8 research outputs found

    Viral Perturbations of Host Networks Reflect Disease Etiology

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    Many human diseases, arising from mutations of disease susceptibility genes (genetic diseases), are also associated with viral infections (virally implicated diseases), either in a directly causal manner or by indirect associations. Here we examine whether viral perturbations of host interactome may underlie such virally implicated disease relationships. Using as models two different human viruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV), we find that host targets of viral proteins reside in network proximity to products of disease susceptibility genes. Expression changes in virally implicated disease tissues and comorbidity patterns cluster significantly in the network vicinity of viral targets. The topological proximity found between cellular targets of viral proteins and disease genes was exploited to uncover a novel pathway linking HPV to Fanconi anemia

    Interpreting cancer genomes using systematic host network perturbations by tumour virus proteins

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    Genotypic differences greatly influence susceptibility and resistance to disease. Understanding genotype-phenotype relationships requires that phenotypes be viewed as manifestations of network properties, rather than simply as the result of individual genomic variations. Genome sequencing efforts have identified numerous germline mutations, and large numbers of somatic genomic alterations, associated with a predisposition to cancer. However, it remains difficult to distinguish background, or 'passenger', cancer mutations from causal, or 'driver', mutations in these data sets. Human viruses intrinsically depend on their host cell during the course of infection and can elicit pathological phenotypes similar to those arising from mutations. Here we test the hypothesis that genomic variations and tumour viruses may cause cancer through related mechanisms, by systematically examining host interactome and transcriptome network perturbations caused by DNA tumour virus proteins. The resulting integrated viral perturbation data reflects rewiring of the host cell networks, and highlights pathways, such as Notch signalling and apoptosis, that go awry in cancer. We show that systematic analyses of host targets of viral proteins can identify cancer genes with a success rate on a par with their identification through functional genomics and large-scale cataloguing of tumour mutations. Together, these complementary approaches increase the specificity of cancer gene identification. Combining systems-level studies of pathogen-encoded gene products with genomic approaches will facilitate the prioritization of cancer-causing driver genes to advance the understanding of the genetic basis of human cancer

    Virally implicated diseases.

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    <p><b>A</b>, EBV-implicated diseases. <b>B</b>, HPV16-implicated diseases. Mapped gene column lists the genes found in the neighborhood of viral targets. An asterisk (*) in the “mapped gene” column corresponds to diseases where no known genes are reportedly associated with the disease in OMIM database, and (-) corresponds to diseases where there are genes reportedly associated with the disease in OMIM database but are not identified with our approach. Diseases marked with (<sup>i</sup>) correspond to EBV-implicated diseases within the framework of B cell lymphoma.</p

    Linking a viral proteome to virally implicated diseases through the host interactome.

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    <p><b>A</b>, Viral proteins (virome) interact with host proteins (viral targets) in the host interactome, which in turn are linked to various human diseases (phenome) through mutations in particular disease susceptibility genes (variome). <b>B</b>, Determining topological proximity between viral targets and genes associated with virally implicated diseases by measuring the shortest path lengths between them. For each disease, the minimum number of hops of interactions needed to connect any of its associated genes to any viral targets is designated as the shortest path. <b>C,D</b>, The average shortest path for either EBV (C) or HPV16 (D) was significantly shorter than random expectation.</p

    Virally implicated diseases associated with genes in the neighborhoods of viral targets.

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    <p><b>A,B</b>, The number of virally implicated diseases in the neighborhoods was higher than randomly expected for EBV (A) and HPV16 (B). <b>C,D</b>, The number of differentially expressed genes in the neighborhood of viral targets of either EBV (C) or HPV16 (D) was significantly higher compared to that in the neighborhood of randomly sampled host genes. The total number of genes regulated by EBV and HPV targets is 109 and 122, respectively. Expression level was measured in tissues of two virally implicated diseases respectively, Burkitt's lymphoma (EBV) and cervical cancer (HPV), and compared to normal tissues. <b>E,F</b>, Known virally implicated diseases in the vicinity of viral targets for EBV (E) and HPV16 (F). Examples of paths that are known to correspond to disease mechanism are highlighted in grey and listed individually underneath.</p

    Viral disease networks.

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    <p><b>A,C</b>, The neighborhoods of viral targets in the host interactome, along with their disease associations, represent “viral disease networks”. Diseases associated with genes in the neighborhood of EBV (A) or HPV16 (C) targets that are not yet characterized with viral implications are shown as grey nodes. Node size is proportional to the degree of a node (number of neighbors it has) in the viral disease network. <b>B,D</b>, Diseases associated with genes in the neighborhoods of randomly generated viral targets of EBV (B) or HPV16 (D) are significantly sparser than the neighborhoods of actual viral targets. <b>E</b>, Benchmarking the prioritization using relative risk with virally infected patients showed that the higher-ranked diseases in the prioritization are more often associated with viral infection. <b>F</b>, Differentially expressed genes in E6 or E7 induced IMR90 and HFK cell populations with their associated diseases. If a gene is regulated by a specific viral protein target, it is also almost always differentially expressed in the cell population where that specific viral protein is induced. For example, <i>EDN1</i> is regulated by FOS, an E7 target, and EDN1 is differentially expressed in E7 induced cell populations. Large grey nodes: diseases with high relative risk among HPV patients.</p