1,736 research outputs found


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    Molecular dynamics simulations of the dipolar-induced formation of magnetic nanochains and nanorings

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    Iron, cobalt and nickel nanoparticles, grown in the gas phase, are known to arrange in chains and bracelet-like rings due to the long-range dipolar interaction between the ferromagnetic (or super-paramagnetic) particles. We investigate the dynamics and thermodynamics of such magnetic dipolar nanoparticles for low densities using molecular dynamics simulations and analyze the influence of temperature and external magnetic fields on two- and three-dimensional systems. The obtained phase diagrams can be understood by using simple energetic arguments.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    The linear multiplet and ectoplasm

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    In the framework of the superconformal tensor calculus for 4D N=2 supergravity, locally supersymmetric actions are often constructed using the linear multiplet. We provide a superform formulation for the linear multiplet and derive the corresponding action functional using the ectoplasm method (also known as the superform approach to the construction of supersymmetric invariants). We propose a new locally supersymmetric action which makes use of a deformed linear multiplet. The novel feature of this multiplet is that it corresponds to the case of a gauged central charge using a one-form potential not annihilated by the central charge (unlike the standard N=2 vector multiplet). Such a gauge one-form can be chosen to describe a variant nonlinear vector-tensor multiplet. As a byproduct of our construction, we also find a variant realization of the tensor multiplet in supergravity where one of the auxiliaries is replaced by the field strength of a gauge three-form.Comment: 31 pages; v3: minor corrections and typos fixed, version to appear in JHE

    Three-dimensional (p,q) AdS superspaces and matter couplings

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    We introduce N-extended (p,q) AdS superspaces in three space-time dimensions, with p+q=N and p>=q, and analyse their geometry. We show that all (p,q) AdS superspaces with X^{IJKL}=0 are conformally flat. Nonlinear sigma-models with (p,q) AdS supersymmetry exist for p+q4 the target space geometries are highly restricted). Here we concentrate on studying off-shell N=3 supersymmetric sigma-models in AdS_3. For each of the cases (3,0) and (2,1), we give three different realisations of the supersymmetric action. We show that (3,0) AdS supersymmetry requires the sigma-model to be superconformal, and hence the corresponding target space is a hyperkahler cone. In the case of (2,1) AdS supersymmetry, the sigma-model target space must be a non-compact hyperkahler manifold endowed with a Killing vector field which generates an SO(2) group of rotations of the two-sphere of complex structures.Comment: 52 pages; V3: minor corrections, version published in JHE

    The gauge-Higgs legacy of the LHC Run I

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    The effective Lagrangian expansion provides a framework to study effects of new physics at the electroweak scale. To make full use of LHC data in constraining higher-dimensional operators we need to include both the Higgs and the electroweak gauge sector in our study. We first present an analysis of the relevant di-boson production LHC results to update constraints on triple gauge boson couplings. Our bounds are several times stronger than those obtained from LEP data. Next, we show how in combination with Higgs measurements the triple gauge vertices lead to a significant improvement in the entire set of operators, including operators describing Higgs couplings

    Dipole Interactions and Electrical Polarity in Nanosystems -- the Clausius-Mossotti and Related Models

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    Point polarizable molecules at fixed spatial positions have solvable electrostatic properties in classical approximation, the most familiar being the Clausius-Mossotti (CM) formula. This paper generalizes the model and imagines various applications to nanosystems. The behavior is worked out for a sequence of octahedral fragments of simple cubic crystals, and the crossover to the bulk CM law is found. Some relations to fixed moment systems are discussed and exploited. The one-dimensional dipole stack is introduced as an important model system. The energy of interaction of parallel stacks is worked out, and clarifies the diverse behavior found in different crystal structures. It also suggests patterns of self-organization which polar molecules in solution might adopt. A sum rule on the stack interaction is found and tested. Stability of polarized states under thermal fluctuations is discussed, using the one-dimensional domain wall as an example. Possible structures for polar hard ellipsoids are considered. An idea is formulated for enhancing polarity of nanosystems by intentionally adding metallic coatings.Comment: 18 pages (includes 6 embedded figures and 3 tables). New references, and other small improvements. Scheduled for publication by J. Chem. Phys., Jan. 200

    Rigidly Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on Curved Superspace

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    In this note we construct rigidly supersymmetric gauged sigma models and gauge theories on certain Einstein four-manifolds, and discuss constraints on these theories. In work elsewhere, it was recently shown that on some nontrivial Einstein four-manifolds such as AdS4_4, N=1 rigidly supersymmetric sigma models are constrained to have target spaces with exact K\"ahler forms. Similarly, in gauged sigma models and gauge theories, we find that supersymmetry imposes constraints on Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters, which have the effect of enforcing that K\"ahler forms on quotient spaces be exact. We also discuss general aspects of universality classes of gauged sigma models, as encoded by stacks, and also discuss affine bundle structures implicit in these constructions.Comment: 23 pages; references added; more discussion added; v4: typos fixe

    Six-dimensional Supergravity and Projective Superfields

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    We propose a superspace formulation of N=(1,0) conformal supergravity in six dimensions. The corresponding superspace constraints are invariant under super-Weyl transformations generated by a real scalar parameter. The known variant Weyl super-multiplet is recovered by coupling the geometry to a super-3-form tensor multiplet. Isotwistor variables are introduced and used to define projective superfields. We formulate a locally supersymmetric and super-Weyl invariant action principle in projective superspace. Some families of dynamical supergravity-matter systems are presented.Comment: 39 pages; v3: some modifications in section 2; equations (2.3), (2.14b), (2.16) and (2.17) correcte

    Hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal ferrofluids: A lattice Boltzmann study

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    We use lattice Boltzmann simulations, in conjunction with Ewald summation methods, to investigate the role of hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal suspensions of dipolar particles, such as ferrofluids. Our work addresses volume fractions ϕ\phi of up to 0.20 and dimensionless dipolar interaction parameters λ\lambda of up to 8. We compare quantitatively with Brownian dynamics simulations, in which many-body hydrodynamic interactions are absent. Monte Carlo data are also used to check the accuracy of static properties measured with the lattice Boltzmann technique. At equilibrium, hydrodynamic interactions slow down both the long-time and the short-time decays of the intermediate scattering function S(q,t)S(q,t), for wavevectors close to the peak of the static structure factor S(q)S(q), by a factor of roughly two. The long-time slowing is diminished at high interaction strengths whereas the short-time slowing (quantified via the hydrodynamic factor H(q)H(q)) is less affected by the dipolar interactions, despite their strong effect on the pair distribution function arising from cluster formation. Cluster formation is also studied in transient data following a quench from λ=0\lambda = 0; hydrodynamic interactions slow the formation rate, again by a factor of roughly two