453 research outputs found

    Solar Magnetic Tracking. I. Software Comparison and Recommended Practices

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    Feature tracking and recognition are increasingly common tools for data analysis, but are typically implemented on an ad-hoc basis by individual research groups, limiting the usefulness of derived results when selection effects and algorithmic differences are not controlled. Specific results that are affected include the solar magnetic turnover time, the distributions of sizes, strengths, and lifetimes of magnetic features, and the physics of both small scale flux emergence and the small-scale dynamo. In this paper, we present the results of a detailed comparison between four tracking codes applied to a single set of data from SOHO/MDI, describe the interplay between desired tracking behavior and parameterization of tracking algorithms, and make recommendations for feature selection and tracking practice in future work.Comment: In press for Astrophys. J. 200

    Disconnecting Solar Magnetic Flux

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    Disconnection of open magnetic flux by reconnection is required to balance the injection of open flux by CMEs and other eruptive events. Making use of recent advances in heliospheric background subtraction, we have imaged many abrupt disconnection events. These events produce dense plasma clouds whose distinctie shape can now be traced from the corona across the inner solar system via heliospheric imaging. The morphology of each initial event is characteristic of magnetic reconnection across a current sheet, and the newly-disconnected flux takes the form of a "U"-shaped loop that moves outward, accreting coronal and solar wind material. We analyzed one such event on 2008 December 18 as it formed and accelerated at 20 m/s^2 to 320 km/s, expanding self-similarly until it exited our field of view 1.2 AU from the Sun. From acceleration and photometric mass estimates we derive the coronal magnetic field strength to be 8uT, 6 Rs above the photosphere, and the entrained flux to be 1.6x10^11 Wb (1.6x10^19 Mx). We model the feature's propagation by balancing inferred magnetic tension force against accretion drag. This model is consistent with the feature's behavior and accepted solar wind parameters. By counting events over a 36 day window, we estimate a global event rate of 1/day and a global solar minimum unsigned flux disconnection rate of 6x10^13 Wb/y (6x10^21 Mx/y) by this mechanism. That rate corresponds to ~0.2 nT/y change in the radial heliospheric field at 1 AU, indicating that the mechanism is important to the heliospheric flux balance.Comment: preprint is 20 pages with 8 figures; accepted by APJ for publication in 201

    The Thomson Surface. II. Polarization

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    The solar corona and heliosphere are visible via sunlight that is Thomson-scattered off of free electrons, yielding a radiance against the celestial sphere. In this second part of a three-article series, we discuss linear polarization of this scattered light parallel and perpendicular to the plane of scatter in the context of heliopheric imaging far from the Sun. The difference between these two radiances, (pB), varies quite differently with scattering angle, compared to the sum that would be detected in unpolarized light (B). The difference between these two quantities has long been used in a coronagraphic context for background subtraction and to extract some three-dimensional information about the corona; we explore how these effects differ in the wider-field heliospheric imaging case where small-angle approximations do not apply. We develop an appropriately-simplified theory of polarized Thomson scattering in the heliosphere, discuss signal-to-noise considerations, invert the scattering equations analytically to solve the three dimensional object location problem for small objects, discuss exploiting polarization for background subtraction, and generate simple forward models of several classes of heliospheric feature. We conclude that pB measurements of heliospheric material are much more localized to the Thomson surface than are B measurements, that the ratio pB/B can be used to track solar wind features in three dimensions for scientific and space weather applications better in the heliosphere than corona; and that, by providing an independent measurement of background signal, pB measurements may be used to reduce the effect of background radiances including the stably polarized zodiacal light.Comment: v2: text as accepted by APJ (before proofs); formatted with emulateapj.cl

    Disconnecting Solar Magnetic Flux

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    Disconnection of open magnetic flux by reconnection is required to balance the injection of open flux by CMEs and other eruptive events. Making use of recent advances in heliospheric background subtraction, we have imaged many abrupt disconnection events. These events produce dense plasma clouds whose distinctie shape can now be traced from the corona across the inner solar system via heliospheric imaging. The morphology of each initial event is characteristic of magnetic reconnection across a current sheet, and the newly-disconnected flux takes the form of a "U"-shaped loop that moves outward, accreting coronal and solar wind material. We analyzed one such event on 2008 December 18 as it formed and accelerated at 20 m/s^2 to 320 km/s, expanding self-similarly until it exited our field of view 1.2 AU from the Sun. From acceleration and photometric mass estimates we derive the coronal magnetic field strength to be 8uT, 6 Rs above the photosphere, and the entrained flux to be 1.6x10^11 Wb (1.6x10^19 Mx). We model the feature's propagation by balancing inferred magnetic tension force against accretion drag. This model is consistent with the feature's behavior and accepted solar wind parameters. By counting events over a 36 day window, we estimate a global event rate of 1/day and a global solar minimum unsigned flux disconnection rate of 6x10^13 Wb/y (6x10^21 Mx/y) by this mechanism. That rate corresponds to ~0.2 nT/y change in the radial heliospheric field at 1 AU, indicating that the mechanism is important to the heliospheric flux balance.Comment: preprint is 20 pages with 8 figures; accepted by APJ for publication in 201

    Equivalent Photon Approach to Simultaneous Excitation in Heavy Ion Collision

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    We apply the Equivalent Photon Approximation to calculate cross sections for the simultaneous excitation of two heavy ions in relativistic collisions. We study especially the excitation of two nuclei to a 1- - state and show that the equations are symmetric with respect to both ions. We also examine the limit in which the excitation energy of one of the nuclei goes to zero, which gives the elastic case. Finally a few remarks about the limits of this approach are made.Comment: 9 pages REVTex, 4 Figures included, see also http://www.phys.washington.edu/~hencken

    Direct observations of a complex coronal web driving highly structured slow solar wind

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    The solar wind consists of continuous streams of charged particles that escape into the heliosphere from the Sun, and is split into fast and slow components, with the fast wind emerging from the interiors of coronal holes. Near the ecliptic plane, the fast wind from low-latitude coronal holes is interspersed with a highly structured slow solar wind, the source regions and drivers of which are poorly understood. Here we report extreme-ultraviolet observations that reveal a spatially complex web of magnetized plasma structures that persistently interact and reconnect in the middle corona. Coronagraphic white-light images show concurrent emergence of slow wind streams over these coronal web structures. With advanced global MHD coronal models, we demonstrate that the observed coronal web is a direct imprint of the magnetic separatrix web (S-web). By revealing a highly dynamic portion of the S-web, our observations open a window into important middle-coronal processes that appear to play a key role in driving the structured slow solar wind.Comment: This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41550-022-01834-

    Observations of Detailed Structure in the Solar Wind at 1 AU with STEREO/HI-2

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    Heliospheric imagers offer the promise of remote sensing of large-scale structures present in the solar wind. The STEREO/HI-2 imagers, in particular, offer high resolution, very low noise observations of the inner heliosphere but have not yet been exploited to their full potential. This is in part because the signal of interest, Thomson scattered sunlight from free electrons, is ~1000 times fainter than the background visual field in the images, making background subtraction challenging. We have developed a procedure for separating the Thomson-scattered signal from the other background/foreground sources in the HI-2 data. Using only the Level 1 data from STEREO/HI-2, we are able to generate calibrated imaging data of the solar wind with sensitivity of a few times 1e-17 Bsun, compared to the background signal of a few times 1e-13 Bsun. These images reveal detailed spatial structure in CMEs and the solar wind at projected solar distances in excess of 1 AU, at the instrumental motion-blur resolution limit of 1-3 degree. CME features visible in the newly reprocessed data from December 2008 include leading-edge pileup, interior voids, filamentary structure, and rear cusps. "Quiet" solar wind features include V shaped structure centered on the heliospheric current sheet, plasmoids, and "puffs" that correspond to the density fluctuations observed in-situ. We compare many of these structures with in-situ features detected near 1 AU. The reprocessed data demonstrate that it is possible to perform detailed structural analyses of heliospheric features with visible light imagery, at distances from the Sun of at least 1 AU.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Significant initial results from the environmental measurements experiment on ATS-6

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    The Applications Technology Satellite (ATS-6), launched into synchronous orbit on 30 May 1974, carried a set of six particle detectors and a triaxial fluxgate magnetometer. The particle detectors were able to determine the ion and electron distribution functions from 1 to greater than 10 to the 8th power eV. It was found that the magnetic field is weaker and more tilted than predicted by models which neglect internal plasma and that there is a seasonal dependence to the magnitude and tilt. ATS-6 magnetic field measurements showed the effects of field-aligned currents associated with substorms, and large fluxes of field-aligned particles were observed with the particle detectors. Encounters with the plasmasphere revealed the existence of warm plasma with temperatures up to 30 eV. A variety of correlated waves in both the particles and fields were observed: pulsation continuous oscillations, seen predominantly in the plasmasphere bulge; ultralow frequency (ULF) standing waves; ring current proton ULF waves; and low frequency waves that modulate the energetic electrons. In additon, large scale waves on the energetic-ion-trapping boundary were observed, and the intensity of energetic electrons was modulated in association with the passage of sector boundaries of the interplanetary magnetic field
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