999 research outputs found

    Rare and endangered plants at Gateway National Recreation Area: a case for protection of urban natural areas

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    The diversity of native plant species in urban environments is usually overlooked when biodiversity levels are considered. Inventories of native plants reveal many to be rare species surviving the harsh conditions encountered in urban ecosystems. Knowledge of their existence and an inventory of their distribution will assist in maintaining these populations. Protection strategies for rare plant species are outlined for urban National Parks

    Charge neutralization in vacuum for non-conducting and isolated objects using directed low-energy electron and ion beams

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    We propose using ions and electrons of energy 1 eV–10 eV for neutralizing the charges on the non-conducting or isolated surfaces of high-sensitivity experiments. The mirror surfaces of the test masses of the laser interferometer gravitational observatory are used as an example of the implementation of this method. By alternatively directing beams of positive and negative charges towards the mirror surfaces, we ensure the neutralization of the total charge as well as the equalization of the surface charge distribution to within a few eV of the potential of the ground reference of the vacuum system. This method is compatible with operation in high vacuum, does not require measuring the potential of the mirrors and is expected not to damage sensitive optical surfaces

    Phytosociological analysis of restored and managed grassland habitat within an urban national park

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    Floyd Bennett Field (FBF), 579 ha in extent, is a division of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is the site of a former airfield, constructed by filling salt marshes with dredged materials. Except for the portion known locally as the “North Forty,” all sections of FBF have been cut over to maintain low vegetation. A grassland management plan (GRAMP) for 165 ha was initiated in 1986, to maintain habitats for open-country birds. Over the next few years, encroaching woody vegetation was removed manually and mechanically from the management area. Since then, it has been maintained as a grassland and receives annual mowing, as well as continued manual removal of the larger woody sprouts. A portion of the GRAMP management area (III) was selected for intensive study of vegetation composition. A grid system was created and vegetation cover was estimated in 127, 1 m × 1 m quadrats. The quadrats were subjected to cluster analysis (CA). Eleven clusters were recognized. These clusters were treated as “plant associations.” The following types were distinguished: (native) little bluestem–dewberry grassland, six-weeks fescue annual grassland, a grass marsh, a rush marsh, a switchgrass dry grassland, and a deer-tongue panicgrass grassland; (exotic) mugwort herbland, oriental bittersweet-Japanese honeysuckle vineland, Kentucky bluegrass-mixed grassland, Japanese knotweed tall herbland, and spotted knapweed-common St. Johnswort herbland. The little bluestem–dewberry association accounted for nearly half of all quadrats; six subclusters were recognized. The plant associations determined by CA were compared with plant lists compiled during traverses of all of the map categories in the six GRAMP Areas (I, II, III, IV, V, VI). A table was created to relate the quantitative data of the plant associations to the appropriate map categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) was performed on the quadrat data. Finally, the plant associations were compared with those described in the literature of local vegetation studies. The mowing program has been effective in decreasing woody plant cover and has permitted the invasion of a few taxa into monospecific communities, but attendant disturbance of the substrate is likely to cause an increase in exotic plant taxa. As earlier studies noted, mowing has caused the increase in cover of sod-forming grass, and bare ground has virtually disappeared in the managed area. This has negative implications for the maintenance of those grassland bird species that require open ground for nesting

    Stable nondegenerate optical parametric oscillation at degenerate frequencies in Na:KTP

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    We report the realization of a light source specifically designed for the generation of bright continuous-variable entangled beams and for Heisenberg-limited inteferometry. The source is a nondegenerate, single-mode, continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator in Na:KTP, operated at frequency degeneracy and just above threshold, which is also of interest for the study of critical fluctuations at the transition point. The residual frequency-difference jitter is ±\pm 150 kHz for a 3 MHz cold cavity half-width at half maximum. We observe 4 dB of photon-number-difference squeezing at 200 kHz. The Na:KTP crystal is noncritically phase-matched for a 532 nm pump and polarization crosstalk is therefore practically nonexistent

    Coherence properties of a doubly resonant monolithic optical parametric oscillator

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    We describe a doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator (DRO) pumped with the second harmonic of a narrowlinewidth Nd:YAG laser. The linewidth of the DRO signal was less than 13 kHz, the DRO was shown to generate a phase-locked subharmonic of the pump at degeneracy, and the signal and the idler were shown to be mutually coherent with the pump and to be phase anticorrelated with each other away from degeneracy. The signal-idler heterodyne linewidth was 500 Hz, and pump phase modulation was shown to transfer to the DRO phase at degeneracy

    Persistent current in a one-dimensional ring of fractionally charged "exclusons''

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    The Aharonov-Bohm effect in a one-dimensional (1D) ring containing a gas of fractionally charged excitations is considered. It is shown that the low temperature behavior of the system is identical to that of free electrons with (integer) charge ee. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the total charge in the ring is quantized in units of the electron charge. Anomalous oscillations of the persistent current amplitude with temperature are predicted to occur as a direct manifistation of the fractional nature of the quasiparticle charge. A 1D conducting ring with gate induced periodical potential is discussed as a possible set-up for an experimental observation of the predicted phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, uuencoded figure
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