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    Criterios de implementaci贸n ISO 14001:2015 Caso de estudio Sector Construcci贸n.

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    Teniendo en Cuenta la revisi贸n ambiental inicial( RAI), se dise帽贸 un instrumento de chequeo y se tomaron fuentes primaria y fuentes secundarias para la recolecci贸n de la informaci贸n, como fuentes primarias est谩 apoyada por la compa帽era katherin vanessa ortega diaz quien realiz贸 el trabajo de campo del proyecto y como fuentes secundarias est谩n los informes mensuales de seguimiento al componente ambiental y del seguimiento del plan de manejo ambiental del proyecto vial Tibu- la gabarra , teniendo como referencia esta informaci贸n se elabor贸 la matriz de aspectos he impactos ambientales , y matriz de requisitos legales ambientales, diagrama de procesos de las actividades de pavimentaci贸n , cunetas y construcci贸n de muro en Tierra armada . De acuerdo a esto se establece el alcance del SGA, y se describe la problem谩tica del sector, y finalmente se establece el ciclo PHVA de acuerdo a la norma ISO14001:2015. Palabras claves: RAI, ISO14001:2015, matriz, aspectos ambientales, Impactos ambientales.Taking into account the initial environmental review (RAI), a screening instrument was designed and primary sources and secondary sources were taken for the collection of information, as primary sources is supported by fellow Katherin Vanessa Ortega Diaz who carried out the field work of the project and as secondary sources are the monthly monitoring reports to the environmental component and the monitoring of the environmental management plan of the Tibu-la gabarra road project, having as reference this information, the matrix of aspects of environmental impacts and requirements matrix was prepared. environmental legal, process diagram of paving activities, gutters and construction of wall in armed land. According to this, the scope of the EMS is established, and the sector's problem is described, and finally the PHVA cycle is established according to the ISO14001: 2015 standard. Keywords: RAI, ISO14001: 2015, matrix, environmental aspects, Environmental impacts