2 research outputs found

    Perversão e infância e adolescência

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    By going through the works of Freud and Lacan, the authors research perversion in childhood, going through the perverse polymorphism of the infant sexuality, increased with the view of the anatomic difference of the sexes, that leads the child to created sexual theories and fantasies. The phallic mother and the fetish are imaginary solutions with a straight relation of the Oedipal and castration complexes. Perversion is a particular position in face of the Oedipus, with a flaw in the symbolization of the law, the denial. Sexuality needs a second logic time, separated by the latency period, to confirm in act a fixed position of jouissance (enjoyment) that adolescence enhances. The distinction between a perverse trace and a perverse structure is established, taking in account that, in case of child analysis, the analyst is supposed to free the child from the family fantasy and help him/her to build his/her own fantasy.Através de percurso em Freud e Lacan o grupo interroga a perversão na infância, passando pelo polimorfirmo perverso na sexualidade infantil, acirrada com a visão da diferença anatômica entre os sexos, que faz a criança criar teorias sexuais e fantasias. A mãe fálica e o fetiche são soluções imaginárias concernentes aos complexos de Édipo e de castração. A perversão é uma posição particular diante do Édipo, com uma falha na simbolização da lei: o desmentido. A sexualidade precisa de um segundo tempo lógico separado pelo período de latência, para confirmar em ato uma posição de gozo fixada que a adolescência franqueia. Distingue-se o traço perverso e a estrutura perversa levando-se em conta que, no caso da Psicanálise com criança, se deve descolá-la do fantasma familiar e ajudá-la na construção do seu próprio fantasma

    Dornase alfa improves the health-related quality of life among Brazilian patients with cystic fibrosis - A one-year prospective study

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    Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measurements provide valuable information about the psychological and social impact of treatment on patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This study evaluated the HRQOL of Brazilian patients with CF and assessed the changes in HRQOL domains over 1 year after dornase alfa (Pulmozyme) introduction. Patients and Methods: One hundred fifty-six stable patients with CF and 89 caregivers answered the Portuguese-validated version of the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised (CFQ-R) at baseline (T 0), and at 3 (T 1), 6 (T 2), 9 (T 3), and 12 (T 4) months of follow-up. Eighteen patientswere excluded because they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria. The patients were analyzed in two groups: those aged 6-11 years and those aged 14 years and older. ANOVA for observed repeated results and the last observation carried forward (LOCF) method for missing data were used for the statistical analysis. Results: After 1 year of follow-up, there was significant improvement in respiratory symptoms (T 4-T 0=8.1; 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=[2.1;14.0]; effect size (ES)=0.35; P<0.001), Emotional Functioning (T 4-T 0=5.6; 95% CI=[1.1;10.1]; ES=0.31; P<0.05), Social Functioning (T 4-T 0=6.0; 95% CI=[1.3;11.7]; ES=0.31; P<0.05), Body Image (T 4-T 0=11.9; 95% CI=[4.1;19.7]; ES=0.42; P<0.05), and Treatment Burden (T 4-T 0=5.3; 95% CI=[0.3;10.3]; ES=0.24; P<0.05) domains in the younger group. A significant improvement in Role Functioning (T 4-T 0=6.1; 95% CI=[1.1;11.1]; ES=0.40; P<0.05), Body Image (T 4-T 0=12.6; 95% CI=[3.5;21.7]; ES=0.46; P<0.05), and Weight (T 4-T 0=11.7; 95% CI=[1.8;21.6]; ES=0.40; P<0.05) was obtained in the older group. The caregivers' CFQ-R showed improvements in the Digestive Symptoms (T 4-T 0=5.5; 95% CI=[1.5;9.4]; ES=0.30; P<0.05), Respiratory Symptoms (T 4-T 0=7.6; 95% CI=[3.9;11.4]; ES=0.48; P<0.05), and Weight (T 4-T 0=10.1; 95% CI=[1.6;18.6]; ES=0.26; P<0.05) domains. Conclusion: The introduction of dornase alfa improved the HRQL of the patients with CF during the first year of treatment. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc