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    ResumenUn control 贸ptimo para regular la temperatura al interior de un invernadero se puede obtener a partir del modelo matem谩tico integrado del cultivo y del invernadero. El modelo en consideraci贸n es exclusivo de la sierra norte del estado de Puebla, M茅xico; pues los par谩metros necesarios se determinaron durante un periodo de cosecha de 80 d铆as en la 茅poca de invierno. El modelo considera cinco estados: relativo con el cultivo consideramos el n煤mero de nodos, la masa seca del dosel y la masa seca de la ra铆z; relativo con el invernadero consideramos, la temperatura al interior del invernadero y la humedad relativa.Para aplicar la teor铆a de control 贸ptimo, seleccionamos un costo funcional con el fin de aumentar el beneficio del agricultor, significa que el agricultor adem谩s de aumentar potencialmente la producci贸n del cultivo obtendr谩 un ahorro en los gastos de consumo de energ铆a.Construimos el algoritmo que da soluci贸n al problema de control 贸ptimo y realizamos la simulaci贸n en un periodo de 80 d铆as.Palabra(s) Clave: Control 贸ptimo, Modelo din谩mico integrado, Sistema de calefacci贸n, Variables auxiliares, Variables de estado.聽OPTIMUM CONTROL FOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL IN GREENHOUSE TOMATO CULTIVATION BASED ON A DYNAMIC SYSTEMAbstractAn optimal control to regulate the temperature inside of a greenhouse can be obtained from a mathematical model, where such mathematical model integrates the dynamic model of the crop (tomato crop) and the greenhouse. This paper considers the dynamic model exclusive from northern mountain range of Puebla, Mexico. This means that all parameters were determined from a harvest throughout a period of 80 days in the winter season. The dynamic model considered 5 state variables, three of them are relative from the crop, they are the number of nodes (plant development), the biomass dry canopy, and the biomass dry root. The last 2 variables state are linked to the greenhouse, these are the temperature inside of the greenhouse and the relative humidity. Applying the optimal control theory with a proposal criterion of optimization, admissible trajectories for the variables state were obtained; such trajectories maximize the benefit of the crop, thereby the farmers and harvest improves the crop production, and reduce the energy consumption. An algorithm was built, which gives a solution for the optimal control and simulates a harvest throughout a period of 80 days.Keywords: Auxiliary states, Heating system, Integrated Dynamic Model, Optimal control, Variable state