9 research outputs found

    Determination of Matrine in Rat Plasma after Oral Administration of Novel Korean Herbal Medicine KIOM-MA128 and Application of PK

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    KIOM-MA128 is a novel Korean herbal medicine with antiatopic, anti-inflammatory, and antiasthmatic effects. Matrine is thought to be a potential chemical marker of KIOM-MA128, but pharmacokinetic studies on KIOM-MA128 had not been performed. This study describes a simple and rapid method using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) to determine the concentration of matrine in rats plasma after administration of KIOM-MA128. The isocratic mobile phase consisted of methanol and distilled water, and the flow rate was 0.15 mL/min. The accuracy and precision of the assay, as well as stability tests, were performed in accordance with FDA regulations for the validation of bioanalytical methods. The half-life and Tmax of matrine after administration of KIOM-MA128 were 4.29 ± 2.20 h and 1.8 ± 1.23 h, respectively. Cmax and AUCinf of matrine after administration of KIOM-MA128 at 4 g/kg and 8 g/kg were 595.10 ± 182.91 ng/mL, 5336.77 ± 1503.84 ng/mL·h and 850.46 ± 120 ng/mL, 9583.10 ± 888.92 ng/mL·h, respectively. The validated method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study in rats after oral administration of KIOM-MA128

    Performance comparison of first-order conditional estimation with interaction and Bayesian estimation methods for estimating the population parameters and its distribution from data sets with a low number of subjects

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    Abstract Background Exploratory preclinical, as well as clinical trials, may involve a small number of patients, making it difficult to calculate and analyze the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters, especially if the PK parameters show very high inter-individual variability (IIV). In this study, the performance of a classical first-order conditional estimation with interaction (FOCE-I) and expectation maximization (EM)-based Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian (BAYES) estimation methods were compared for estimating the population parameters and its distribution from data sets having a low number of subjects. Methods In this study, 100 data sets were simulated with eight sampling points for each subject and with six different levels of IIV (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, and 80%) in their PK parameter distribution. A stochastic simulation and estimation (SSE) study was performed to simultaneously simulate data sets and estimate the parameters using four different methods: FOCE-I only, BAYES(C) (FOCE-I and BAYES composite method), BAYES(F) (BAYES with all true initial parameters and fixed ω 2 ), and BAYES only. Relative root mean squared error (rRMSE) and relative estimation error (REE) were used to analyze the differences between true and estimated values. A case study was performed with a clinical data of theophylline available in NONMEM distribution media. NONMEM software assisted by Pirana, PsN, and Xpose was used to estimate population PK parameters, and R program was used to analyze and plot the results. Results The rRMSE and REE values of all parameter (fixed effect and random effect) estimates showed that all four methods performed equally at the lower IIV levels, while the FOCE-I method performed better than other EM-based methods at higher IIV levels (greater than 30%). In general, estimates of random-effect parameters showed significant bias and imprecision, irrespective of the estimation method used and the level of IIV. Similar performance of the estimation methods was observed with theophylline dataset. Conclusions The classical FOCE-I method appeared to estimate the PK parameters more reliably than the BAYES method when using a simple model and data containing only a few subjects. EM-based estimation methods can be considered for adapting to the specific needs of a modeling project at later steps of modeling

    Prediction of Methionine and Homocysteine levels in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats as a T2DM animal model after consumption of a Methionine-rich diet

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    Abstract Background Although alterations in the methionine metabolism cycle (MMC) have been associated with vascular complications of diabetes, there have not been consistent results about the levels of methionine and homocysteine in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of the current study was to predict changes in plasma methionine and homocysteine concentrations after simulated consumption of methionine-rich foods, following the development of a mathematical model for MMC in Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rats, as a representative T2DM animal model. Method The model building and simulation were performed using NONMEM® (ver. 7.3.0) assisted by Perl-Speaks-NONMEM (PsN, ver. 4.3.0). Model parameters were derived using first-order conditional estimation method with interactions permitted among the parameters (FOCE-INTER). NCA was conducted using Phoenix (ver. 6.4.0). For all tests, we considered a P-value < 0.05 to reflect statistical significance. Results Our model featured seven compartments that considered all parts of the cycle by applying non-linear mixed effects model. Conversion of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) to homocysteine increased and the metabolism of homocysteine was reduced under diabetic conditions, and consequently homocysteine accumulated in the elimination phase. Using our model, we performed simulations to compare the changes in plasma methionine and homocysteine concentrations between ZDF and normal rats, by multiple administrations of the methionine-rich diet of 1 mmol/kg, daily for 60 days. The levels of methionine and homocysteine were elevated approximately two- and three-fold, respectively, in ZDF rats, while there were no changes observed in the normal control rats. Conclusion These results can be interpreted to mean that both methionine and homocysteine will accumulate in patients with T2DM, who regularly consume high-methionine foods

    A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic model of fenofibrate for explaining increased drug absorption after food consumption

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    Abstract Background Oral administration of drugs is convenient and shows good compliance but it can be affected by many factors in the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Consumption of food is one of the major factors affecting the GI system and consequently the absorption of drugs. The aim of this study was to develop a mechanistic GI absorption model for explaining the effect of food on fenofibrate pharmacokinetics (PK), focusing on the food type and calorie content. Methods Clinical data from a fenofibrate PK study involving three different conditions (fasting, standard meals and high-fat meals) were used. The model was developed by nonlinear mixed effect modeling method. Both linear and nonlinear effects were evaluated to explain the impact of food intake on drug absorption. Similarly, to explain changes in gastric emptying time for the drug due to food effects was evaluated. Results The gastric emptying rate increased by 61.7% during the first 6.94 h after food consumption. Increased calories in the duodenum increased the absorption rate constant of the drug in fed conditions (standard meal = 16.5%, high-fat meal = 21.8%) compared with fasted condition. The final model displayed good prediction power and precision. Conclusions A mechanistic GI absorption model for quantitatively evaluating the effects of food on fenofibrate absorption was successfully developed, and acceptable parameters were obtained. The mechanism-based PK model of fenofibrate can quantify the effects of food on drug absorption by food type and calorie content

    Application of Size and Maturation Functions to Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Pediatric Patients

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    Traditionally, dosage for pediatric patients has been optimized using simple weight-scaled methods, but these methods do not always meet the requirements of children. To overcome this discrepancy, population pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling of size and maturation functions has been proposed. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate a new modeling method for pediatric patients using clinical data from three different clinical studies. To develop the PK models, a nonlinear mixed effect modeling method was employed, and to explore PK differences in pediatric patients, size with allometric and maturation with Michaelis&ndash;Menten type functions were evaluated. Goodness of fit plots, visual predictive check and bootstrap were used for model evaluation. Single application of size scaling to PK parameters was statistically significant for the over one year old group. On the other hand, simultaneous use of size and maturation functions was statistically significant for infants younger than one year old. In conclusion, population PK modeling for pediatric patients was successfully performed using clinical data. Size and maturation functions were applied according to established criteria, and single use of size function was applicable for over one year ages, while size and maturation functions were more effective for PK analysis of neonates and infants

    Additional file 3: of A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic model of fenofibrate for explaining increased drug absorption after food consumption

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    Pharmacokinetic profile of fenofibric acid after adiminstration of a 250 mg SR fenofibrate capsule in three different meal groups. Closed circle = fasting condition; closed squared = standard meals; closed triangles = high fat meals. (DOCX 4320 kb