5,097 research outputs found

    Performance Report: Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

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    Red-cockaded Woodpecker Study

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    Bald Eagle Investigations

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    Aerial and ground surveys resulted in the location of 54 bald eagie active territories with 52 active nests. A total of 56 young were produced of which 51 reached fledging age. This resulted in a production of 0.98 fledglings per active nest and 1.68, fledglings per productive nest. Forty-five of 56 eaglets produced were banded and also marked with white plastic bands with alpha-numeric codes. Roost and shoreline censuses were conducted of a summering population of eagles on the James River. A mid-winter survey of eagles was conducted January, resulting in the location of 171 birds

    Performance Report: Peregrine Falcon

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    Peregrine Falcon Investigations

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    Peregrine Falcon Investigations

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    Performance Report: Bald Eagle

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    Bald Eagle Investigations

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