3,349 research outputs found

    Dynamics of quantum Hall stripes in double-quantum-well systems

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    The collective modes of stripes in double layer quantum Hall systems are computed using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. It is found that, when the system possesses spontaneous interlayer coherence, there are two gapless modes, one a phonon associated with broken translational invariance, the other a pseudospin-wave associated with a broken U(1) symmetry. For large layer separations the modes disperse weakly for wavevectors perpendicular to the stripe orientation, indicating the system becomes akin to an array of weakly coupled one-dimensional XY systems. At higher wavevectors the collective modes develop a roton minimum associated with a transition out of the coherent state with further increasing layer separation. A spin wave model of the system is developed, and it is shown that the collective modes may be described as those of a system with helimagnetic ordering.Comment: 16 pages including 7 postscript figure

    The Oral Judgment Practice in the Canadian Appellate Courts

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    Radiative charge transfer lifetime of the excited state of (NaCa)+^+

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    New experiments were proposed recently to investigate the regime of cold atomic and molecular ion-atom collision processes in a special hybrid neutral-atom--ion trap under high vacuum conditions. The collisional cooling of laser pre-cooled Ca+^+ ions by ultracold Na atoms is being studied. Modeling this process requires knowledge of the radiative lifetime of the excited singlet A1Σ+^1\Sigma^+ state of the (NaCa)+^+ molecular system. We calculate the rate coefficient for radiative charge transfer using a semiclassical approach. The dipole radial matrix elements between the ground and the excited states, and the potential curves were calculated using Complete Active Space Self-Consistent field and M\"oller-Plesset second order perturbation theory (CASSCF/MP2) with an extended Gaussian basis, 6-311+G(3df). The semiclassical charge transfer rate coefficient was averaged over a thermal Maxwellian distribution. In addition we also present elastic collision cross sections and the spin-exchange cross section. The rate coefficient for charge transfer was found to be 2.3×10162.3\times 10^{-16} cm3^3/sec, while those for the elastic and spin-exchange cross sections were found to be several orders of magnitude higher (1.1×1081.1\times 10^{-8} cm3^3/sec and 2.3×1092.3\times 10^{-9} cm3^3/sec, respectively). This confirms our assumption that the milli-Kelvin regime of collisional cooling of calcium ions by sodium atoms is favorable with the respect to low loss of calcium ions due to the charge transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; v.2 - conceptual change

    Skyrme Crystal In A Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    The ground state of a two-dimensional electron gas at Landau level filling factors near ν=1\nu =1 is a Skyrme crystal with long range order in the positions and orientations of the topologically and electrically charged elementary excitations of the ν=1\nu=1 ferromagnetic ground state. The lowest energy Skyrme crystal is a square lattice with opposing postures for topological excitations on opposite sublattices. The filling factor dependence of the electron spin-polarization, calculated for the square lattice Skyrme crystal, is in excellent agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 3 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Electron-phonon coupling in the C60 fullerene within the many-body GW approach

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    We study the electron-phonon coupling in the C60 fullerene within the first-principles GW approach, focusing on the lowest unoccupied t1u three-fold electronic state which is relevant for the superconducting transition in electron doped fullerides. It is shown that the strength of the coupling is significantly enhanced as compared to standard density functional theory calculations with (semi)local functionals, with a 48% increase of the electron-phonon potential Vep. The calculated GW value for the contribution from the Hg modes of 93 meV comes within 4% of the most recent experimental values. The present results call for a reinvestigation of previous density functional based calculations of electron-phonon coupling in covalent systems in general.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figur

    Commensurate-incommensurate transitions of quantum Hall stripe states in double-quantum-well systems

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    In higher Landau levels (N>0) and around filling factors nu =4N+1, a two-dimensional electron gas in a double-quantum-well system supports a stripe groundstate in which the electron density in each well is spatially modulated. When a parallel magnetic field is added in the plane of the wells, tunneling between the wells acts as a spatially rotating effective Zeeman field coupled to the ``pseudospins'' describing the well index of the electron states. For small parallel fields, these pseudospins follow this rotation, but at larger fields they do not, and a commensurate-incommensurate transition results. Working in the Hartree-Fock approximation, we show that the combination of stripes and commensuration in this system leads to a very rich phase diagram. The parallel magnetic field is responsible for oscillations in the tunneling matrix element that induce a complex sequence of transitions between commensurate and incommensurate liquid or stripe states. The homogeneous and stripe states we find can be distinguished by their collective excitations and tunneling I-V, which we compute within the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation.Comment: 23 pages including 8 eps figure

    The velocity dispersion and mass profile of the Milky Way

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    We re-analyse the velocity-dispersion profile sigma(r) at radii r>10 kpc in the Galactic stellar halo, recently derived by Battaglia et al. (2005), who concluded that, for constant velocity anisotropy of the tracers, these data rule out a flat circular-speed curve for the Milky Way. However, we demonstrate that if one makes the natural assumption that the tracer density is truncated at r_t >~ 160 kpc and falls off significantly more steeply than r^-3.5 at r >~ 80 kpc, then these data are consistent with a flat circular-speed curve and a constant velocity anisotropy comparable to that observed for halo stars in the Solar neighbourhood. We also consider a more detailed mass model with an exponential stellar disc and an extended non-isothermal dark-matter halo. In this two-component model, the Milky Way's virial radius and mass are r_vir = 200 kpc and M_vir = 1.5 x 10^12 M_sun. Still assuming the tracers' velocity anisotropy to be constant (at beta=0.5) we again find good agreement with the observed sigma(r), so long as the tracer density is truncated near the virial radius. These data by themselves do not allow to differentiate between different dark-halo or total-mass models for the Milky Way, nor between different velocity-anisotropy profiles for the tracers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Collective Modes of Quantum Hall Stripes

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    The collective modes of striped phases in a quantum Hall system are computed using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. Uniform stripe phases are shown to be unstable to the formation of modulations along the stripes, so that within the Hartree-Fock approximation the groundstate is a stripe crystal. Such crystalline states are generically gapped at any finite wavevector; however, in the quantum Hall system the interactions of modulations among different stripes is found to be remarkably weak, leading to an infinite collection of collective modes with immeasurably small gaps. The resulting long wavelength behavior is derivable from an elastic theory for smectic liquid crystals. Collective modes for the phonon branch are computed throughout the Brillouin zone, as are spin wave and magnetoplasmon modes. A soft mode in the phonon spectrum is identified for partial filling factors sufficiently far from 1/2, indicating a second order phase transition. The modes contain several other signatures that should be experimentally observable.Comment: 36 pages LaTex with 11 postscript figures. Short animations of the collective modes can be found at http://www.physique.usherb.ca/~rcote/stripes/stripes.ht

    Long-range potentials and (n1)d+ns(n-1)d+ns molecular resonances in an ultracold rydberg gas

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    We have calculated long-range molecular potentials of the 0g+0_g^{+}, 0u0_u^{-} and 1u1_u symmetries between highly-excited rubidium atoms. Strong np+npnp+np potentials characterized by these symmetries are important in describing interaction-induced phenomena in the excitation spectra of high npnp Rydberg states. Long-range molecular resonances are such phenomena and they were first reported in S.M. Farooqi {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91} 183002. One class of these resonances occurs at energies corresponding to excited atom pairs (n1)d+ns(n-1)d+ns. Such resonances are attributed to \ell-mixing due to Rydberg-Rydberg interactions so that otherwise forbidden molecular transitions become allowed. We calculate molecular potentials in Hund's case (c), use them to find the resonance lineshape and compare to experimental results.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure