4 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Children Living in Orphanages in the City of Douala, Cameroon

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    Introduction: Malnutrition is characterised by metabolic disturbances identified by measurement of anthropometric and biological parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional profile of children living in orphanages and to investigate the factors associated with malnutrition in these institutions. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on subjects aged 0 to 18, living in 13 orphanages in Douala. Socio-demographic data, anthropometric and biological parameters were collected. The diagnosis of malnutrition at the clinical level was based on Z score <-2 for the different index and >2 for Weight-for-Height and Body Mass Index for Age. A blood sample permits the photometric assay of albumin, pre-albumin, and C Reactive Protein. The results were interpreted according to reference values for age. Results: Among the 176 children included, the average age was 10±4 years with a male predominance. The majority of children (51.1%) were placed in orphanages for lack of financial resources, and one or both parents orphaned were 42.1%. The wasting, underweight and stunting rates were 5.6%, 4.7%, and 18.2%, respectively. Hypo-pre-albuminemia and hypo-albuminemia were observed in 42.6% and 34.7% of children respectively. CRP was increased in 5.1% of cases. Stunting and orphanages with one caregiver for more than 5 children were predictive factors for hypo-albuminemia and Hypo-pre-albuminemia. Conclusion: Rates of wasting, stunting and underweight were high. Several children had sub-clinical malnutrition despite normal anthropometric index. These results recall the importance of biology for screening, in order to prevent the occurrence of clinical malnutrition

    Étude de la toxicité aigue et subaigüe de l’extrait au vin des graines de Carica papaya Linn.

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    Objectif: L’étude menée a été de contribuer à l’évaluation de la toxicité aiguë et subaiguë de l’extrait au vin des graines de Carica papaya Linn.Méthodes et Résultats: L’extrait a subi un screening phytochimique et sa qualité microbiologique approuvée suivant la Pharmacopée Européenne. L’essai de toxicité aiguë a été mené sur des souris femelles de Mus musculus à la dose 2000 mg/kg. L’essai de toxicité subaiguë a été réalisé sur une période de 28 jours, avec 4 lots de 6 rats (3 mâles et 3 femelles albinos de la souche Wistar). Le lot 1 a reçu 1 ml/100 g d’eau distillée et les lots 2, 3 et 4 l’extrait aux doses 200, 400 et 800 mg/kg respectivement. Le screening phytochimique a révélé la présence d’alcaloïdes, de tanins, phénols et sucres réducteurs. Les tests de qualité microbiologique n’ont révélé aucun germe. L’administration à dose unique de l’extrait n’a entrainé aucun décès. La DL50 serait comprise entre 2000 et 5000 mg/kg. A doses répétées pendant 28 jours, l’extrait a contribué à une importante croissance pondérale chez les rats à la dose 200 mg/kg et chez les rattes à la dose 400 mg/kg. En outre, il a engendré chez les deux sexes une augmentation de l’ASAT aux trois doses et une diminution de l’ALAT chez les mâles à la dose 800 mg/kg et chez les femelles à la dose 200 mg/kg.Conclusion et Application: L’étude a permis de montrer l'effet thérapeutique potentiel de l'extrait de vin de palme de Carica papaya sur la fonction hépatique et est favorable à la production d’un médicament traditionnel amélioré, après les tests précliniques et cliniques.Mots clés: Carica papaya, graines, vin de palme, toxicité, ratsEnglish Title: Study of acute and subacute toxicity of Carica papaya Linn. Seeds palm wine extractEnglish AbstractObjective: The study was to contribute to the evaluation of the acute and subacute toxicity of the of Carica papaya Linn. seeds palm wine extract.Methods and Results: This extract underwent a phytochemical screening and its microbiological quality approved following European Pharmacopeia. Acute toxicity trials were done on female mice Mus musculus with extract dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight. During 28 days, a subacute toxicity essay was made on 4 groups of 6 Wistar rats (3 individuals per sex). Group I received distilled water and second, third and fourth group received 200, 400, 800 mg/kg body weight respectively of extract. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenols and reducer sugars. Microbiological quality tests  revealed no germ. The administration with single dose of the extract caused no death. The DL50 dose would be between 2000 and 5000 mg/kg. At repeated doses, extract caused an important weight growth of rats at 200 mg/kg body weight in males and 400mg/kg body in females. All extract doses generated an SGOT increase in both sex and SGPT decrease at 800 mg/kg for males and 200 mg/kg for females.Conclusion and Application of results: These showed the potential therapeutic effect of Carica papaya palm wine extract on hepatic function is favorable to the production of an improved traditional drug, after preclinical and clinical tests.Keywords: Carica papaya, seeds, palm wine, toxicity, rat

    Knowledge, practices and attitudes on antibiotics use in Cameroon: Self-medication and prescription survey among children, adolescents and adults in private pharmacies.

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    Benefits of antibiotics are threatened by the self-medication, people's lack of knowledge and inappropriate use of antibiotics, especially in developing countries. This study was designed to determine knowledge; attitudes and practices toward antibiotics use in an urban community, and evaluate the factors that are associated with antibiotic use. Between January and March 2015, a cross sectional and prospective study was conducted in all pharmacies within the Douala IV health district, Cameroon. Anonymous interviews including both open and closed ended questions were conducted in participants selected by convenience sampling Descriptive and logistic regression analysis were performed using StataSE11 software (version 11 SE) and R software (version 3.1.1) in data analysis. Overall 402 (33.7%) of 1,192 customers purchased antibiotics and of these, 47% bought antibiotics without a prescription. 60.7% of purchased antibiotics was for adult 'patients and around 60% of parents carried out self-medication on their children. The vast majority reported that all microbes can be treated with antibiotics (88.3%). The belief that antibiotics are appropriate for bacterial infections was more common among those with a higher level education (OR = 4.03, 95%CI:1.89-8.57, p<0.0001) and among public/private servants (OR = 2.47, 95%CI:1.21-5.08, p = 0.013). Physicians provide less explanations about antibiotics are and their potential side effects than the pharmacy auxiliaries (OR = 0.205, 95%CI = 0.09-0.46, p<0.0001), but more than pharmacists (OR = 3.692, 95%CI:1.44-9.25, p = 0.005). Indications on antibiotics use were 7 times more given to customers with a prescription compared to those without a prescription (OR = 7.37, 95% CI = 2.13-25.43, p = 0.002). Adult male (OR = 2.32, 95%CI:1.24-4.34, p = 0.009) and higher education (OR = 2.05, 95%CI:1.08-3.89, p = 0.027) were significantly associated with self-medication. Misuse, little "practical knowledge" and high self-medication confirm the unsatisfactory prescription and dispensing practices of the antibiotics in our country. These results highlight the important of the development and implementation appropriate guidelines for the responsible use of antibiotics for health care providers and health education targeting community members themselves

    Étude de la toxicité aigüe et subaigüe de l’extrait au vin de palme des rhizomes de Curcuma longa Linn.

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    Objectif : L’étude menée a été de contribuer à l’évaluation de la toxicité aiguë et subaiguë de l’extrait au vin depalme des graines de Cucurma longa Linn. (cucurma)Méthodologie et Résultats : L’extrait a subi un screening phytochimique et sa qualité microbiologique approuvéesuivant la Pharmacopée Européenne. L’essai de toxicité aiguë a été mené sur des souris femelles de Musmusculus à la dose 2000 mg/kg. L’essai de toxicité subaiguë a été réalisé sur une période de 28 jours, avec 4lots de 6 rats (3 mâles et 3 femelles albinos de la souche Wistar). Le lot I a reçu 1 ml/100 g d’eau distillée et les lots II, III et IV l’extrait aux doses 200, 400 et 800 mg/kg respectivement. Le screening phytochimique a révélé la présence d’alcaloïdes, de tanins, phénols et sucres réducteurs. Les tests de qualité microbiologique n’ont révélé aucun germe. L’administration à dose unique de l’extrait n’a entrainé aucun décès. La DL50 de l’extrait est donc supérieure à 2000 mg/kg. A doses répétées pendant 28 jours, l’extrait a contribué à une croissance pondérale non significative chez les rats à toutes les la doses chez les rats mâles et femelles. En outre, il a engendré également chez une augmentation de l’aspartate aminotransférase (ASAT) et de l’alanine aminotransférase (ALAT) aux trois doses de l’extrait chez les deux.Conclusion et Application : L’étude a permis de montrer que l’extrait au vin de palme des rhizomes de Curcuma longa Linn. a une DL50 supérieure à 2000 mg/kg et est favorable à la production d’un médicament traditionnel amélioré, après les tests précliniques et cliniques.Mots clés : Curcuma longa, rhizomes, vin de palme, toxicité, souris, rats Study of acute and subacute toxicity of extract from the palm wine of rhizomes of Curcuma longa Linn.Objective: The study was to contribute to the evaluation of the acute and subacute toxicity of the palm wine extract of seeds of Carica papaya Linn.Methodology and Results: The extract underwent a phytochemical screening and its microbiological qualityapproved according to the European Pharmacopoeia. The acute toxicity test was conducted in female Mus musculus mice at a dose of 2000 mg/Kg. The subacute toxicity test was conducted over a 28-day period, with 4 batches of 6 rats (3 males and 3 albinos of the Wistar strain). Lot I received 1 mL/100 g of distilled water and lots II, III and IV extracted at doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/Kg respectively. Phytochemical screening revealed the  presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenols and reducing sugars. Microbiological quality tests revealed no contamination. The single-dose administration of the extract resulted in no deaths. The LD50 of the extract was therefore greater than 2000 mg/Kg. At repeated doses for 28 days, the extract contributed to insignificant weight growth in rats at all dose levels in male and female rats. In addition, it also resulted in an increase of ASAT andALAT at all three doses of the extract in both.Conclusion and Application: The study showed that the palm wine extract of Curcuma longa Linn rhizomes has an LD50 greater than 2000 mg/Kg and is favorable to the production of an improved traditional medicine, after the preclinical and clinical tests.Keywords: Curcuma longa, rhizomes, palm wine, toxicity, mice, rat