15 research outputs found
Effect Evaluation of Recreational Coloring Carried Out at Pay Nursing Home
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Reliability and Effects of Leg Dominance on Lower Extremity Isokinetic Force and Work Using the Closed Chain Rider System
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Human Kinetics'
- Publication date
- Field of study
In search of network resilience: An optimization‐based
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
H. pylori in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer: interaction between duodenal acid load, bile, and H. pylori
- Author
- Ainsworth M.A.
- Allen A.
- Angelico M.
- Archambault A.P.
- Bardhan K.D.
- Berk J.E.
- Berk J.E.
- Berk J.E.
- Berk J.E.
- Berk J.E.
- Borgstrom S.
- Bynum T.E.
- Calam J.
- Chan F.K.
- Dowling R.H.
- Feldman M.
- Goodwin C.S.
- Graham D.Y.
- Graham D.Y.
- Graham D.Y.
- Graham D.Y.
- Graham D.Y.
- Hamlet A.
- Han S.W.
- Hanninen M.L.
- Hazell S.L.
- Hazell S.L.
- Hofmann A.F.
- Hogan D.L.
- Hojgaard L.
- Karttunen T.
- Kellosalo J.
- Khulusi S.
- Lopusniak M.S.
- Malagelada J.R.
- Marshall B.J.
- Mathai E.
- Morris A.
- Niemela S.
- Northfield T.C.
- O'Connor H.J.
- O'Connor H.J.
- Offerhaus G.J.
- Petschow B.W.
- Robles-Campos R.
- Sobala G.M.
- Soll A.H.
- Thompson L.
- Tompkins D.S.
- Walker P.
- Wormsley K.G.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales
- Author
- Albert S.
- Alvira D.
- Bergamini N.
- Betley E.
- Blair Matthew W.
- Boseto D.
- Burrows K.
- Bynum N.
- Caillon S.
- Caselle J.E.
- Claudet J.
- Cullman G.
- Dacks R.
- Eyzaguirre Pablo B.
- Filardi C.
- Gazit N.
- Gray S.
- Herrera J.
- Jupiter S.D.
- Kenilorea P.
- Kinney K.
- Kurashima N.
- Macey S.
- Malone C.
- Mauli S.
- McCarter J.
- McMillen H.
- Newell J.
- Pascua P.
- Pikacha P.
- Porzeccanski A.L.
- Robert Pascale de
- Salpeteur M.
- Sigouin A.
- Sirikolo M.
- Stege K.
- Stege M.H.
- Sterling E.
- Ticktin T.
- Toomey A.
- Vave R.
- Wali A.
- West P.
- Winter K.B.
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 23/01/2018
- Field of study
A comparison of juvenile court outcomes for Native Americans, African Americans, and whites
- Author
- Aday D.
- Albaugh B.
- Balbus I.D.
- Bortner M.
- Brown M.E.
- Bynum T.
- Carter T.J.
- Crew B.K.
- Currie E.
- Eitzen D.S.
- Fagan J.
- Farnworth M.
- Farrell R.
- Federal REgister
- Feld B.
- Fenwick C.R.
- Feyerherm W.
- Fisher G.A.
- Frazier C.
- Georges-Abeiye D.
- Hagan J.
- Hepburn J.
- Hill T.
- Horwitz A.
- Jencks C.
- Johnson D.
- Kempf K.
- Klein M.W.
- Kuker D.
- Leiber M.
- Leiber M.
- Leiber M.
- Liska A.
- Longclaws L.
- Luhman R.
- MacAndrew C.
- Maguire K.
- Mann C.R.
- May P.A.
- May P.A.
- Michael J. Leiber
- Moore J.W.
- Pope C
- Pope C.
- Pope C.
- Robbins S.P.
- SAS Institute
- Stolzenberg R.
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- Watts J.G.
- Wax R.
- Weber M.
- Weber M.
- Weber M.
- Weibel-Orlando J.
- Wideman J.E.
- Wilbanks W.
- Zatz M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Noncognitive Variables in College Admissions
- Author
- Alexander C.J.
- Altman L.A.
- Ancis J.R.
- Anderson C.Y.
- Astin A.W.
- Astin A.W.
- Awe C.O.
- Babington C.A.
- Bennett C.
- Bill &
- Boham R.V.
- Boldt K.E.
- Boyd V.
- Boyer S.P.
- Bragg T.A.
- Breland H.M.
- Bridgeman B.
- Bullock-McNeill J.
- Bynum J.E.
- Carstens S.P.
- Cascio W.F.
- Chung Y.
- Conner R.
- Dalton D.L.
- Dias A.
- Eiche K.
- Epps E.G.
- Eysenck H.J.
- Freedman D.
- Fuertes J.N.
- Fuertes J.N.
- Fuller M.K.
- Gagnon M.E.
- Gardner A.A.
- Guffey J.S.
- Hedges L.V.
- Hill W.
- Hughes H.M.
- Hunter J.E.
- Izaak A.R.
- James X.V.
- Johnson I.V.H.
- Kaase K.J.
- King P.M.
- Kuncel N.R.
- Lavin D.E.
- Lemley E.Y.
- Lisa L. Thomas
- Marcus Credé
- Martin O.L.
- McCarthy J.M.
- Moll R.
- Moore S.K.
- Nathan R. Kuncel
- Nisbet J.
- Noble J.P.
- Noble J.P.
- Nunnally J.C.
- Nunnally J.C.
- O'Callaghan K.W.
- Pantages T.J.
- Perez V.P.
- Scameheorn D.M.
- Scott A.H.
- Sedlacek W.E.
- Sedlacek W.E.
- Selman R.V.C.
- Sicherer M.J.
- Smith C.N.
- Thomas J.H.
- Ting S.
- Ting S.
- Ting S.
- Ting S.
- Tinto V.
- Tipling A.N.
- Tracey T.J.
- Tracey T.J.
- Tracey T.J.
- Tracey T.J.
- Travis R.L.
- University of Maryland.
- Walker C.W.
- Washington C.M.
- Weisberg S.
- White T.J.
- Wilds D.J.
- Willingham W.W.
- Wolfolk W.B.
- Young B.D.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Ackroyd S.
- Adler S.
- African Caribbean People in Leicestershire Project
- Anderson S.
- Barclay G.
- Bowler I.R.
- Box J.
- Burgess J.
- Burgess J.
- Bynum T.
- Cheek N.H.
- Commission for Racial Equality
- Cranz G.
- Crawford A.
- Criminal Statistics
- Fitzgerald M.
- Fletcher J.E.
- Francis P.
- Godbey G.
- Grahn P.
- Greed C.H.
- Grimwade R.
- Harold Lewis Malt Associates
- Harries K.D.
- Herbert D.T.
- Home Office
- Home Office Survey
- Hutchinson R.
- Hutchinson R.
- Jackson P.
- Jones T.
- Kennedy L.W.
- Kidd S.
- Kleinman S.
- Leicester City Council
- Leicester City Council
- Madge C.
- Maitland D.
- Marcus C.C.
- Matrix
- Maung N.A.
- Mayhew P.
- McDonald A.D.
- McIntyre N.
- McMillen J.B.
- McNeill S.
- Meeker J.W.
- Melbourne Parks
- Pain R.
- Painter K.
- Painter K.
- Pawson E.
- Pitcher E.G.
- Plummer B.
- Price-Jones A.
- Racial Harassment Project
- Robinson V.
- Rose G.
- Skogan W.G.
- Smith S.
- Solomos J.
- Soothill K.
- Taylor R.B.
- Trench S.
- Valentine G.
- Valentine G.
- Valentine G.
- Van Der Wurff A.
- Van Dijk T.
- Vroom M.J.
- Webster C.
- Williams P.
- Willis A.
- Women's Equality Unit
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Intertidal and shallow water amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridea and Corophiidea) from Isla Pérez, Alacranes Reef, southern Gulf of Mexico
- Author
- Anker A
- Anker A
- Anker A
- Appadoo C
- Arias-González J.E
- Baldinger A.J
- Barba E
- Barnard J.L
- Bousfield E.L
- Bousfield E.L
- Bousfield E.L
- Bynum K.H
- Cardoso R.S
- Charvat D.L
- Cházaro-Olvera S
- Ciavatti G
- Clarke K.R
- Connell J.H
- Cuevas-Jimenéz A
- Defeo O
- Escobar-Briones E
- Escobar-Briones E
- Folk R.L
- Folk R.L
- Gable M.F
- Jordán-Dahlgren E
- Just J
- Karaman G.S
- Knox G.A
- Kornicker L.S
- Krapp-Schickel T
- Krapp-Schickel T
- Lazo-Wasem E.A
- Lazo-Wasem E.A
- LeCroy S.E
- LeCroy S.E
- LeCroy S.E
- LeCroy S.E
- LeCroy S.E
- LeCroy S.E
- Ledoyer M
- Lewis F.G
- Lewis S.M
- Liceaga-Correa M.A
- Lowry J.K
- Martín A
- McKinney L.D
- Mejía-Ortíz L.M
- Miloslavich P
- Moreno-Mendoza R
- Myers A.A
- Myers A.A
- Myers A.A
- Oliva-Rivera J.J
- Ortiz M
- Ortiz M
- Ortiz M
- Ortiz M
- Paz-Ríos C.E
- Pearse A.S
- Plaisance L
- Plaisance L
- Porri F
- Richards V.P
- Shoemaker C.R
- Shoemaker C.R
- Spalding M.D
- Stoddart D.R
- terHorst C.P
- Thomas J.D
- Thomas J.D
- Thomas J.D
- Thomas J.D
- Trujillo-Pisanty D
- Varela C
- Webb A.P
- White K.N
- White K.N
- Wilkinson T
- Winfield I
- Winfield I
- Winfield I
- Winfield I
- Zimmerman R
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study