9 research outputs found

    Application of Pre-Participation Cardiovascular Screening Guidelines to Novice Older Runners and Endurance Athletes.

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    OBJECTIVES: Despite robust growth in participation in marathons and endurance sports among older individuals, guidance regarding pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation of these athletes is lacking. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of currently available pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation guidelines as applied to a cohort of older novice endurance athletes. METHODS: We applied data from 1457 novice runners and endurance athletes aged 35 years and older to two pre-participation screening tools, the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Pre-Participation Questionnaire and the 2001 Working Group recommendations for pre-participation screening of masters athletes (2001 Masters). RESULTS: Application of the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Pre-Participation Questionnaire identified 42.1% for which pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation was indicated. Of those who met criteria, 51.5% reported completion of a healthcare evaluation. Application of the 2001 Masters guidelines identified 75.2% who qualified for pre-participation electrocardiogram and 34.0% for pre-participation stress testing. Of those who met 2001 Masters criteria for pre-participation testing, 43.7% and 24.6% underwent recommended electrocardiogram and stress testing, respectively. While there was modest concordance with recommendations for pre-participation evaluations based on both American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Pre-Participation Questionnaire and 2001 Masters, only athlete age was independently associated with completion of a pre-participation healthcare evaluation and only athlete age and athlete\u27s participation in marathons were independently associated with pre-participation stress testing. CONCLUSION: Among older novice endurance athletes, application of the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Pre-Participation Questionnaire and 2001 Masters guidelines identifies a significant percentage of athletes for whom pre-participation evaluation and testing are recommended. Concordance with these guidelines was modest and providers were primarily influenced by athlete age and competitive goals when planning pre-participation testing. Given the rarity of cardiovascular events among older participants in endurance events, the cost-effectiveness of the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Pre-Participation Questionnaire and 2001 Masters guidelines may be unacceptable for general use

    Características físicas e químicas de grãos verdes de linhagens e cultivares de feijão caupi para processamento tipo conserva Physical and chemical characteristics of green grains of cowpea cultivars and lines for processing and preservation

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade da introdução de dez linhagens e duas cultivares de feijão caupi verde para processamento tipo conserva. O processamento iniciou-se pelo debulhamento, branqueamento dos grãos e acondicionamento nos frascos de vidro. Para qualificar os doze lotes de grãos para conserva, foi verificado o grau de maturação de acordo com a coloração dos grãos, na sua totalidade verdes, obtidos com aproximadamente 30 a 40 dias após a floração. O tratamento térmico foi otimizado em 121 &ordm;C com o tempo de esterilização de 6 min. Foram realizados estudos físicos e químicos dos grãos verdes e processados, ressaltando-se o valor médio de proteínas entre 23,30 a 31,30%, para grãos frescos, e 22,00 a 27,10% para grãos processados, apresentando uma pequena perda de proteínas, em média de 7%. Os valores de pH dos grãos frescos (6,72 a 6,90) e dos grãos processados (6,38 a 6,60) classificam este alimento como de baixa acidez. A absorção de água (%) e a perda de água (%) dos grãos, após o processamento, apresentaram grande variabilidade. As amostras das linhagens TE-87-108-6G, Linguagem Avançada, TE-90-180-88F e TE-92-199-20F apresentaram melhor aparência quanto à coloração dos grãos verdes acinzentado e do líquido de acondicionamento, em relação às demais amostras, proporcionando conservas com boas características técnicas.<br>The objective of this study was to observe viability of introduction of ten lines and two cultivars of green cowpea for processing and preservation. The preservation procedure started by diluting, pod bleaching and packing in glass recipients. To qualify the twelve lots of grains for preservation, the maturation degree was verified according to grain color, in its totality green, obtained approximately 30 to 40 days after flowering. The processing heat was optimized for 121 &ordm;C with the sterilization time of 6 min. Physical and chemical studies of the green grains were accomplished and processed, the mean values of proteins were between 23.30 and 31.30% for fresh grains and 22.00 to 27.10% for processed grains presenting a small loss (7%) of proteins. The values of pH of the fresh grains (6.72 to 6.90) and that of processed grains (6.38 to 6.60) permit to classify this product as of low acidity. The absorption of water (%) and the loss of water (%) of the grains after the processing presented high variability. The samples of the lines TE-87-108-6G, Linguagem Avançada, TE-90-180-88F and TE-92-199-20F presented better appearance of green greyish grains and that of packing liquid in comparison to other samples, providing preservation with good technical characteristics