3 research outputs found

    El garbanzo en el occidente de Cuba: aportes de las ferias de agrodiversidad

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    Introduction. The Cuban government has attached importance to the national production of chickpea, with the purpose of substituting imports, meeting market demands and contributing to food security and sovereignty. Objective. To present the contributions of the agro-diversity fairs in the selection of new chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes in western Cuba. Materials and methods. The work was developed during the period 2000-2018. The selection of chickpea materials from six nurseries introduced by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA) from the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) and nine commercial varieties donated by the Institute for Fundamental Research in Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT) were analyzed. They were planted in three locations in the western region of Cuba. Agro-diversity fairs were held to select the genotypes with the best agricultural production performance. Results. The comparison between the international nurseries did not show significant agro- productive differences between them. The variables with the greatest weight in the agroproductive characterization were: days to maturation, days to flowering, number of branches, plant height, and yield. The largest number of genotypes selected in the agro-diversity fairs corresponded to the Elite International nursery for Latin American. The average yield of the selected materials was above 1.00 t ha-1. Conclusions. The holding of chickpea agro-diversity fairs has provided 17 new materials with suitable productive and culinary behavior and adaptability to the edaphoclimatic conditions of different locations in western Cuba.Introducci贸n. El gobierno cubano, le ha concedido importancia a la producci贸n nacional de garbanzo, con el prop贸sito de sustituir importaciones, satisfacer las demandas del mercado y contribuir a la seguridad y soberan铆a alimentaria. Objetivo. Presentar los aportes de las ferias de agrodiversidad en la selecci贸n de nuevos genotipos de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum) en el occidente de Cuba. Materiales y m茅todos. El trabajo se desarroll贸 durante el periodo 2000-2018. Se analiz贸 la selecci贸n de materiales de garbanzo de seis viveros introducidos por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agr铆colas (INCA) desde el Centro Internacional para Investigaciones Agr铆colas en Zonas 脕ridas (ICARDA) y nueve variedades comerciales donadas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT). Se sembraron en tres localidades de la regi贸n occidental de Cuba. Se realizaron ferias de diversidad para efectuar la selecci贸n de los genotipos con mejor comportamiento agroproductivo. Resultados. La comparaci贸n entre los viveros internacionales no mostr贸 diferencias agroproductivas significativas entre ellos. Las variables de mayor peso en la caracterizaci贸n agroproductiva fueron: d铆as a maduraci贸n, d铆as a floraci贸n, n煤mero de ramas, altura de las plantas y rendimiento. La mayor cantidad de genotipos seleccionados en las ferias de agrodiversidad correspondieron al vivero 脡lite Internacional para Am茅rica Latina. El rendimiento promedio de los materiales seleccionados estuvo por encima de 1,00 t ha-1. Conclusiones. La realizaci贸n de ferias de agrodiversidad de garbanzo, ha aportado diecisiete nuevos materiales con id贸neo comportamiento productivo, culinario y adaptabilidad a las condiciones edafoclim谩ticas de diferentes localidades del occidente de Cuba

    Actividad antif煤ngica in vitro e in vivo del extracto acuoso de hojas de Parthenium hysterophorus check for this species in other resources L. sobre Pyricularia grisea check for this species in other resources Sacc.

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    Plants synthetize metabolites or chemical compound with antimicrobial activity, which give them natural protection against fungus, bacteria and insects. In this work, an aqueous extract from Parthenium hysterophorus check for this species in other resources L. leaves was obtained with the objective of testing its in vitro antifungal activity against the fungus Pyricularia grisea check for this species in other resources Sacc. which cause the most important disease of rice ( Oryza sativa check for this species in other resources L.) evaluating the inhibition percent of mycelial growth through time. Also, the protective effect of the extract was evaluated in vivo against P. grisea Sacc. in rice seedlings. A qualitative chemical analysis of the extract was carried out. It was found that the extract had high antifungal activity against the isolate PGS-05. A concentration of 10% of the extract, the inhibition of fungus was complete, besides it had biocidal activity. It was observed in in vivo test that the rice cultivars which received the extract showed less damage by P. grisea Sacc. as compared with control treatments. It was found that the extract contained antimicrobial metabolites such as tannins, phenols, flavonoids and triterpenes. Therefore, the aqueous extract of P. hysterophorus L. leaves could be used in piriculariosis control in rice cultivation.Las plantas sintetizan metabolitos o compuestos qu铆micos con actividad antimicrobiana, los cuales le confieren una protecci贸n natural contra hongos, bacterias e insectos. En este trabajo se obtuvo el extracto acuoso de hojas de Parthenium hysterophorus check for this species in other resources L. con el objetivo de evaluar su actividad antif煤ngica in vitro contra el hongo Pyricularia grisea check for this species in other resources Sacc, responsable de la enfermedad m谩s importante en el arroz ( Oryza sativa check for this species in other resources , L.), evaluando el porcentaje de inhibici贸n del crecimiento micelial en el tiempo. Adem谩s se evalu贸 in vivo el efecto protector del extracto contra P. grisea Sacc. en pl谩ntulas de arroz. Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis qu铆mico cualitativo del extracto. Se encontr贸 que el extracto ten铆a elevada actividad antif煤ngica sobre el aislamiento PGS-05. Con una concentraci贸n de 10% de extracto la inhibici贸n del hongo fue total, adem谩s de tener actividad biocida. En el ensayo in vivo se observ贸 que los diferentes cultivares de arroz a las cuales se aplic贸 el extracto mostraron menor afectaci贸n por P. grisea Sacc. comparado con los tratamientos testigos. Se determin贸 que el extracto contiene metabolitos con efecto antimicrobiano como: taninos, fenoles, flavonoides y triterpenos. Por lo que, el extracto acuoso de P. hysterophorus L. podr铆a ser utilizado en el control de la piriculariosis en el cultivo del arroz