mantai (200 BCE-850 CE), an urban site, has yielded 25 taxa with significant presence of cf. Cocos nucifera among other taxa. Kantharodai (400-170- BCE), an urban site, has yielded 19 taxa from arid zones (Fabaceae, Rubiaceae), mangroves (Rhizophoraceae) and dune zones (cf. Cocos nucifera). Kirinda (500–900 CE), a fishing settlement, has yielded 24 taxa including Fabaceae (Dalbergia, Acacia) and Rubiaceae, belonging to dry deciduous forest and open savannas. This collective data set allows for the identification of discernible patterns related to the use of ecological interfaces between the forest and the open plains, used and actively managed by humans, and the possibility to identify if this changed with an increase in maritime trade and/or changes in agriculture over time. This study provides evidence of the differences in the vegetation present as well as use of wood fuel and other specific uses of wood for each site examined. It also sheds new light on tropical anthracology regarding quantification and accuracy in taxa identification

    Ageism and nursing students, past or reality?: a systematic review

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    Objective: This systematic review aimed to summarise and update existing knowledge about ageism among nursing students through the following research question: what is the perception and attitudes of ageism among student nurses? Design: A systematic review of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of ageism in nursing students was carried out. Data sources: The literature search was conducted in the scientific databases Pubmed and Scopus in February 2021. Review methods: After the screening process, 22 studies meeting the selection criteria were selected; 8 more were identified after manually searching the selected paper' reference lists. A total of 30 studies were included in the review. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklists for Analytical Cross-Sectional studies and for Cohort Studies were used to appraise the articles' quality. Results: There was large variability in the manifestation of ageism among student nurses, as well as in the instruments used for assessment. Most of the articles analysed attitudes towards old age, the majority of which were positive. Being a female student, being on the final year of study and having regular contact or cohabitation with an older adult were three of the main determinants in the expression of positive attitudes towards the elderly. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that student nurses generally have positive attitudes towards old age, although ageist beliefs and discriminatory behaviours were identified and should be studied in greater depth. Training programs for future care professionals have a responsibility to educate from a non-stereotypical perspective based on current societal needs

    Neanderthal selective hunting of reindeer? The case study of Abri du Maras (south-eastern France)

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    Fieldwork was supported by the Regional Office of Archaeology Rhône-Alpes, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication and the Ardèche Department through several scientific programs. M.G.Chacon, F. Rivals and E. Allué research are funded by ‘CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya’. Thanks to Jean-Jacques Hublin, Annabell Reiner and Steven Steinbrenner from the Max Planck Institute (MPI-EVA) for analytical support (isotope analysis). We are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive remarks on this manuscript. The English manuscript was edited by L. Byrne, an official translator and native English speaker.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The global Alzheimer's Association round robin study on plasma amyloid β methods

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    Introduction: Blood-based assays to measure brain amyloid beta (Aβ) deposition are an attractive alternative to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-based assays currently used in clinical settings. In this study, we examined different blood-based assays to measure Aβ and how they compare among centers and assays. Methods: Aliquots from 81 plasma samples were distributed to 10 participating centers. Seven immunological assays and four mass-spectrometric methods were used to measure plasma Aβ concentrations. Results: Correlations were weak for Aβ42 while Aβ40 correlations were stronger. The ratio Aβ42/Aβ40 did not improve the correlations and showed weak correlations. Discussion: The poor correlations for Aβ42 in plasma might have several potential explanations, such as the high levels of plasma proteins (compared to CSF), sensitivity to pre-analytical sample handling and specificity, and cross-reactivity of different antibodies. Different methods might also measure different pools of plasma Aβ42. We, however, hypothesize that greater correlations might be seen in future studies because many of the methods have been refined during completion of this study

    The first hominin of Europe

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    The earliest hominin occupation of Europe is one of the most debated topics in palaeoanthropology. However, the purportedly oldest of the Early Pleistocene sites in Eurasia lack precise age control and contain stone tools rather than human fossil remains(1-5). Here we report the discovery of a human mandible associated with an assemblage of Mode 1 lithic tools and faunal remains bearing traces of hominin processing, in stratigraphic level TE9 at the site of the Sima del Elefante, Atapuerca, Spain(6-8). Level TE9 has been dated to the Early Pleistocene ( approximately 1.2 - 1.1 Myr), based on a combination of palaeomagnetism, cosmogenic nuclides and biostratigraphy. The Sima del Elefante site thus emerges as the oldest, most accurately dated record of human occupation in Europe, to our knowledge. The study of the human mandible suggests that the first settlement of Western Europe could be related to an early demographic expansion out of Africa. The new evidence, with previous findings in other Atapuerca sites ( level TD6 from Gran Dolina(9-13)), also suggests that a speciation event occurred in this extreme area of the Eurasian continent during the Early Pleistocene, initiating the hominin lineage represented by the TE9 and TD6 hominins.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62855/1/nature06815.pd