339 research outputs found

    Cl, K and Ni induced reactions to synthesis SHN 273Rg

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    267-270We have studied chlorine (Cl), potassium (K) and Nickel (Ni) induced reactions in the synthesis of 273Rg. We have studied the compound nucleus formation probability, survival probability and evaporation residue cross sections to synthesize superheavy element (SHN) 273Rg. The selected projectile-target combinations to synthesis 273Rg are 35,37Cl +Ā 238,236Pu, 39-41K +Ā 234-232U and 63,64Ni +Ā 210,209Bi. From the study of PCN, Psur and Ļƒevr we have identified that 35Cl+238Pu is the most suitable projectile-target combination to synthesize 273Rg. We have also compared the present work with the experimental values available in literature

    Management of dental office during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a deadly protein molecule devastating the humankind and has brought down the life to a standstill. Its effect is determined by the interaction among the agent, the host and the environment. The proven fact that the spread of COVID-19 is air-borne has made it mandatory for the dental fraternity to follow a systematic protocol in clinical practice. A proper history of travel and exposure, thermal scanning, symptoms of sore throat, dry cough and difficulty in breathing makes you suspect an individual with COVID-19. It is imperative to consider only emergency and essential dental procedures to be carried out under strict aseptic measures, not only for suspects but also for routine patients. COVID-19 and dentistry are very closely related to each other as dental professionals are directly working in the oral cavity. Although the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has issued comprehensive guidance to prevent the occurrence of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) in health facilities, the practice of universal precautions might still be lacking in many dental professionals due to improper knowledge. Data acquisition was carried out using the keywords, COVID-19, control of infection, and patient management in dental offices in PubMed, Medline, ProQuest, etc., electronic databases. There was also a manual scan of many journals and books, and highly relevant papers were considered for the present study

    Cluster radioactivity in superheavy nuclei 299-306122

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    Cluster radioactivity is an intermediate between alpha decay and spontaneous fission. It is also an exotic decay obtained in superheavy nuclei. When a cluster decay is detected in superheavy nuclei, the daughter nuclei is having near or equal to doubly magic nuclei. We have investigated cluster decay of isotopes of He, Li, Be, Ne, N, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar and Ca in the superhaevy nuclei region 299-306122. We have also compared the logarithmic half-lives of cluster decay with that of other models such as Univ [1], NRDX [2], UDL [3] and Horoi [4]. From this study it is concluded that  cluster decay of 4He, 22Ne, 26Mg, 28Si 30Si, 34S, 40Ca and 46Ca are having shorter logarithmic half-lives compared to exotic cluster decay modes

    Systematics of proton decay of actinides

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    255-262The phenomenon of proton emission from nuclear ground states limits the possibilities of the creation of more exotic proton rich nuclei that are usually produced by fusion-evaporation nuclear reactions. In the energy domain of radioactivity, proton can be considered as a point charge having highest probability of being present in the parent nucleus. Conclaves et al.1 studied the two-proton radioactivity of nuclei of mass number Aet al.2 reviewed the theories of proton emission to analyse the properties of nuclear matter. Maglione et al.3 analysed the proton emission from the some deformed nuclei. We have studied proton decay in almost all actinide nuclei. We have calculated the energy released during the proton decay (QP), penetration factor (P), and half-lives of proton decay. Proton decay half-lives are also longer than that of other decay modes such as alpha decay and spontaneous fission. To check the Geiger-Nuttal law for proton decay in actinide nuclei, we have plotted the logarithmic proton decay half-lives versus 1/sqrt(Q). The competition of proton decay with different decay modes such as alpha decay and spontaneous fission are also studied. We have also highlighted possible proton emitters with the corresponding energies and half-lives in the actinide region

    Molecular basis for recognition of the Group A Carbohydrate backbone by the PlyC streptococcal bacteriophage endolysin

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    Endolysins are peptidoglycan (PG) hydrolases that function as part of the bacteriophage (phage) lytic system to release progeny phage at the end of a replication cycle. Notably, endolysins alone can produce lysis without phage infection, which offers an attractive alternative to traditional antibiotics. Endolysins from phage that infect Gram-positive bacterial hosts contain at least one enzymatically active domain (EAD) responsible for hydrolysis of PG bonds and a cell wall binding domain (CBD) that binds a cell wall epitope, such as a surface carbohydrate, providing some degree of specificity for the endolysin. Whilst the EADs typically cluster into conserved mechanistic classes with well-defined active sites, relatively little is known about the nature of the CBDs and only a few binding epitopes for CBDs have been elucidated. The major cell wall components of many streptococci are the polysaccharides that contain the polyrhamnose (pRha) backbone modified with species-specific and serotype-specific glycosyl side chains. In this report, using molecular genetics, microscopy, flow cytometry and lytic activity assays, we demonstrate the interaction of PlyCB, the CBD subunit of the streptococcal PlyC endolysin, with the pRha backbone of the cell wall polysaccharides, Group A Carbohydrate (GAC) and serotype c-specific carbohydrate (SCC) expressed by the Group A Streptococcus and Streptococcus mutans, respectively

    Cl, K and Ni induced reactions to synthesis SHN 273Rg

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    We have studied chlorine (Cl), potassium (K) and Nickel (Ni) induced reactions in the synthesis of 273Rg. We have studied the compound nucleus formation probability, survival probability and evaporation residue cross sections to synthesize superheavy element (SHN) 273Rg. The selected projectile-target combinations to synthesis 273Rg are 35,37Cl +Ā 238,236Pu, 39-41K +Ā 234-232U and 63,64Ni + 210,209Bi. From the study of PCN, Psur and Ļƒevr we have identified that 35Cl+238Pu is the most suitable projectile-target combination to synthesize 273Rg. We have also compared the present work with the experimental values available in literature

    Over expression of anti-apoptotic gene in banana cv Rasthali enhances resistance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 1

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    The most popular banana cv Rasthali was transformed with anti-apoptotic gene, AtBAG4 regulated with two different promoters viz., ZmBgl and ubiquitin to enhance the tolerance levels to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 1 (FOC1). The differences in gene expression driven by two promoters revealed that stronger expression of AtBAG4 gene under the ubiquitin promoter suppressed the infection and spreading processes of FOC1 in transgenic banana under standard bioassay systems. Analysis using the real time PCR showed the varying levels of AtBAG4 gene expression under two promoters. It was evident that ZmBgl driven AtBAG4 lead to lower gene expression in leaves which correlated with lesser levels of resistance to FOC1. Constitutive expression of AtBAG4 under the control of ubiquitin promoter showed increased transgene transcripts which directly correlated with the enhanced tolerance against FOC1 from seedlings stage to active vegetative phases. This study reveals the importance of constitutive expression of anti-apoptotic gene showing enhanced tolerance against the most dreaded FOC1 in highly susceptible variety Rasthali

    Cluster radioactivity in superheavy nuclei 299-302120

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    The cluster radioactivity is an unusual decay process observed in superheavy nuclei. When a cluster nuclei are emitted, the residual or daughter nuclei is having doubly magic nuclei or it may be neighbourhood of the same. We have studied cluster radioactivity [4He, 6Li, 9Be, 20,22Ne, 23N, 24-26Mg, 28-30Si, 31P, 32-34S, 35Cl, 36,38,40Ar, 40-46Ca ] in the superheavy nuclei 299-302120 using the nuclear and proximity model. The calculated cluster decay half-lives are compared with that of the other theoretical models such as Univ1, NRDX2, UDL3 and Horoi4. From the comparison of different models we have observed that the cluster nuclei with 4He, 9Be, 22Ne, 26Mg, 30Si, 34S, 40Ca and 46Ca are having smaller logarithmic half-lives than the exotic cluster decay modes

    An enhanced gradient-based optimizer for parameter estimation of various solar photovoltaic models

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    The performance of a PhotoVoltaic (PV) system could be inferred from the features of its currentā€“voltage relationships, but the PV model parameters are uncertain. Because of its multimodal, multivariable, and nonlinear properties, the PV model requires that its parameters be extracted with high accuracy and efficiency. Therefore, this paper proposes an enhanced version of the Gradient-Based Optimizer (GBO) to estimate the uncertain parameters of various PV models. The Criss-Cross (CC) algorithm and Nelderā€“Mead simplex (NMs) strategy are hybridized with the GBO to improve its performance. The CC algorithm maximizes the effectiveness of the population and avoids local optima trapping. The NMs strategy enhances the individual search capabilities during the local search and produces optimum convergence speed; therefore, the proposed algorithm is called a Criss-Cross-based Nelderā€“Mead simplex Gradient-Based Optimizer (CCNMGBO). The primary objective of this study is to propose a simple and reliable optimization algorithm called CCNMGBO for the parameter estimation of PV models with five, seven, and nine unknown parameters. Firstly, the performance of CCNMGBO is validated on 10 benchmark numerical optimization problems, and secondly, applied to the parameter estimation of various PV models. The performance of the CCNMGBO is compared to several other state-of-the-art optimization algorithms. The results proved that the proposed algorithm is superior in handling the numerical optimization problem and obtaining the uncertain parameters of various PV models and performs better during different operating conditions. The convergence speed of the proposed CCNMGBO is also better than selected optimization algorithms with highly reliable output solutions. The average objective function value for case 1 is 9.83Eāˆ’04, case 2 is 2.43Eāˆ’04, and the average integral absolute error and relative error values are 1.05Eāˆ’02 and 3.51Eāˆ’03, respectively, for all case studies. With Friedmanā€™s rank test values of 2.21 for numerical optimization and 1.66 for parameter estimation optimization, the CCNMGBO stood first among all selected algorithms
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