10 research outputs found

    Alternative Methods of Teaching Algorithms

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    AbstractNowadays, algorithmic thinking is considered to be one of the key competences of students from primary to higher education. In our paper we point out the possibility of alternative methods of teaching algorithms. We deal with the concept of algorithm, problem analysis and algorithmic thinking. We search for such tasks that motivate and mobilize students to seek the essence of the task first impression of which is mystique. They raise the curiosity and desire to uncover the mystery as they are based on the principle of black box. Particular topics are same in Mathematics as well as in Computer Science which enables the usage of cross-curricular activities. We focus on numerical sequences, codes, ciphers, algebraic riddles and puzzles based on the principle of positional systems. In the paper, we present the tasks that can be programmed, but it is also important to know the basic, often very simple, mathematic relations. The mentioned tasks were presented mainly within various teacher trainings and educational workshops where they provoked a very positive response and managed to activate the teachers themselves

    Alternative Methods of Teaching Algorithms

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    Easy Coding in Biology: Pilot Workshop Design and Experiences from Block-Based Programming with in Secondary Education

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    Block-based coding is a way to teach Computer Science (CS) concepts and Computational Thinking (CT) skills to K-12 students. Nowadays, there are more and more educational applications (learning apps) to teach programming in STEM subjects, but detailed studies on which and how these can be used successfully in Biology classes are still lacking, because apps and tasks promoting CS and CT concepts in combination with biological teaching content are missing. This mixed-method study aims to close this gap and presents six elaborated exercises of the workshop “Easy Coding in Biology”, employing two task formats (TF), Building Cubes and Drone AR, of the new learning app . The app utilizes block-based coding and an additional augmented reality (AR) function to describe several topics in secondary education, for example in the subject Biology. After presenting the workshop and task design, preliminary results of the successful use of the app and the tasks are presented. The pilot workshop was carried out with 51 participants at a Slovakian grammar school. After the implementation in class, 34 students filled in a questionnaire, consisting of open-ended and closed-ended questions. Qualitative data shows on the one hand AR malfunctions and on the other that participants liked the workshop concept. Quantitative findings indicate that the introduced TF Building Cubes and Drone AR of have the potential to successfully convey CS and CT concepts in Biology. In addition, the tasks encouraged the female participants in particular to work together because they found the tasks/app interesting, motivating, and fun

    Experience with Using BBC Micro:Bit and Perceived Professional Efficacy of Informatics Teachers

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    Our study is focused on the perceived professional efficacy of informatics in-service teachers with the experience of using micro-controller BBC micro:bit. In Slovakia, teaching using hardware is not typical. In addition, many teachers do not teach programming. BBC micro:bit is designed to be a tool for computer science (CS) teachers that should make a significant contribution to the innovation of CS teaching and enable CS teachers to implement CS lessons. The following research questions were asked. Q1: Is there a difference in the perceived efficacy to use teaching strategies based on experience with the micro:bit? Q2: Is there a relationship between the perceived efficacy of using teaching strategies and experience using the micro:bit? The research sample comprised N = 388 CS teachers employed in Slovak schools from the available selection. The research sample included CS teachers who participated in the project called ENTER. All participants have a grant, weekly online practices, supporting materials, and also consultant for implementation of a new teaching strategy. This study’s findings indicate that the use of a microcontroller such as the micro:bit has a positive impact on self-efficacy for instructional strategies, but not for classroom management

    Popularizing Natural Sciences by Means of Scientific Fair

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    Science popularization is demanding from the financial as well as the time point of view. It is necessary to find the premises that would be easily available to general public. Another important step is to promote the event so that it would attract the audience. The preparation of scientific experiments itself also requires some financial resources. If we want to take advantage of these resources in the most useful and effective way, we have to find answers to the question: â??What, where and how do we want to popularise

    Discussion Papers on the Topic of More Adequate and Effective ICT Tools Category: Tools for Making Didactic Videos

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    The article describes some preliminary results of the implementation of Work Package 4 (WP4) “Selection and testing new ICT tools” within a framework of the international research network IRNet and researchers from partner institutions from Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Australia. These results concern analyzing and studying some categories of ICT tools for making didactic videos. The whole package period was divided into several main stages 1-5. The role of multimedia in teaching is considerable since they offer various information presentation formats simultaneously. The advantage of combining text, audio, images, animation, video and hyperlinks lies in the use of both main channels - visual and verbal - for making didactic videos in an efficient way. Features of an effective presentation and examples of computer programs which may be used for this purpose have also been shown in the paper. The authors presented a ranking list based on the quality and quantity assessment of choosing ICT tools, proposed some recommendations of features of good didactic videos and analyzed some mistakes users make most frequently while elaborating didactic videos

    RELATEC : revista latinoamericana de tecnología educativa

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    Resumen en españolResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta un estudio procedente del proyecto europeo IRNET, una red universitaria que persigue el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas y metodos para el avance pedagogico de la tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion, el e-learning y la competencia intercultural. Se pretende explorar la aplicacion de politicas nacionales e internacionales innovadoras respecto a la competencia digital e intercultural en la formacion del profesorado y en concreto, el desarrollo de practicas educativas innovadoras. Otro objetivo es identificar dichas practicas y/o proyectos de investigacion puestos en marcha en cada pais para el fomento de la competencia digital e intercultural en España, Polonia, Eslovaquia, Portugal y Rusia. Desde una perspectiva comparada, basada en el paradigma cualitativo, se han analizado tres unidades de comparacion que han permitido, entre otras cosas, prestar atencion en el impacto de los proyectos financiados con fondos europeos o nacionales hacia estas tematicas, como promotores del cambio y la innovacion relativa a la formacion intercultural y las tecnologias digitales. Finalmente, se observa que las tendencias con respecto a la formacion del profesorado reflejan la necesidad de alcanzar un perfil docente que reuna destrezas que integren modelos interculturales desde la busqueda conjunta de la escuela del futuro, donde las redes virtuales y las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje son recursos indispensablesES

    Report on the Implementation of WP3 “Analyses and Evaluation of the ICT Level, E-learning and Intercultural Development in Every Participating Country” in the Framework of the IRNet Project

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    This article, prepared by an international team of authors - researchers from different scientific areas, connected with ICT, e-learning, pedagogy, and other related disciplines - focuses on the objectives and some results of the IRNet international project. In particular, this article describes the research tools, methods and some procedures of the WP3 “Analyses and Evaluation of the ICT Level, E-learning and Intercultural Development in Every Participating Country”: Objec- tives, Tasks, Deliverables, and implementation of research trips. Except that, the article presents more important events, such as (video)conferences, semi- nars, workshops, an e-round table debate; among these events are ICTE2014, DLCC2014, “New Educational Strategies in Modern Information Space,” “High- tech information educational environment,” during which some more important results of the project research were presented. The list of publications includes 32 papers and a manuscript with WP3 results. Researchers from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia, Portugal, Czech Republic and Australia analysed the results of WP3 in the context of the next stages and Work packages of IRNet project - International Research Network