7 research outputs found

    Effect of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. on Grass Agroproductivity in a Forest-grazing System

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    Background: The utilization of forest-grazing systems is an alternative for implementation of sustainable agricultural productions. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of Samanea saman (Jacq.) consumption, based on the need to increase the use of these systems in the province of Camagüey. Effect of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. on Grass Agroproductivity in a Forest-grazing System Methods: The main graminaceae and leguminosae were identified, and their botanical composition, availability, and bromatological composition were determined. One-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the bromatological variables, and the t-test for availability was made. The Duncan’s multiple range test was used for comparison of means (P<0.05 significance). StatGraphics Centurion XV, Version 15.2.06 was used in the analyses. Results: Exploration across the experimental areas showed the presence of 15 leguminous species, with high predominance of subfamily Faboideae. The forest-grazing system was better than the traditional system. The main contribution to availability was made by graminaceae. The leguminosae showed higher protein levels than the rest of the species, along with improved quality of tree-associated graminaceae (FGS) in relation to standalone graminaceae. Conclusions: The positive effect of forest-grazing systems was corroborated when compared to the traditional system, including higher availability of leguminosae due to their high protein levels and improved quality of treeassociated graminaceae (SSP) compared to the standalone graminaceae

    Efecto de Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. sobre la agroproductividad del pasto en un sistema silvopastoril

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    Background: The utilization of forest-grazing systems is an alternative to implement sustainable agricultural productions. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. inclusion on grass agroproductivity, based on the need to spread forest-grazing systems in the edaphoclimatic conditions of Sierra de Cubitas municipality, Camagüey, Cuba. Methods: The main graminaceae and leguminosae were identified, and their botanical composition, availability, and bromatological composition were determined. One-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the bromatological variables, and the t-test for availability was made. The Duncan’s multiple range test was used for comparison of means (P < 0.05 significance). StatGraphics Centurion XV, Version 15.2.06 was used in the analyses. Results: Exploration across the experimental areas showed the presence of 15 leguminous species, with high predominance of subfamily Faboideae. The forest-grazing system was better than the traditional system. The main contribution to availability was made by graminaceae. The leguminosae showed higher protein levels than the rest of the species, along with improved quality of tree-associated graminaceae (SSP) in relation to isolated graminaceae. Conclusions: The positive effect of forest-grazing systems was corroborated when compared to the traditional system, including higher availability of leguminosae due to their high protein levels and improved quality of tree-associated graminaceae (SSP) compared to the isolated graminaceae.Antecedentes: La utilización de los sistemas silvopastoriles es una opción para la implementación de sistemas de producciones agropecuarias sostenibles. Teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de incrementar el uso de estos sistemas en la provincia se desarrolló esta investigación con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. sobre la agroproductividad del pasto en un sistema silvopastoril, en las condiciones edafoclimáticas del municipio Sierra de Cubitas, Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó la prospección, composición botánica, disponibilidad y composición bromatológica de las principales gramíneas y leguminosas. Se realizó análisis de varianza simple para comparar las variables bromatológicas y prueba t para las disponibilidades. Las medias se compararon a través de la prueba de rangos múltiples de Duncan para un nivel de significación de P < 0,05. Los análisis se desarrollaron con StatGraphics Centurion XV Versión 15.2.06. Resultados: La prospección en las áreas de estudio mostró la presencia de 15 especies de leguminosas, con predominio de la subfamilia Faboideae. El sistema silvopastoril mostró disponibilidades superiores sobre el sistema tradicional. Los principales aportes a la disponibilidad lo realizan las gramíneas. Las leguminosas presentaron mayores niveles proteicos que el resto de las especies y una mejor calidad de las gramíneas asociadas a árboles (SSP) sobre las gramíneas aisladas. Conclusiones: Se comprobó un efecto positivo del sistema silvopastoril sobre el sistema tradicional, con disponibilidades de pastos superiores sobre el sistema tradicional, en los que se destacan las leguminosas por sus niveles proteicos y la mejor calidad de las gramíneas asociadas a árboles (SSP) sobre las gramíneas aisladas

    SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies Seroprevalence and Sera Neutralizing Activity in MEXICO: A National Cross-Sectional Study during 2020

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    Until recently, the incidence of COVID-19 was primarily estimated using molecular diagnostic methods. However, the number of cases is vastly underreported using these methods. Seroprevalence studies estimate cumulative infection incidences and allow monitoring of transmission dynamics, and the presence of neutralizing antibodies in the population. In February 2020, the Mexican Social Security Institute began conducting anonymous unrelated sampling of residual sera from specimens across the country, excluding patients with fever within the previous two weeks and/or patients with an acute respiratory infection. Sampling was carried out weekly and began 17 days before Mexico’s first officially confirmed case. The 24,273 sera obtained were analyzed by chemiluminescent-linked immunosorbent assay (CLIA) IgG S1/S2 and, later, positive cases using this technique were also analyzed to determine the rate of neutralization using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We identified 40 CLIA IgG positive cases before the first official report of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Mexico. The national seroprevalence was 3.5% in February and 33.5% in December. Neutralizing activity among IgG positives patients during overall study period was 86.1%. The extent of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in Mexico is 21 times higher than that reported by molecular techniques. Although the general population is still far from achieving herd immunity, epidemiological indicators should be re-estimated based on serological studies of this type

    Desarrollo local y equidad en Cuba. Tomo I

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    Un enfoque plural e inclusivo de las zonas de convergencia y disonancia entre el desarrollo local y la equidad en Cuba constituye el eje medular de esta obra que logra configurar un paisaje nacional sobre el tema. Veintiún artículos, de diferentes provincias del país y de autores de diversas edades, formaciones académicas y experiencias prácticas, tejen los hilos del texto, caracterizado por un estilo dialógico y propositivo. El análisis de los procesos de gestión y evaluación del desarrollo local, con un enfoque de equidad, unido al examen profundo de la articulación de actores, redes sociales y productos comunicativos innovadores hacen de este un libro necesario para comprender las transformaciones económicas y sociales de la Cuba actual

    Diagnostic yield of chest and thumb ECG after cryptogenic stroke, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation (TEASE): an observational trial

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    Objective In stroke survivors, atrial fibrillation (AF) is typically evaluated solely by short-term ECG monitoring in the stroke unit. Prolonged continuous ECG monitoring or insertable cardiac monitors require substantial resources. Chest and thumb ECG could provide an alternative means of AF detection, which in turn could allow prompt anticoagulation to prevent recurrent stroke. The objective of this study was to assess the yield of newly diagnosed AF during 28 days of chest and thumb ECG monitoring two times per day in cryptogenic stroke.Methods This study, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation, included patients who had a stroke from Region Gävleborg, Sweden, between 2017 and 2019. Patients with a recent ischaemic stroke without documented AF (or other reasons for anticoagulation) before or during ECG evaluation in the stroke unit were evaluated using the Coala Heart Monitor connected to a smartphone application for remote monitoring.Results The prespecified number of 100 patients (mean age 67.6±10.8 years; 60% men) was analysed. In nine patients (9%, number needed to screen 11) AF but no other significant atrial arrhythmias (>30 s) was diagnosed. The mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was similar among patients with AF and no AF (4.9±1.1 vs 4.3±1.3; p=0.224) and patients with AF were older (74.3±9.0 vs 66.9±10.8; p=0.049). Patients performed on average 90.1%±15.0% of scheduled transmissions.Conclusion In evaluation of cryptogenic stroke, 9% of patients had AF detected using chest and thumb ECG two times per day during 1 month. In many stroke survivors, this is a feasible approach and they will be potentially protected from recurrent stroke by anticoagulation treatment.Trial registration number NCT03301662

    Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papilomavirus infection in the pre-vaccination era: a population-based study in the Canary Islands

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    Objective National Spanish studies show that prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the female population is increasingly frequent, with an overall estimate of 14% in women aged 18–65 years. The objective of this study is to know the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in the female population of the Canary Islands prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines and to investigate the associated clinical and sociodemographic factors.Methods Based on the Primary Health Care database, a sample of adult women (aged 18–65 years) of Gran Canaria (GC) and Tenerife (TF) stratified into nine age groups was carried out between 2002 and 2007. Women were contacted by postal letter and telephone call and were visited in their primary care centre. A clinical-epidemiological survey was completed and cervical samples were taken for cytological study and HPV detection. HPV prevalence and its 95% CI were estimated, and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression to identify factors associated with the infection.Results 6010 women participated in the study, 3847 from GC and 2163 from TF. The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 13.6% (CI 12.8%–14.5%) and 11.1% (CI 10.3%–11.9%) for high-risk types. The most frequent HPV type was 16 followed by types 51, 53, 31, 42 and 59. HPV types included in the nonavalent vaccine were detected in 54.1% of infected women. Factors associated with an increased risk of infection were: young ages (18–29 years), the number of sexual partners throughout life, not being married, being a smoker, and having had previous cervical lesions or genital warts.Conclusions It is confirmed that prevalence of HPV infection in the female population of the Canary Islands is high, but similar to that of Spain, HPV 16 being the most frequent genotype. The determinants of infection are consistent with those of other populations