18 research outputs found

    Levantamento de Ericaceae Juss. no Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo. Survey of Ericaceae Juss. in Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo.

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    Este trabalho consiste no levantamentoflorístico e estudo taxonômico de Ericaceae Juss.no Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra doMar, São Paulo. Para reconhecimento das espéciessão apresentadas chaves de identificações,descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica efenologia. Foram identificados dois táxons: Gaylussacia brasiliensis(Spreng.) Meisn. var. Brasiliensise G. rhododendron Cham & Schltdl.This work consists of a floristic surveyand taxonomical study of the Ericaceae Juss. atNúcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra doMar, São Paulo. Keys of identification, descriptions,illustrations, geographic distribution and phenologyare presented. Two taxons were recorded: Gaylussacia brasiliensis(Spreng.) Meisn. var. Brasiliensisand G. rhododendron Cham. & Schltdl

    Levantamento de Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. no Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

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    Este estudo consistiu no levantamento florístico e estudo taxonômico de Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. no Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. O trabalho consta de chaves de identificação, descrições morfológicas, ilustrações, dados de distribuição geográfica e de fenologia. A família está representada na área por quatro gêneros e sete espécies: Besleria selloana Klotzsch & Hanst., Codonanthe gracilis (Mart.) Hanst., Nematanthus bradei (Handro) Chautems, N. gregarius D.L. Denham, N. maculatus (Fritsch) Wiehler, N. wettsteinii (Fritsch) H.E. Moore e Sinningia elatior (Kunth) Chautems. Nematanthus wettsteinii e N. maculatus foram registradas pela primeira vez na área de estudo

    Abutilon fluviatile Schumann H 1891

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    Abutilon fluviatile (Vell.) Schumann (1891: 400). Sida fluviatilis Vellozo (1829: 278). Type: Fl. flum. t. 7: 1827! Fig. 3H–K. Designated by Fryxell (2002). Abutilon peltatum Schumann (1891: 398). Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Caldas, A.F. Regnell I-170 (isotype US!). syn. nov. Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to Brazil, occurring in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina. In the state of São Paulo the distribution of this species is concentrated in Campinas and surroundings, with all, except for one (G. Hashimoto s.n., SP58285), which is from the municipality of Cananéia. It grows in forest semideciduous and dense rainforest. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Campinas, 3 June 1977, N . Taroda et al. 4943 (UEC, SP); 3 July 1979, H. F . Leitão-Filho 10147 (UEC); 29 September 1980, M. R . Siqueira 13019 (UEC); 8 September 1982, M . Sazima 14184 (UEC); 17 September 1982, M . Sazima 14185 (UEC); 15 September 1983, S. C . Chiea 356 (SP); 15 September 1993, M. M . Pinto 15083 (UEC); 14 November 1986, L. A. F . Mathos 24049 (UEC); 26 September 1990, P. L. R . de Moraes et al. 23643 (UEC); 24 June 1991, C. S . Carmo et al. 24313 (ESA, UEC); 12 September 1995, R. B . Cardamone et al. 185 (UEC, SP); 18 June 1996, T . Spinelli et al.107 (UEC); 17 August 1996, K . Santos 12 (UEC); 15 May 1997, K . Santos 238 (UEC); 28 June 2004, L. C . Bernarcci 3752 (IAC). Cananéia, 28 February 1949, G . Hashimoto s.n. (SP58285). Carioba, 22 May 1943, M . Kulmann 877 (SP). Guariba, 11 March 1991, I . Cordeiro et al. 840 (SP, SPF). Matão, 15 July 1995, A . Rozza 172 (ESA). Piracicaba, 6 June 1984, E. L. M . Catharino 92 (ESA, SP); ibid., 22 August 1987, E. L. M . Catharino 1108 (ESA, SP); 2 October 1990, A . da Silva Dias s.n. (ESA6830, MBM189291, SP 295944); 2 October 1990, M. I. A . de Barros s.n. (ESA6768, SP 293505); 14 April 1993, K . D. Barretto et al. 257 (ESA, MBM, SP); 14 July 1993, V. C . Souza et al. 6005 (ESA, UEC, SP). Porto Ferreira, 30 June 1981, J. E. A . Bertonni 18651 (UEC, RB). Minas Gerais: Fortaleza de Minas, 3 December 1981, L. E . Mello 5118 (R). Paraná, Conselheiro Mairinck, 20 October 1999, J . Carneiro 772 (MBM). Rio de Janeiro: Mangaratiba, 25 March 2001, M. G . Bovini 1801 et al. (RB). Santa Catarina: Penha, 16 January 1985, A . Krapovickas & C. L. Cristóbal 39600 (MBM, RB). Abutilon fluviatile and A. peltatum were compared by Schumann (1891) using features of the leaf blades (entire with rounded base in A. fluviatile sub-trilobate with cordate base in A. peltatum). We here consider A. peltatum a synonym of A. fluviatile based on the analysis of material from the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, which show a large range of variation in relation to these characteristics, with specimens from the same locality having entire to sub-trilobate leaf blades, and rounded to cordate base, like those from the locality of Santa Genebra, in Campinas. Abutilon fluviatile is readily recognized by having mericarps dorsally covered in long, simple trichomes, and by its peltate leaf blades, the latter being considered unique for this genus in São Paulo. It is similar to A. amoenum and A. mouraei in the indumentum on the branches and calyx, but is distinctive in its acute to shortly acuminate calyx lobes, and mericarps with smooth dorsal suture. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. peltatum should not be considered a threatened species. Abutilon mouraei Schumann (1891: 410). Type: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Serra da Mantiqueira, s.a., A.F.M. Glaziou 13542 (lectotype P, duplicate C-4, K!, P, photo F-9278). Fig. 3L–N. Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to Brazil, only a few collections are known from Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and in the state of São Paulo, only two specimens from the same locality in Serra da Mantiqueira above 1200 m elevation, one of which was collected during fieldwork for the present research. It grows in wet areas in dense rainforest margins. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: São Bento do Sapucaí, 17 August 1994, T . Y. Tamashiro 539 et al. (SP, SPF, UEC); 27 May 2010, C . Takeuchi & T. Takeuchi 73 (SP). Minas Gerais: s.l., 16 August 1969, D. Sucre 5785 (RB). Rio de Janeiro: Resende, 17 May 2007, V . F. Mansano 7-405 et al. (RB); 16 April 2005, I . Cordeiro 2992 et al. (SP). Abutilon mouraei is easily recognized by its cupuliform calyx with the basal portion rounded, and long simple white trichomes. It can be confused with A. amoenum, but is distinctive in its distribution, leaf characters, petals and mericarps as mentioned in the key. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. mouraei should be included in the Vulnerable category. Abutilon amoenum Schumann (1891: 41). Type: BRAZIL, s.l., s.a., F. Sellow s.n. (holotype B, photo F-9261!). Fig. 3F–G. Distribution and habitat:— Abutilon amoenum has a restricted distribution in the state of São Paulo, from Caraguatatuba to the south, spreading from there throughout the south of Brazil to Argentina and Paraguay. It grows in semideciduous forest and on margins of dense rainforest, often on riverbanks. Specimens examined:— ARGENTINA. Missiones: Monte Carlos, 3 January 1968, A . Krapovickas & C. L. Cristóbal 13683 (CESJ, ESA). BRAZIL. São Paulo: Caraguatatuba, 20 October 2000, G. L . Esteves et al. 2760 (MBM, R, SP, SPSF). Eldorado, 10 August 1971, H. F . Leitão Filho 1239 (IAC). Iporanga, 30 July 1990, J. M . D. Torezan & M . Silveira 43 (R, SP). São Paulo, June 1911, H . Luederwaldt 2159 (RB, SP); 25 October 1943, s. col. (SPSF1879); 25 October 1943, D. Bento Pickel 1880 (SPSF). Campinas (cultivated), 22 November 1977, N . Taroda 6729 (UEC). Paraná: Curitiba, 9 July 2010, C . Takeuchi & C. V. da Silva 80 (SP). Rio Grande do Sul: Bento Gonçalves, 5 January 1982, A . Krapovickas & C. L. Cristóbal 37582 (CESJ, ESA, UPCB, SPF). Santa Catarina: Concórdia, 16 September 1994, G . Hatchsbach 61055 & J. M . Silva (MBM, SPF). This is the first record of A. amoenum in the state of São Paulo. The material of this species found in several herbaria was mistakenly identified as either Abutilon costicalyx K.Schum. ex Baker or as Abutilon mulleri-friderici Gürke & K.Schum. The presence of glandular trichomes on the branches, petioles, pedicels and calyx, and the staminal tube inserted beyond the corolla, however, left no doubt as to the identification of these specimens as A. amoenum. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. amoenum should not be considered a threatened species. Abutilon longifolium Schumann (1891: 402). Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Quilombo to Bonfim, s.a., Pohl 3001 (lectotype W). Fig. 3A–D, 5I. Distribution and habitat:— Abutilon longifolium is endemic to Brazil (Minas Gerais and São Paulo). In the state of São Paulo, it has a restricted distribution, concentrated in the municipality of Monte Alegre do Sul and surroundings. It grows in dense rainforest, often on riverbanks. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Amparo, 28 May 1927, F. C . Hoehne s.n. (SP20586). Águas de Lindóia, 17 August 1968, W . Hoehne 6249 (IAC, SP); 4 June 2001, P . Fiaschi 831 & F. S. Berchez (SP, SPSF). Campinas, December 1894, C . Novaes 119 (SP); 16 August 1996, K . Santos 4 (UEC); 15 May 1997, K . Santos 237 (IAC, UEC, SP). Monte Alegre do Sul, 26 March 1943, M . Kuhlmann 347 (SP); 28 May 1999, S. L . Jung-Mendaçolli et al. 1008 (IAC); 14 June 1994, L. C . Bernacci et al. 352 (HRCB, IAC, SP, SPF, UEC); 9 December 2009, C . Takeuchi & G. L. Esteves 67 (SP). Vinhedo, 23 November 1978, A. F . Silva 8860 et al. (UEC); 25 August 1983, W. V . da Rocha 15569 (UEC). Minas Gerais: Santa Rita do Sapucaí, 3 July 1993, M . Brandão 22067 & M. C . Araújo (PAMG); 7 July 1996, O. S . Ribas 1409 (MBM). Abutilon longifolium exhibits several unique characters: pendant flowers, tubular calyx, vinaceous anthers and schizocarp totally enclosed by the calyx (all other species studied having cupuliform calyces, yellowish to reddish anthers, and schizocarp partially enclosed in the calyx. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. longifolium should not be considered a threatened species.Published as part of Takeuchi, Cátia & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2012, Synopsis of Abutilon (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 39-57 in Phytotaxa 44 (1) on pages 47-49, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.44.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/505906

    Abutilon macranthum Saint-Hilaire A 1824

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    Abutilon macranthum Saint-Hilaire (1824: 208). Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Onça, s.a., A. St.-Hilaire B 1700 (holotype P, isotype B, photo F-9276!, US!). Fig. 2A–C. Abutilon lanatum Miquel (1849: 553). Type: BRASIL. Minas Gerais: Caldas, s.d., A.F. Regnell I-13 (holotype S, isotypes C-2, F!, K!, US!). syn. nov. Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo). In the state of São Paulo, its distribution is restricted to a stretch of land near the border with Minas Gerais in the municipality of Pedregulho to Serra Mantiqueira above 1200 m elevation, in semideciduous forest and dense rainforest, on forest margins, often on riverbanks. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Águas da Prata, 24 May 1990, D. V . Toledo Filho & J. E. Bertoni 25988 (UEC, SPSF); s.a., D. V . Toledo Filho s.n. (SP 259576, SPSF14677). Campos do Jordão, 4 May 1940, G . Hashimoto 36 (SP); 26 August 1967, J . Mattos 15052 & N . Mattos (SP); 29 January 1980, A . Krapovickas & C. L. Cristóbal 35506 (ESA, MBM, SP); 3 June 1984, M. J . Robim s.n. (SP 259557; SPSF8501); 1 November 1984, M. J . Robim & J. P. M . Carvalho s.n. (SP 259559, SPSF 761); 21 October 1989, J. R . Pirani et al. 2510 (SP, SPF); 31 January 1992, S . Buzato & M. Sazima 26852 (UEC); 12 August 1992, S . Xavier et al. 297 (SPSF); 9 October 1992, S . Buzato & M. Sazima 27198 (UEC); 26 March 2009, C . Takeuchi & A. C . Pscheidt 53 (SP); 27 March 2009, C . Takeuchi & A. C . Pscheidt 54 (SP); 27 March 2009, C . Takeuchi & A. C . Pscheidt 55 (SP); 25 May 2010, C . Takeuchi & T . Takeuchi 70 (SP). Espírito Santo do Pinhal, 16 August 1948, H. P . Krug s.n. (IAC 10044). Moji-Mirim, 26 May 1936, A . Gehrt s.n. (SP35504). Pedregulho, 10 December 1998, L . Custódio & T . Custódio 498 (SPSF); 15 August 2006, N . Guerin 27 (SPSF); 17 August 2006, N . Guerin 58 (MBM, SPSF). Pindamonhangaba, 8 June 1997, S. A . Nicolau et al. 3298 (SP); 22 July 2009, C . Takeuchi & G. L. Esteves 63 (SP). Minas Gerais: Monte Verde, 17 October 2001, L . D. Meireles 670 & M. F. P. de A. Pereira (SP). Poços de Caldas, 15 June 1981, K . Yamamoto 1052 et al. (UEC). Abutilon lanatum is here synonymized under A. macranthum because it presents the same diagnostic characters, especially the entire to sub-trilobate leaf blades, and the wooly branches and calyx. Abutilon macranthum has branches and calyx entirely covered with a wooly indumentum and elongate papillae. However, the material from Serra da Mantiqueira exhibits great phenotypic plasticity for these features, showing branches without papillae, velvety to pulverulent indumentum, and calyces with elongate papillae only along the nerves and basal portion. Because of these variations it can be confused with A. regnellii, but it differs from the latter by the leaf lobation, the staminal tube and mericarp morphology as mentioned in the key. In the state of São Paulo there are no records of these two species inhabiting the same localities. However, A. macranthum and A. regnellii occur sympatrically in the Serra da Mantiqueira (in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), with the possibility of hybridization between these species, as was verified by material from these states. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. macranthum should not be considered a threatened species. Abutilon regnellii Miquel (1849: 554). Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Caldas, s.a., A.F. Regnell II-17 (lectotype U, isotypes B, photo F-9288, NY!, P-2). Figs. 2 I–N, 5B, F. Designated by Fryxell (2002). Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo). In the state of São Paulo, it is restricted to a stretch of land in the municipality of Cunha to Santo André, growing in dense rainforest margins. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Atibaia, 26 October 1983, S. C . Chiea 367 (SP); 07 February 1992, S . Buzato & M . Sazima 26285 (UEC); 14 November 1995, A. M. G . Azevedo et al. 95-115 (SP, UEC); 7 May 1997, A. M. G. A . Tozzi et al 97-46 (UEC); 27 March 1997, A . Rapini 246 (SP). Cotia, 12 June 1930, A . Gehrt s.n. (SP 255327). Cunha, 29 March 1994, J. B . Baitello 470 (SP); 18 April 1994, S . Buzato 31744 (UEC); 19 December 1996, J. P . Souza et al. 1051 (ESA, HRCB, SP, UEC); 28 January 2004, F. A. R .D.P. Arzolla 444 (ESA, SPSF). Ibiúna, 4 March 1999, R . Simão-Bianchini 1238 (SP). São Paulo, May 1912, H . Luederwaldt 2160 (SP); 13 June 1944, W . Hoehne s.n. (SPSF10366, UEC106740); 13 July 1964, E . Mambreu s.n. (SP 79308); 10 July 1968, T . Sendulsky 976 (SP); 7 September 1969, B. C . Teixeira 284 (SP 117314); September 1980, A. C . Dias & F. C . Serio s.n. (SP 259564); 24 May 1994, S. A. P . Godoy et al. 183 (HRCB, SP); 18 April 2009, C . Takeuchi 56 (SP); 22 July 2009, C . Takeuchi 61 (SP). Santo André, 8 September 1938, A . Gehrt s.n. (SP39690). Minas Gerais: Camanducaia, 6 January 1994, S . Buzato et. al 31755 (UEC). Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, 12 March 2001, A. M . Amorim 3629 et al. (SP). Some material of A. macranthum can be confused with Abutilon regnellii, due to their sub-trilobate leaf blades, but from which it is easily distinguishable by the relative length of the staminal tube versus the staminiferous portion, and size of papillae on the mericarps. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. regnellii should not be considered a threatened species.Published as part of Takeuchi, Cátia & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2012, Synopsis of Abutilon (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 39-57 in Phytotaxa 44 (1) on pages 46-47, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.44.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/505906

    Abutilon striatum Dicks. ex Lindley 1839

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    Abutilon striatum Dicks. ex Lindley (1839: 39). Type: The Botanist 3: t. 144 (1839) (holotype). Fig. 3E, 5C. Distribution and habitat:— Argentina, Uruguay to Brazil (São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul). In the state of São Paulo it is known only from the municipality of Apiaí, next to Paraná where it was collected in this work. It grows in dense rainforest. Specimens examined:— ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Santo Tomé, 11 February 1972, A . Krapovickas 21585 et al. (CESJ). BRAZIL. São Paulo: Apiaí, 6 July 2010, C . Takeuchi & T. Takeuchi 74 (SP). Paraná: Adrianópolis, 28 July 1999, J. M . Cruz & L. M . Abe 129 (MBM). Rio Grande do Sul: Flores de Cunha, 30 December 1999, L . Scur 104 (MBM). Santa Catarina: Iporã do Oeste, 3 March 2009, M . Verdi et al. 1685 (RB). This is the first record of Abutilon striatum in the state of São Paulo. The species was introduced worldwide as an ornamental, becoming somewhat spontaneous in many Neotropical countries and in Asia (Kearney 1958, Macbride 1956, Waalkes 1966). Abutilon striatum is characterized by the 3–5-lobed to parted leaf blades, and orange petals with reddish veins and yellowish basal spot. The flowers are notable for the length of the staminal tube (with reddish staminiferous portion), which is exserted beyond the corolla. The taxonomic relationship of this species with A. pictum (a species also distributed in southern Brazil and Uruguay) is not certain, due to the similarity in external morphology. They are regarded either as synonyms (Kearney 1958, Krapovickas 1999, 2008 b, Waalkes 1966) or as distinct species (Fryxell 2002). In the present account we follow Fryxell (2002). Variation in the coloration of the petals (yellowish, orange and pink) is reported especially in cultivated plants (Waalkes 1966), however in the the material from its native southern Brazil, it does not show plasticity for this character. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. striatum should be included in the Vulnerable category. Abutilon rufinerve Saint-Hilaire (1824: 205). Type: BRAZIL. "Valla do Principe, propèque praedium Domingo Alfonso", s.a., A. Saint-Hilaire s.n. (holotype P, isotype P-2). Fig. 4C–E. Distribution and habitat:— Abutilon rufinerve is endemic to southeastern Brazil (Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), and southern Brazil (Paraná and Santa Catarina). In the state of São Paulo it is one of the species with the widest geographical distribution, occurring from the coast to the interior regions. It grows in dense rainforest and in semideciduous forest. In other states it also occurs in Cerrado and rocky grasslands. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Apiaí, 7 June 2010, C . Takeuchi & T . Takeuchi 77 (SP). Bananal, 14 April 2007, C. N . Fraga 1684 & M. C. Nadruz (SP, RB). Bom Sucesso de Itararé, 19 August 1995, V. C . Souza et al. 8906 (ESA, HRCB, SP, SPF, UEC). Cananéia, 30 August 1977, O . Yano 822 (SP). Cunha, 22 November 1989, J. B . Baitello 385 (SP, SPSF); 27 April 1993, S . Buzato & M. Sazima 28713 (SPF, UEC); 20 July 1993, S . Buzato & M. Sazima 28726 (UEC, SPSF); 12 November 1996, Albuquerque et al. 30 (ESA, UEC, SP). Eldorado, 3 September 1995, V. C . Souza 9006 et al. (ESA, SP, UEC). Ilha Bela, 8 July 1990, V. C . Souza & C. M. Sakuragui 1930 (ESA, SP); July 1991, V. C . Souza et al. 2545 (ESA). Iporanga, 18 June 1951, A. B . Joly 1244 (SP); 27 January 1994, K . D. Barreto et al. 1923 (ESA, SP); 24 May 1996, S. L . Proença et al. 146 (SP, UEC). Piedade, 11 August 1954, M . Kuhlmann 3562 (SP). São Luiz do Paraitinga, 24 June 1989, M . Kirizawa 2211 & J. A . Correa (SP); 6 June 1998, M . Sazima 35803 (UEC). São Miguel do Arcanjo, 20 August 1985, A. C . Dias & M. P . Machado 55 (MBM, SP, SPSF). São Paulo, 20 June 1918, F. C . Hoehne (SP2166). Sete Barras, 24 May 1977, M . Sakane 574 (SP); 12 December 1994, M . Sugiyama & M. L . Kawasaki 1255 (SP). Tapiraí, 9 September 1994, M. R . Goresnstein et al. 52 (ESA, HRCB, UEC); 18 December 1994, K . D. Barreto et al. 3060 (ESA, SP). Distrito Federal: 15 July 1982, B. A. S . Pereira 309 (IBGE). Espírito Santo: Alfredo Chaves, 7 July 1996, G . Hatschbach et al. 65248 (MBM). Minas Gerais: Caeté, 16 September 1990, G. L . Esteves 2275 (SPSF). Paraná: Adrianópolis, 28 July 1999, J. M . Cruz & L. M. Abe 137 (MBM). Rio de Janeiro: Teresópolis, 22 April 1966, G . Eiten & L. T. Eiten 7091 (SP). Santa Catarina: Araranguá, 28 August 1992, G . Hatschbach 57874 & J. M . Silva (MBM). Saint-Hilaire (1824) and Schumann (1891) recognized three varieties, based mainly on the form of the leaf blades and the length of the flowers, but the material from state of São Paulo showed a wide range of variability in relation to these characteristics. Thus, it is not possible to assign the specimens to any infraspecific taxa. Abutilon rufinerve can be confused with A. longifolium, in having ferruginous indumentum and mostly narrowly elliptic to ovate leaf blades, but it is easily distinguished by its erect flowers, cupuliform calyx, yellowish anthers and calyx partially enclosing the schizocarp. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. rufinerve should not be considered a threatened species. Abutilon nigricans Esteves & Krapovickas (2002: 479). Type: BRAZIL. São Paulo: Piquete, 25 May 1996, Macias et al. 96142 (holotype UEC! isotypes ESA!, HRCB!, SP!, SPF). Figs. 4F–G, 5D. Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to Brazil, A. nigricans is known only from three specimens from a locality in Serra da Matiqueira above 1200 m in elevation. One of the specimens was collected during field work for this project. It grows on the margins of dense rainforest. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Piquete, 1 July 2004, S. E . Martins & B. A. Moreira 849 (SP); 23 May 2010, C . Takeuchi & S. E . Martins 69 (SP). Abutilon nigricans is easily distinguished by having leaf blades with invariably blackish veins, and calices glabrous and blackish at the base. It has the largest number of flowers per fascicle (up to 5), differing from other species with flowers either solitary, or with 2–4 flowers per fascicle, as in A. itatiaiae. Esteves & Krapovickas (2002) related it to A. bedfordianum (Hook.) A.St. -Hil. & Naud. mainly due to nigrescence sometimes observed in the vegetative parts, pedicel and base of the calyx. However, besides the distinctive characters mentioned, A. nigricans differs from A. bedfordianum in having entirely white petals, and papillate dorsal mericarp sutures. Conservation status:— According to the criteria found in Mamede et al. (2007) A. nigricans should be included in the Vulnerable category.Published as part of Takeuchi, Cátia & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2012, Synopsis of Abutilon (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 39-57 in Phytotaxa 44 (1) on pages 49-53, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.44.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/505906

    Abutilon Miller 1754

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    <i>Abutilon</i> Miller (1754) <p> Type species: <i>Abutilon theophrasti</i> Medikus (1787: 28).</p> <p>Subshrubs, shrubs or trees. Plants with indumentum yellowish, ferruginous or rarely whitish, stellate, simple and/or glandular, non-capitate trichomes; branches cylindrical, flat-cylindrical or rarely triangular, sometimes glabrate. Leaf blades chartaceous to slightly membranous, concolor or discolor, entire, 3–5–7-lobed to parted, rarely peltate, elliptic, ovate to suborbicular, margin crenate to serrate, venation usually craspedodromous, 7– 11-nerved. Flowers sometimes pendant, solitary or in axillary fascicles of 2–5, rarely forming paniculiform or umbeliform inflorescences; epicalyx absent, calyx 5-lobed, cupuliform or rarely tubular, lobes triangular to ovate, apex acuminate, acute or long attenuate, externally with various types of trichomes, smooth or with rounded or elongate papillae; petals whitish, yellowish, orange, pink or purplish, with or without a white, pink, yellow or red spot on the base of the claw, spatulate or obovate, rarely auriculate; stamens (40–70–)120– 530; staminal tube naked, less, equal or more than double the staminiferous portion; ovary 6–18 carpels, ovules 3–8 per carpel, 6–18 styles, stigmas capitate. Fruit a schizocarp, not inflated, loculicidally dehiscent; mericarps 6–18, without a median constriction, not winged, without an endoglossum, muticous, 2-awned, rarely rostrate, dorsal suture smooth or papillate, 3–8 seeded; seeds trigonous.</p>Published as part of <i>Takeuchi, Cátia & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2012, Synopsis of Abutilon (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 39-57 in Phytotaxa 44 (1)</i> on page 40, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.44.1.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5059069">http://zenodo.org/record/5059069</a&gt

    Revisão taxonômica de Gaya Kunth (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) no Brasil

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    RESUMO Gaya inclui 39 espécies distribuídas na região Neotropical, com maior diversidade no Brasil e no Peru. No Brasil foram registradas 14 espécies, sendo oito endêmicas, predominantemente na região Nordeste, no domínio da Caatinga. O gênero caracteriza-se pelas flores pêndulas no botão e eretas na antese, pelo esquizocarpo inflado, pêndulo a ereto na maturidade, com mericarpos apresentando ou não uma estrutura interna, a endoglossa, que pode reter a semente, além de uma constrição no lado ventral ou na porção basal e deiscência por todo o lado dorsal até a constrição, sendo que estes dois últimos caracteres foram explorados pela primeira vez. Este estudo foi baseado na análise morfológica de cerca de 450 materiais de herbário. A taxonomia das espécies foi baseada sobretudo nos caracteres do fruto e da flor, com a detecção de novos caracteres diagnósticos. O trabalho consta de chave analítica, descrições morfológicas, ilustrações inéditas, comentários sobre variabilidade e relações taxonômicas, mapas e distribuição geográfica, novas ocorrências e dados de conservação

    Levantamento de iridaceae Juss. no Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo. Survey of the family iridaceae Juss., in Curucutu Nucleous, Serra do Mar State Park, São Paulo.

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    Este trabalho consiste no levantamentoflorístico e estudo taxonômico de Iridaceae Juss. noNúcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar,São Paulo. Foram reconhecidos quatro gêneros e seisespécies para a área: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora(Lemoine ex Morren) N.E.Br., Neomarica rigida(Ravenna) Capellari Jr., Sisyrinchium commutatumKlatt, S. micranthum Cav., S. vaginatum Spreng. eTrimezia martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb. Parareconhecimento das espécies são apresentadaschaves de identificações, descrições, ilustrações,distribuição geográfica e fenologia, contribuindopara a pesquisa da família.This paper consists of a floristic surveyand taxonomical study of the Iridaceae Juss.at Núcleo Curucutu, Parque Estadual da Serra doMar, São Paulo. Four genera and six species werefound: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Lemoine exMorren) N.E.Br., Neomarica rigida (Ravenna)Capellari Jr., Sisyrinchuim commutatum Klatt, S.micranthum Cav., S. vaginatum Spreng. andTrimezia martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb. Keys ofidentification, descriptions, illustrations, geographicdistribution and phenology are presented, contributingfor the family research