26 research outputs found

    Dvojezičnost in jezikovno izobraževanje za izboljšanje kognitivnega zdravja starejših ljudi

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    This article explores whether lifelong bilingualism can be associated with delayed age-related cognitive decline, with cognitive (or brain) reserve as the mechanism that compensates by positively increasing the functional capacity of the brain for older persons. A structural review of recent psychoneurolinguistic studies shows that older bilinguals display several years of delay in dementia symptoms as compared to monolinguals, as well as that positive effects exist in bilingual brain networks, also related to other neurodegenerative disorders. The field is clearly missing an established methodology, nevertheless, lifelong bilingualism can be considered to induce cognitive reserve. Drawing from these implications, we hypothesize that successful ageing could be facilitated by the active use of multiple languages, and in this light, we discuss language education for older persons, the role of Third Age Universities, the implementation of crucial aspects in such courses, and the proper assessment of the effectiveness of language proficiency and cognition.V članku raziskujemo, ali lahko vseživljenjsko dvojezičnost povezujemo z zamikom starostnega pešanja kognitivnih sposobnosti in kognitivno rezervo kot mehanizmom, ki pozitivno vpliva na možganske zmogljivosti pri starejših ljudeh. Pregled novejših psiho- in nevrolingvističnih študij kaže, da pri starejših dvojezičnih osebah prihaja do večletnega zamika pojava simptomov demence v primerjavi z enojezičnimi osebami ter da obstajajo pozitivni učinki dvojezičnih možganskih mrež, prav tako povezani z drugimi nevrodegenerativnimi boleznimi. Na tem področju manjka metodologija, vendar pa lahko vseživljenjsko dvojezičnost povezujemo tudi s kognitivno rezervo. Na tej podlagi lahko postavimo hipotezo, da k zdravemu staranju lahko pripomore tudi aktivna raba več jezikov, na podlagi tega pa razpravljamo o jezikovni izobrazbi za starejše ljudi, vlogi univerz za tretje življenjsko obdobje, izvajanju kritičnih vidikov tovrstnih tečajev ter ustrezni oceni učinkovitosti znanja jezikov in kognicije

    Nastava iz prirodoslovnog područja za slijepu djecu i djecu s oštećenjima vida

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    Nowadays, science education is based predominantly on the principle of constructivism, according to which children should be active participants in the learning process and construct their knowledge based on experience. For blind or visually impaired children, science education methods and educational tools must be adapted according to their perceptual needs, in order for these children to be active participants in the learning process. The aim of the current paper is to describe the latest view on active and inquiry-based learning in science education for blind or visually impaired children while simultaneously minimizing misconceptions. Further, the paper compiles the recent research that enables prosperous and high-quality adaptive educational approaches and tools. Thus, the content of this paper will be useful for both science teachers and researchers of inclusive classrooms.Nastava iz prirodoslovnog područja danas se najčešće temelji na principima konstruktivizma prema kojima djeca trebaju biti aktivni sudionici procesa učenja i izgrađivati svoje znanje na temelju iskustva. Metode i sredstva korištena u nastavi prirodoslovnog područja moraju biti prilagođeni perceptivnim potrebama slijepe djece i djece s oštećenjima vida kako bi im se omogućilo aktivno sudjelovanje u procesu učenja. Cilj ovoga rada je opisati posljednje spoznaje o aktivnom i istraživačkom učenju slijepe djece i djece s oštećenjima vida u nastavi prirodoslovnog područja te otkloniti postojeće zablude. Nadalje, rad predstavlja recentna istraživanja koja ukazuju na prilagođene uspješne i visokokvalitetne odgojno-obrazovne pristupe i metode. S obzirom na navedeno, sadržaj rada bit će od koristi nastavnicima iz prirodoslovnog područja, kao i istraživačima inkluzivnih učionica

    Unleashing the potential of dance: a neuroplasticity-based approach bridging from older adults to Parkinson’s disease patients

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects >1% of individuals worldwide and is manifested by motor symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, as well as non-motor symptoms such as cognitive impairment and depression. Non-pharmacological interventions such as dance therapy are becoming increasingly popular as complementary therapies for PD, in addition to pharmacological treatments that are currently widely available. Dance as a sensorimotor activity stimulates multiple layers of the neural system, including those involved in motor planning and execution, sensory integration, and cognitive processing. Dance interventions in healthy older people have been associated with increased activation of the prefrontal cortex, as well as enhanced functional connectivity between the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. Overall, the evidence suggests that dance interventions can induce neuroplastic changes in healthy older participants, leading to improvements in both motor and cognitive functions. Dance interventions involving patients with PD show better quality of life and improved mobility, whereas the literature on dance-induced neuroplasticity in PD is sparse. Nevertheless, this review argues that similar neuroplastic mechanisms may be at work in patients with PD, provides insight into the potential mechanisms underlying dance efficacy, and highlights the potential of dance therapy as a non-pharmacological intervention in PD. Further research is warranted to determine the optimal dance style, intensity, and duration for maximum therapeutic benefit and to determine the long-term effects of dance intervention on PD progression

    The influence of lifestyle interventions and overweight on infertility: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of lifestyle intervention (LSI) on diagnosed infertility in overweight and obese women. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted. A literature search was performed on the following databases from September 2022 to December 2022: PubMed, Web of Science, and SPORTDiscus. The inclusion criteria were the following: women between 18 and 45 years of age, BMI over 25.0 kg/m2, diagnosed with infertility, a weight loss intervention, and control group part of RCTs. In total, 15 studies were identified and included. The meta-analysis shows a beneficial effect of LSI on reducing weight, waist circumference, and BMI and increasing infertility. A significantly beneficial effect of lifestyle intervention on weight reduction was observed for participants who initially had a higher BMI, while a non-significant effect was observed for individuals with a BMI above 35 kg/m2. The meta-analysis showed a beneficial effect of lifestyle intervention on ovulation incidence and sex hormone-binding globulin. The lifestyle intervention group had 11.23 times more ovulatory incidence than the control group, which in turn increased the ability to conceive. As robust evidence for the effect of lifestyle interventions on infertility in obese and overweight women was found, it is advised to integrate similar interventions into future infertility treatment processes

    Frequency-Dependent Properties of a Fluid Jet Stimulus: Calibration, Modeling, and Application to Cochlear Hair Cell Bundles

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    The investigation of small physiological mechano-sensory systems, such as hair cells or their accessory structures in the inner ear or lateral line organ, requires mechanical stimulus equipment that allows spatial manipulation with micrometer precision and stimulation with amplitudes down to the nanometer scale. Here, we describe the calibration of a microfluid jet produced by a device that was designed to excite individual cochlear hair cell bundles or cupulae of the fish superficial lateral line system. The calibration involves a precise definition of the linearity and time- and frequency-dependent characteristics of the fluid jet as produced by a pressurized fluid-filled container combined with a glass pipette having a microscopically sized tip acting as an orifice. A procedure is described that can be applied during experiments to obtain a fluid jet’s frequency response, which may vary with each individual glass pipette. At small orifice diameters (<15 μm), the fluid velocity of the jet is proportional to the displacement of the piezoelectric actuator pressurizing the container’s volume and is suitable to stimulate the hair bundles of sensory hair cells. With increasing diameter, the fluid jet velocity becomes proportional to the actuator’s velocity. The experimentally observed characteristics can be described adequately by a dynamical model of damped fluid masses coupled by elastic components

    Coastal flood risk assessment

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    The escalating frequency and severity of climate-related hazards in the Mediterranean, particularly in the historic town of Piran, Slovenia, underscore the critical need for enhanced coastal flood prediction and efficient early warning systems. This study delves into the impediments of available coastal flood hazard maps and the existing early warning system, which rely on distant sensors, neglecting the town’s unique microclimate. The current study leverages the public registry maintained by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (URSZR), an underutilized resource for generating comprehensive and accurate flooding maps for Piran. Here, we show that in the historic town of Piran, floodings reported through the national registry can be used to map coastal flooding by means of verification and validation of the georeferenced reports therein, with subsequent correlation analysis (hotspot, cluster, and elevation polygons) that show temporal and spatial patterns. The innovative approach adopted in this study aims to bolster the accuracy and reliability of flooding data, offering a more nuanced understanding of flood patterns (in Piran, but generally applicable where national or regional registries are available). The findings of this research illuminate the pressing need for localized field-report and sensor systems to enhance the precision of flood predictions. The study underscores the pivotal role of accurate, localized data in fortifying coastal towns against the escalating impacts of climate change, safeguarding both the inhabitants and the invaluable architectural heritage of historic areas

    i : systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: For patients with osteoarthritis who have undergone total knee arthroplasty (TKA), quadriceps strength is a major determinant of general physical function regardless of the parameters adopted for functional assessment. Understanding the time course of quadriceps strength recovery and effectiveness of different rehabilitation protocols is a must. Therefore, the aim of this study was to: (i) determine the magnitude of maximal voluntary strength (MVS) loss and the time course of recovery of the quadriceps muscle following TKA, (ii) identify potential moderators of strength outcomes, and (iii) investigate whether different rehabilitation practices can moderate the strength outcomes following TKA, respectively. Design: General scientific databases and relevant journals in the field of orthopedics were searched, identifying prospective studies that investigated quadriceps’ MVS pre-to post-surgery. Results: Seventeen studies with a total of 832 patients (39% males) were included. Results showed that in the early post-operative days, the involved quadriceps’ MVS markedly declined, after which it slowly recovered over time in a linear fashion. Thus, the greatest decline of the MVS was observed 3 days after TKA. When compared to pre-operative values, the MVS was still significantly lower 3 months after TKA and did not fully recover up to 6 months following TKA. Furthermore, a meta-regression analysis identified that the variables, time point of evaluation, patient age, sex, and BMI, significantly moderate the MVS of the quadriceps muscle. Conclusion: The analyzed literature data showed that the decrease in strength of the involved quadriceps muscles following TKA is considerable and lasts for several months post-surgery. Therefore, we recommend to specifically target the strengthening of knee extensor muscles, preserve motor control, and apply appropriate nutrition to ensure a holistic quadriceps muscle recovery. Since age, sex, and BMI were found to be moderating factors in patients’ recovery, further research should include specific analyses considering these moderators

    Prehranski vnos energije pri slovenskih polprofesionalnih rokometaših in rokometašicah

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    Aim: Handball is a highly popular team sport, both in Slovenia and globally. The performance during team sport matches is influenced by numerous factors, amongst others there is nutrition whose influence is lesser known, particularly since diet is often uncontrolled. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Slovenian handball players, on basis of their anthropometric data and nutritional recommendations, have adequate nutritional intakes of energy and macronutrients. Methods: Two Slovenian handball teams with male and female players (17 males and 9 females) who are part of the 1A national league, were assessed through a 7-day food diary to define their nutritional intake in three different conditions for males (on their training days, match days and days off) and in two conditions for females (on their training days and days off). Basal anthropometric data were measured by standard methods and the body composition by a bioelectrical impedance scale. The results were statistically analysed with IBM SPSS programme, using the repeated measures ANOVA model. Results: Both female and male handball players show insufficient amounts of energy intake, based on the most recent nutritional intake recommendations for team sports. Moreover, the intake of carbohydrates is too low for both female and male handball players, and the intake of fat is too high. Conclusion: The analysis of the initial nutritional intake and the comparison with the recommendation shows that the male handball players do not have an optimal diet with proper intake of both energy and macronutrients. The energy intake is insufficient also in female players. Adjusting the nutritional intake in a way to make it more balanced and tuned to the training schedule, would support a better health and performance.Namen: Rokomet je eden od bolj razširjenih ekipnih športov v Sloveniji in svetu. Tako kot na vse druge športe, tudi na rokomet vplivajo številni dejavniki. Eden izmed njih je tudi prehrana. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti ali imajo slovenski rokometaši ustrezen vnos energije in makrohranil. Metode: V raziskavi sta sodelovali 2 rokometni ekipi 1.a slovenske lige, sodelovalo je 26 rokometašev in rokometašic (17 moških in 9 žensk). Podatke o prehranskem vnosu pri rokometaših in rokometašicah smo v treh različnih okoliščinah (na dan treninga, na dan tekme in na prost dan) zbirali 1 teden. Prehranski vnos smo ocenili z metodo prehranskega dnevnika, telesno sestavo smo izmerili z bioimpedančno tehtnico. Podatke smo obdelali v računalniškem programu IBM SPSS, uporabili smo model ANOVA. Rezultati: Tako rokometaši kot tudi rokometašice nimajo zadostnega energijskega vnosa. Nadalje, oboji imajo prenizek vnos ogljikovih hidratov ter previsok vnos maščob. Zaključki: Ugotovili smo, da rokometaši, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, nimajo optimalne prehrane z ustreznim vnosom energije in makrohranil, ki bi podpirala njihovo zdravje in zmogljivost. Tudi energijski vnos pri rokometašicah je prenizek. S prilagoditvijo prehrane svojim potrebam, bi lahko rokometaši dosegali boljše rezultate na treningu in tekmah

    A perspective on implementation of technology-driven exergames for adults as telerehabilitation services

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    A major concern of public health authorities is to also encourage adults to be exposed to enriched environments (sensory and cognitive-motor activity) during the pandemic lockdown, as was recently the case worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak. Games for adults that require physical activity, known as exergames, offer opportunities here. In particular, the output of the gaming industry nowadays offers computer games with extended reality (XR) which combines real and virtual environments and refers to human-machine interactions generated by computers and wearable technologies. For example, playing the game in front of a computer screen while standing or walking on a force plate or treadmill allows the user to react to certain infrastructural changes and obstacles within the virtual environment. Recent developments, optimization, and minimizations in wearable technology have produced wireless headsets and sensors that allow for unrestricted whole-body movement. This makes the virtual experience more immersive and provides the opportunity for greater engagement than traditional exercise. Currently, XR serves as an umbrella term for current immersive technologies as well as future realities that enhance the experience with features that produce new controllable environments. Overall, these technology-enhanced exergames challenge the adult user and modify the experience by increasing sensory stimulation and creating an environment where virtual and real elements interact. As a therapy, exergames can potentially create new environments and visualizations that may be more ecologically valid and thus simulate real activities of daily living that can be trained. Furthermore, by adding telemedicine features to the exergame, progress over time can be closely monitored and feedback provided, offering future opportunities for cognitive-motor assessment. To more optimally serve and challenge adults both physically and cognitively over time in future lockdowns, there is a need to provide long-term remote training and feedback. Particularly related to activities of daily living that create opportunities for effective and lasting rehabilitation for elderly and sufferers from chronic non-communicable diseases (CNDs). The aim of the current review is to envision the remote training and monitoring of physical and cognitive aspects for adults with limited mobility (due to disability, disease, or age), through the implementation of concurrent telehealth and exergame features using XR and wireless sensor technologies