71 research outputs found

    Is the liberal state secular? How much state-religion separation is necessary to secure liberal-democratic ideals

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    Is it a mistake to assume that liberal democracy requires a strict separation of state and religion like the French or US model? In her new book, CĂ©cile Laborde starts from four universal liberal-democratic ideals and asks how much, and what kind of, state separation from religion is required to secure these ideals. By extracting the minimal secular core of liberal democracy she shows that there is a broad range of permissible secularisms

    Religion in the Law: The Disaggregation Approach

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    Should religion be singled out in the law? This Article evaluates two influential theories of freedom of religion in political theory, before introducing an alternative one. The first approach, the Substitution approach, argues that freedom of religion can be adequately expressed by a substitute category: typically, freedom of conscience. The second, the Proxy approach, argues that the notion of religion should be upheld in the law, albeit as a proxy for a range of different goods. After showing that neither approach adequately meets crucial desiderata for an inclusive theory of religious freedom, the Article sets out the Disaggregation approach and defends against the alternatives

    Justice, gender and the politics of multiculturalism

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    Multiculturalism, religion and race

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    Given the spontaneous intersectionality of religious and racial identities, it is surprising that western political theory has maintained an ‘acoustical separation’ (Stolzenberg 2011), between the two. In the work of John Rawls, for example, race and religion are distinct categories that pertain to different normative universes. The pioneering work of Tariq Modood offers a welcome corrective to this tendency. It draws on a distinctive European (and global) historical sociology, whereas much of Rawlsian and post-Rawlsian political philosophy remains more comfortable in the intellectual home of the US constitution and the specific trajectory of American law. In this chapter, I seek to explain what is at stake in these differing conceptualisations of race and religion. I first account for Rawls’s bifurcated views of religion and race, before describing the rationale behind Modood’s more integrated view. In the last section, I will offer some thoughts towards an interpretive framework that retrieves the gist of Rawls’s insights while shedding light on the crucial normative dimensions of Modood’s theory

    The pornographic effect of art

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    L’idĂ©e-force de cette thĂšse est que littĂ©rature et sexualitĂ© ont partie liĂ©e, mais Ă©galement et surtout, que la potentielle sexualisation de l’art verbal, Ă  l’écriture comme Ă  la lecture des textes, ne se limite pas Ă  un genre spĂ©cifique d’écrits (qui irait du sentimental, au pornographique, en passant par l’érotique). La sexualisation Ă  rĂ©ception, toujours alĂ©atoire, dĂ©pend de la force du style et de la sensibilitĂ© des lecteurs. La thĂ©orie de la rĂ©ception que nous tentons de construire postule qu’il n’y a ni grand, ni petit art, ni arts majeurs, ni arts mineurs. L’art est un effet produit par la rencontre entre une oeuvre et un public ; il se manifeste intĂ©gralement en sensations. L’effet de l’art atteint son paroxysme lorsqu’il se fait pornographique. Cet effet pornographique de l’art, dont nous souhaitons cerner les conditions de dĂ©clenchement et de matĂ©rialisation Ă  rĂ©ception, Ă©mane de crĂ©ations littĂ©raires dont le style attire, sĂ©duit, aimante, captive et ravit les lecteurs, en leur offrant une vision de l’humain dans ce qu’il a de plus fragile et fascinant : son intimitĂ© la plus profonde et la plus cachĂ©e, son sexe. Pour apprĂ©hender ce vĂ©cu si intense et si rare qu’offrent certains textes, nous tendrons Ă  dĂ©finir l’idĂ©e de style pornographique, au sens de crĂ©ation par le style d’un effet pornographique. Puis, nous nous intĂ©resserons plus largement Ă  la portĂ©e et Ă  la valeur de ce style, en proposant une typologie des principaux phĂ©nomĂšnes qu’il dĂ©clenche Ă  rĂ©ception. Enfin, si l’effet pornographique est l’horizon vers lequel tout Ă©crit littĂ©raire tend, cet effet ne demeure, cependant, qu’un horizon. De ce fait, il conviendra de prĂ©ciser, dans un troisiĂšme temps, les limites et les dangers du pornographique.The main idea of this thesis is not only that literature and sexuality are related, but also that the sexualization of art, during the writing and the reading as well, is not restricted to specific literary genres (sentimental, erotic, or pornographic). The sexualization, always uncertain, is both due to the strength of style and to the readers’ sensitivity. The theory of reception we intend to elaborate is based on the idea that there is neither high art nor low art. Art is an effect caused by the encounter of a work and a public. Art is nothing but sensation. Art can recreate some reality by means of invoking sensations.The effect of art reaches its paroxysm when it becomes pornographic.This pornographic effect is derived from literary texts whose style attracts, seduces, captivates and ravishes readers, by revealing the most deep and the most secret intimacy of humans : their sex. We intend to see where, when and how this effect may happen. First, we’ll try to define what we mean by “pornographic style”, in other words what in style manages to create a pornographic effect on readers. Then, we'll attempt to bring to light the many phenomena it induced. However, even if the pornographic effect is the main purpose of art, it has to remain an horizon. Therefore, we'll have to consider the limits and risks of all pornography


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    The Evanescence of Neutrality

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    Conditions nautiques et aménagement portuaires de l'estuaire de la Gironde de 1850 à nos jours : essai de cartographie

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    La vie maritime a toujours tiré partie des voies naturelles de pénétration que sont les estuaires. Au milieu du XIXÚme siÚcle, Bordeaux port de fond d'estuaire, est situé à l'interface des grandes routes maritimes et des flux commerciaux intérieurs. L'année 1850 marque l'entrée de l'estuaire de la Gironde et du port de Bordeaux dans l'Úre des travaux et des aménagements qui ne cesseront de modifier la morphologie et les potentialités d'accueil de la Gironde. L'homme a ainsi pris en charge la vocation maritime et commerciale du port et par cela en assurer ses activités, son développement et donc son avenir.Laborde Cécile. Conditions nautiques et aménagement portuaires de l'estuaire de la Gironde de 1850 à nos jours : essai de cartographie. In: Travaux du Laboratoire de Géographie Physique Appliquée, n°17, Février 1999 1998. pp. 37-63
