8 research outputs found

    Giant magnons in TsT-transformed AdS_5 x S^5

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    We consider giant magnons propagating in a \gamma-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 background obtained from AdS_5 x S^5 by means of a chain of TsT transformations. We point out that in the light-cone gauge and in the infinite J limit the deformed and undeformed string models share the same magnon dispersion relation, the \su(2|2)\oplus \su(2|2)-invariant world-sheet S-matrix and the dressing factor. The \gamma-dependence in the limit is only due to different level-matching conditions. We consider the reduction of the deformed model to R x S^3 and determine the leading \gamma-dependence of the dispersion relation for a finite J giant magnon.Comment: 21 pages; v2: minor corrections (missing 2\pi factor inserted, inequalities corrected); 2 references adde

    Relocalization of Translation Termination and Ribosome Recycling Factors to Stress Granules Coincides with Elevated Stop-Codon Readthrough and Reinitiation Rates upon Oxidative Stress

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    Upon oxidative stress, mammalian cells rapidly reprogram their translation. This is accompanied by the formation of stress granules (SGs), cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein condensates containing untranslated mRNA molecules, RNA-binding proteins, 40S ribosomal subunits, and a set of translation initiation factors. Here we show that arsenite-induced stress causes a dramatic increase in the stop-codon readthrough rate and significantly elevates translation reinitiation levels on uORF-containing and bicistronic mRNAs. We also report the recruitment of translation termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, as well as ribosome recycling and translation reinitiation factors ABCE1, eIF2D, MCT-1, and DENR to SGs upon arsenite treatment. Localization of these factors to SGs may contribute to a rapid resumption of mRNA translation after stress relief and SG disassembly. It may also suggest the presence of post-termination, recycling, or reinitiation complexes in SGs. This new layer of translational control under stress conditions, relying on the altered spatial distribution of translation factors between cellular compartments, is discussed