25 research outputs found
Clinically and histologically silent Q fever endocarditis accidentally diagnosed by PCR
AbstractA case of Q fever endocarditis was diagnosed in a patient with no sign of active endocarditis by performing PCR targeting eubacterial 16S rDNA on the resected mitral valve. The diagnosis was confirmed by detection of high levels of anti-Coxiella burnetti antibodies, positive immunohistologic analysis of the valve tissue with specific antibodies and culture of C. burnetti from the valve tissue. As this patient had an unexplained aggravation of valve dysfunction, we recommended routine serologic testing for C. burnetti to allow the diagnosis of Q fever endocarditis at a very early stage
Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis versus bacteremia strains: Subtle genetic differences at stake
AbstractInfective endocarditis (IE)(1) is a severe condition complicating 10–25% of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Although host-related IE risk factors have been identified, the involvement of bacterial features in IE complication is still unclear. We characterized strictly defined IE and bacteremia isolates and searched for discriminant features. S. aureus isolates causing community-acquired, definite native-valve IE (n=72) and bacteremia (n=54) were collected prospectively as part of a French multicenter cohort. Phenotypic traits previously reported or hypothesized to be involved in staphylococcal IE pathogenesis were tested. In parallel, the genotypic profiles of all isolates, obtained by microarray, were analyzed by discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC)(2). No significant difference was observed between IE and bacteremia strains, regarding either phenotypic or genotypic univariate analyses. However, the multivariate statistical tool DAPC, applied on microarray data, segregated IE and bacteremia isolates: IE isolates were correctly reassigned as such in 80.6% of the cases (C-statistic 0.83, P<0.001). The performance of this model was confirmed with an independent French collection IE and bacteremia isolates (78.8% reassignment, C-statistic 0.65, P<0.01). Finally, a simple linear discriminant function based on a subset of 8 genetic markers retained valuable performance both in study collection (86.1%, P<0.001) and in the independent validation collection (81.8%, P<0.01). We here show that community-acquired IE and bacteremia S. aureus isolates are genetically distinct based on subtle combinations of genetic markers. This finding provides the proof of concept that bacterial characteristics may contribute to the occurrence of IE in patients with S. aureus bacteremia
Concepcions errònies de les vacunes
Treballs d'Educació Farmacètica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia , curs: 2011-2012, Directors: Monterde, Josep
; Cabañas Poy, Mª Josep i March Pujol, MarianLa vacunació constitueix una de les mesures sanitàries que més benefici ha comportat per a la humanitat, i ho continua fent. Les vacunes ajuden a prevenir malalties que abans causaven grans epidèmies, morts i seqüeles. El benefici és tant per a les persones vacunades com per les no vacunades, susceptibles de patir la malaltia i que viuen al seu voltant.
De fet, la vacunació està reconeguda com una de les estratègies sanitàries amb més impacte sobre la salut. Les vacunes han estat una aportació fonamental per controlar i, fins i tot, eradicar certes malalties i, per tant, un pas gegant en el camp de la medicina.
No obstant això, en els últims anys ha anat creixent una ombra negra que intenta atacar l'eficàcia i la utilitat de les vacunes. De fet, com més evident és la importància de les vacunes a nivell individual i col·lectiu, i més clar i objectiu és el seu benefici, major és la preocupació pels efectes adversos, i no pas per l'aplicació, que les mateixes poden comportar. En part, això és degut a què la societat, cada cop més informada i exigent, qüestiona els possibles efectes secundaris associats a les immunitzacions.
És per aquests motius que cada vegada és més important mantenir a la població informada sobre els beneficis i efectes esperats de l'aplicació de les vacunes, per tal d'allunyar els rumors i mites que giren entorn a efectes adversos mal fonamentats sobre les vacunes
Tropheryma whipplei Endocarditis
Tropheryma whipplei endocarditis differs from classic Whipple disease, which primarily affects the gastrointestinal system. We diagnosed 28 cases of T. whipplei endocarditis in Marseille, France, and compared them with cases reported in the literature. Specimens were analyzed mostly by molecular and histologic techniques. Duke criteria were ineffective for diagnosis before heart valve analysis. The disease occurred in men 40–80 years of age, of whom 21 (75%) had arthralgia (75%); 9 (32%) had valvular disease and 11 (39%) had fever. Clinical manifestations were predominantly cardiologic. Treatment with doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine for at least 12 months was successful. The cases we diagnosed differed from those reported from Germany, in which arthralgias were less common and previous valve lesions more common. A strong geographic specificity for this disease is found mainly in eastern-central France, Switzerland, and Germany. T. whipplei endocarditis is an emerging clinical entity observed in middle-aged and older men with arthralgia
Molecular Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis by PCR Amplification and Direct Sequencing of DNA from Valve Tissue
We used broad-range eubacterial PCR amplification followed by direct sequencing to identify microbial pathogens in heart valve material from 29 patients with histologically confirmed infective endocarditis and 23 patients free of infective endocarditis. Microorganisms cultured by conventional techniques matched those identified by PCR in 21 cases. PCR alone identified the causative agent in three cases (Streptococcus bovis, Staphylococcus cohnii, and Coxiella burnetii), allowing better patient management. PCR corrected the initial bacteriological diagnosis in three cases (Streptococcus bovis, Streptococcus mutans, and Bartonella henselae). Among the 29 cases of histologically confirmed infective endocarditis, PCR findings were positive in 27 cases and were consistent with the bacterial morphology seen at Gram staining (26 cases) or with the results obtained by immunohistologic analysis with an anti-C. burnetii monoclonal antibody (one case). In two other cases of histologically confirmed infective endocarditis, PCR remained negative in a blood culture-negative case for which no bacteria were seen at histological analysis and in one case with visualization of cocci and blood cultures positive for Enterococcus faecalis. Ten clinical diagnoses of possible infective endocarditis were ruled out by histopathological analysis of the valves and subsequently by PCR. PCR was negative in 13 of the 14 patients in whom infective endocarditis was rejected on clinical grounds; the other patient was found to have Coxiella burnetii infective endocarditis on the basis of PCR and histopathological analysis and was subsequently included in the group of 29 definite cases. In total, PCR contributed to the diagnosis and management of infective endocarditis in 6 of 29 (20%) cases
Usefulness of procalcitonin for diagnosis of infection in cardiac surgical patients.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of procalcitonin (PCT) as a marker of postoperative infection after cardiac surgery. DESIGN: A prospective single institution three phase study. SETTING: University cardiac surgical intensive care unit (31 beds). PATIENTS: Phase 1: To determine the normal perioperative kinetics of PCT, 20 consecutive patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were included. Phase 2: To determine whether PCT may be useful for diagnosis of postoperative infection, 97 consecutive patients with suspected infection were included. Phase 3: To determine the ability of PCT to differentiate patients with septic shock from those with cardiogenic shock, 26 patients with postoperative circulatory failure were compared. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Phase 1: Serum samples were drawn for PCT determination after induction of anesthesia (baseline), at the end of surgery, and daily until postoperative day (POD) 8. Baseline serum PCT concentration was 0.17 +/- 0.08 ng/mL (mean +/- SD). Serum PCT increased after cardiac surgery with a peak on POD 1 (1.08 +/- 1.36). Serum PCT returned to normal range on POD 3 and remained stable thereafter. Phase 2: In patients with suspected infection, serum PCT was measured at the same time of C-reactive protein (CRP) and bacteriologic samples. Among the 97 included patients, 54 were infected with pneumonia (n = 17), bacteremia (n = 16), mediastinitis (n = 9), or septic shock (n = 12). In the 43 remaining patients, infection was excluded by microbiological examinations. In noninfected patients, serum PCT concentration was 0.41 +/- 0.36 ng/mL (range, 0.08-1.67 ng/mL). Serum PCT concentration was markedly higher in patients with septic shock (96.98 +/- 119.61 ng/mL). Moderate increase in serum PCT concentration occurred during pneumonia (4.85 +/-3.31 ng/mL) and bacteremia (3.57 +/- 2.98 ng/mL). Serum PCT concentration remained low during mediastinitis (0.80 +/- 0.58 ng/mL). Five patients with mediastinitis, two patients with bacteremia, and one patient with pneumonia had serum PCT concentrations of <1 ng/mL. These eight patients were administered antibiotics previously and serum PCT was measured during a therapeutic antibiotic window. For prediction of infection by PCT, the best cutoff value was 1 ng/mL, with sensitivity 85%, specificity 95%, positive predictive value 96%, and negative predictive value 84%. Serum CRP was high in all patients without intergroup difference. For prediction of infection by CRP, a value of 50 mg/L was sensitive (84%) but poorly specific (40%). Comparing the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves, PCT was better than CRP for diagnosis of postoperative sepsis (0.82 for PCT vs. 0.68 for CRP). Phase 3: Serum PCT concentration was significantly higher in patients with septic shock than in those with cardiogenic shock (96.98 +/- 119.61 ng/mL vs. 11.30 +/- 12.3 ng/mL). For discrimination between septic and cardiogenic shock, the best cutoff value was 10 ng/mL, with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 62%. CONCLUSION: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass influences serum PCT concentration with a peak on POD 1. In the presence of fever, PCT is a reliable marker for diagnosis of infection after cardiac surgery, except in patients who previously received antibiotics. PCT was more relevant than CRP for diagnosis of postoperative infection. During a postoperative circulatory failure, a serum PCT concentration >10 ng/mL is highly indicative of a septic shock