3 research outputs found

    The Relationship Of The Characteristics Of The Mother With The Type Of Delivery

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    The incidence of deliveries by cesarean section is reported to have increased worldwide and exceeded the range recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) which is 10-15% as an effort to save the lives of mothers and babies. Latin America and the Caribbean region were the highest contributors at 40.5%. Riskesdas data in 2018 shows that the prevalence of delivery by caesarean section in Indonesia is 17.6%. This type of research is cross sectional with secondary data sources. The study was conducted from May to November 2021 at the Padang City Government and Private Hospital. The population was all mothers who gave birth during the survey period from January 1 to December 31, 2020 at hospitals in the city of Padang (dr. Reksodiwiryo Hospital, Andalas University Hospital, and Ibu Sina Islamic Hospital) with samples of all populations that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected in a data collection format, analyzed by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. Most (82.7%) deliveries were performed by cesarean section, a small percentage (23.2%) were high risk mothers ( 35 years), a small percentage (37.9%) gave birth to their first child. and more than 4 children, a small percentage (18.6%) of maternity mothers had education at the middle school level and below, there was a relationship between maternal age and the type of delivery performed, and there was no relationship between parity and maternal education with the type of delivery performed. Health workers, especially midwives, are expected to further improve health promotion related to the impact and dangers of sectio caesarea with non-medical indications and increase the provision of midwifery care to pregnant women to optimize the position of the fetus so that mothers can give birth normally vaginall

    Pemantauan Status Gizi dan Deteksi Dini Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) serta Pemberian Edukasi Kesehatan secara Holistik dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Remaja Putri di SMP YPI Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung

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    From 10–19, adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. There will be changes in the shape and function of the body in a reasonably short time. Sufficient and adequate nutrition for adolescents is one factor affecting their reproductive health. This community service aimed to monitor nutritional status and detect early signs of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). Monitoring of nutritional status is carried out for adolescents, especially young women. Physical health and healthy reproductive organs are essential in preparation for becoming healthy expectant mothers who can later give birth to a healthy generation. Holistic health education was needed in adolescents' growth to become better human beings in terms of their health. This activity was carried out in May 2023 at Junior High School, YPI Ciparay, and Bandung Regency. The target audience was young girls in 7th grade; there were 82 people. At the time, the students filled out questionnaires about their characteristics. Then the team measured the anthropometrics to determine the nutritional status and the incidence of CED by weighing, measuring height, and measuring upper arm circumference. The measurements showed that the nutritional status based on body mass index for most female students was standard, about 60.97%, and 41.46% of female students were CED. Counselling and health information were also provided holistically to increase the girls' understanding of their health status


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    Bayi Baru Lahir dan neonatus memiliki resiko ganggguan kesehatan paling tinggi, berbagai masalah kesehatan bisa muncul, sehingga tanpa penanganan yang tepat, akan memiliki dampak berbahaya pada bayi. Saat ini, Indonesia sedang menghadapi bencana nasional non alam Covid-19 sehingga pelayanan kesehatan maternal dan neonatal menjadi salah satu layanan yang terkena dampak baik secara akses maupun kualitas. Kasus Covid-19 untuk wilayah Sumatera Barat yang masih meningkat dan kasus positif tidak hanya terjadi pada wanita yang sehat, namun juga ada yang tanpa gelaja, wanita hamil, menyusui, bayi baru lahir, anak dan dewasa. Agar ibu dan bayi tetap dapat selalu mendapatkan asuhan selama masa pandemi, maka sebagai bidan dapat dilakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan (Continuity of care) pada ibu dan keluarga dengan lebih inovatif dengan tetap harus memperhatikan protokol kesehatan dalam memberikan asuhan pada ibu dan bayi. Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya angka derajat kesehatan yang lebih baik pada bayi, sehat fisik dan tumbuh serta berkembang secara normal di era pandemi covid-19. Metode yang dipakai dengan melakukan survey dan wawancara untuk pengumpulan data, analisis data, penyajian data, merumuskan pembahasan dan selanjutnya diberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE) dilakukan dengan metode daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi SMS,video conference, zoom,WA dan aplikasi lainnya. Kata kunci : Bayi Baru Lahir, Neonatus, Covid-19, Continuity of Care ABSTRACT Newborn and neonatus  have the highest risk of health problems, various health problems can arise. So that without proper handling, it will have a dangerous impact on the baby. Currently, Indonesia is facing a national non-natural disaster Covid-19 so that maternal and neonatal health services are among the services that are affected both in terms of access and quality. Covid-19 cases for the West Sumatra region are still increasing and positive cases do not only occur in healthy women, but also those who are uneasy, pregnant, breastfeeding, newborns, children and adults. So that mothers and babies can always receive care during the pandemic, as a midwife continuous midwifery care can be carried out for mothers and families more innovatively while still having to pay attention to health protocols in providing care to mothers and babies. The goals in this event that will be achieved are to increase the health status in babies, physically healthy and grow and develop normally in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used by conducting surveys and interviews for data collection, data analysis, data presentation, formulating discussions and give the education, information by online using SMS, video conferencing applications, zoom, WA and other video applications. Keywords: Newborns, Neonates, Covid-19, Continuity of Care &nbsp