213 research outputs found

    Glutamate receptors in perirhinal cortex mediate encoding, retrieval, and consolidation of object recognition memory.

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    Object recognition is consistently impaired in human amnesia and animal models thereof. Results from subjects with permanent brain damage have revealed the importance of the perirhinal cortex to object recognition memory. Here, we report evidence from rats for interdependent but distinct stages in object recognition memory (encoding, retrieval, and consolidation), which require glutamate receptor activity within perirhinal cortex. Transient blockade of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission within perirhinal cortex disrupted encoding for short- and long-term memory as well as retrieval and consolidation. In contrast, transient NMDA receptor blockade during encoding affected only long-term object recognition memory; NMDA receptor activity was also necessary for consolidation but not retrieval. These results further demonstrate the importance of perirhinal cortex for object recognition memory and suggest that, as in the hippocampus, AMPA and NMDA receptors mediate synaptic transmission and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity, respectively, in several stages of memory processing

    Transient inactivation of perirhinal cortex disrupts encoding, retrieval, and consolidation of object recognition memory.

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    Damage to perirhinal cortex (PRh) impairs object recognition memory in humans, monkeys, and rats when tested in tasks such as delayed nonmatching to sample, visual paired comparison, and its rodent analog, the spontaneous object recognition task. In the present study, we have capitalized on the discrete one-trial nature of the spontaneous object recognition task to investigate the role of PRh in several distinct stages of object recognition memory. In a series of experiments, transient inactivation of PRh was accomplished with bilateral infusions of lidocaine directly into PRh immediately before the sample phase (encoding), immediately before the choice phase (retrieval), or within the retention delay after the sample phase (storage-consolidation). Compared with performance on trials in which they received saline infusions, rats were significantly impaired when lidocaine was infused before the sample phase, regardless of the length of the retention delay. Similarly, delay-independent deficits were observed after immediate pre-choice infusions of lidocaine. Finally, PRh inactivation immediately and 20 min after the sample phase, but not 40, 60, or 80 min after, also disrupted subsequent object recognition when the retention delay was sufficiently long to ensure the dissipation of the actions of lidocaine during the choice phase. The effects of pre-sample and pre-choice inactivation indicate involvement of PRh in encoding and retrieval stages of object recognition, and the time course of post-sample inactivation effects suggests a role for PRh in the maintenance of the object trace during memory consolidation

    Motivational assessment of mice using the touchscreen operant testing system: effects of dopaminergic drugs.

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    RATIONALE: Touchscreens are widely used to examine rodent cognition. Current paradigms require animals to view stimuli and nose poke at an appropriate touchscreen location. After responding, there is little screen interaction and, as infra-red touchscreens eliminate the need for physical contact, minimal somatosensory feedback. It is therefore unclear if touchscreens can support the vigorous, repetitive responding required in paradigms like progressive ratio (PR) for assessing motivation and effort-related choice (ERC) for assessing decision-making. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to adapt and validate PR and ERC for the rodent touchscreen. METHODS: Male C57Bl/6 mice were trained until responding on PR stabilised. Amphetamine, sulpiride and raclopride were administered via the intraperitoneal route to modify performance. Mice were transferred to ERC and paradigm parameters adjusted to demonstrate behavioural modification. ERC reward preference was assessed by home cage choice analysis. RESULTS: PR performance stabilised within seven sessions. Amphetamine (1 mg/kg) increased and raclopride (0.3 mg/kg) decreased performance by 63 and 28 %, respectively, with a 20-min injection-test interval. Sulpiride (50 mg/kg) decreased performance by 19 % following a 40-min injection-test interval. Increasing ERC operant requirements shifted responding from the operant response-dependent preferred reward towards the freely available alternative. CONCLUSIONS: Vigorous, repetitive responding is sustainable in touchscreen PR and ERC and task validation mirrors non-touchscreen versions. Thus, motivation and reward-related decision-making can be measured directly with touchscreens and can be evaluated prior to cognitive testing in the same apparatus to avoid confounding by motivational factors.CJH, TJB and LMS were funded by Wellcome Trust grant 089703/Z/09/Z. TJB and LMS also received funding from the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00213-015-4009-

    Paradoxical facilitation of object recognition memory after infusion of scopolamine into perirhinal cortex: implications for cholinergic system function.

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    The cholinergic system has long been implicated in learning and memory, yet its specific function remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the role of cortical acetylcholine in a rodent model of declarative memory by infusing the cholinergic muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine into the rat perirhinal cortex during different stages (encoding, storage/consolidation, and retrieval) of the spontaneous object recognition task. Presample infusions of scopolamine significantly impaired object recognition compared with performance of the same group of rats on saline trials; this result is consistent with previous reports supporting a role for perirhinal acetylcholine in object information acquisition. Scopolamine infusions directly before the retrieval stage had no discernible effect on object recognition. However, postsample infusions of scopolamine with sample-to-infusion delays of up to 20 h significantly facilitated performance relative to postsample saline infusion trials. Additional analysis suggested that the infusion episode could cause retroactive or proactive interference with the sample object trace and that scopolamine blocked the acquisition of this interfering information, thereby facilitating recognition memory. This is, to our knowledge, the first example of improved recognition memory after administration of scopolamine. The overall pattern of results is inconsistent with a direct role for cortical acetylcholine in declarative memory consolidation or retrieval. Rather, the cholinergic input to the perirhinal cortex may facilitate acquisition by enhancing the cortical processing of incoming stimulus information

    Measuring Motivation and Reward-Related Decision Making in the Rodent Operant Touchscreen System.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/0471142301.ns0834s74This unit is designed to facilitate implementation of the fixed and progressive ratio paradigms and the effort-related choice task in the rodent touchscreen apparatus to permit direct measurement of motivation and reward-related decision making in this equipment. These protocols have been optimized for use in the mouse and reliably yield stable performance levels that can be enhanced or suppressed by systemic pharmacological manipulation. Instructions are also provided for the adjustment of task parameters to permit use in mouse models of neurodegenerative disease. These tasks expand the utility of the rodent touchscreen apparatus beyond the currently available battery of cognitive assessment paradigms.The protocols presented in this Unit were developed and optimized as part of a research program funded by Wellcome Trust grant 089703/Z/09/Z awarded to TJB and LMS. TJB and LMS also received funding from the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement n° 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013). TJB and LMS consult for Campden Instruments Ltd


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    Alzheimer’s disease is increasing to epidemic levels with an estimated 36 million people affected worldwide (Wimo 2010). The aetiology of the disease is not known, which is hindering the progression of the treatment. This study is a longitudinal investigation into the performance of TgTauP301L mice as an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease on the computer automated touchscreen 5- choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT). TgTauP301L mice have a single tau mutation in the P301L gene and develop the tau pathology that represents the observed tauopathy in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of the investigation is to observe if tau pathology in the TgTauP301L mice causes a cognitive impairment in attention and executive function and at what stage this can be identified by the 5-CSRTT task. This will establish if the animals can be used as a therapeutic model for pre-clinical drug trials and help to identify an early indicator and intervention point in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The animals have previously been studied at 5-months and no differences between performances of the TgTauP301L mice and wild type mice were found (unpublished data). This study measured the performance of the animals at 7- months which is when the tauopathy begins to develop in TgTauP301L mice (Murakami 2005). The results of this study showed that there was no deficit in the performance of the TgTauP301L compared to the wild type mice and there had been no change in the animals’ performance compared to at 5-months. The animals will be retested at 12-months once the pathology has extensively spread to see if the tauopathy causes a deficit in performance

    Impaired object-location learning and recognition memory but enhanced sustained attention in M2 muscarinic receptor-deficient mice

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Rationale: Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are known to play key roles in mediating cognitive processes, and impaired muscarinic cholinergic neurotransmission is associated with normal ageing processes and Alzheimer’s disease. However, the specific contributions of the individual muscarinic receptor subtypes (M1–M5) to cognition are presently not well understood. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of M2-type muscarinic receptor signalling to sustained attention, executive control and learning and memory. Methods: M2 receptor-deficient (M2−/−) mice were tested on a touchscreen-operated task battery testing visual discrimination, behavioural flexibility, object-location associative learning, attention and response control. Spontaneous recognition memory for real-world objects was also assessed. Results: We found that M2−/− mice showed an enhancement of attentional performance, but significant deficits on some tests of learning and memory. Executive control and visual discrimination were unaffected by M2-depletion. Conclusions: These findings suggest that M2 activation has heterogeneous effects across cognitive domains, and provide insights into how acetylcholine may support multiple specific cognitive processes through functionally distinct cholinergic receptor subtypes. They also suggest that therapeutics involving M2 receptor-active compounds should be assessed across a broad range of cognitive domains, as they may enhance some cognitive functions, but impair others

    The role of astrocytes in memory: focus on pattern separation

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    It has recently been shown that astrocytes play a leading role in a particular aspect of memory known as \u27pattern separation\u27 - differentiating between similar experiences or episodes in memory (say, recalling where you parked your car today compared to where you parked it yesterday). Pattern separation is disrupted in a wide variety of diseases of the brain so it is of considerable interest to memory researchers. We have already shown in a small pilot study that we can improve pattern separation with selective manipulation of astrocytes in a specific brain region. In this project, we will attempt to demonstrate a clear relationship between astrocyte signalling and performance at pattern separation, and propose the underlying mechanisms of this influence of astrocytes on pattern separation.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/brainscanprojectsummaries/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Translational approaches to evaluating motivation in laboratory rodents: conventional and touchscreen-based procedures

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    Several neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders are characterised by motivational impairments manifested as lack of behavioural activation or energy resulting in significant functional impairment. Given the clinical significance of these symptoms, the study of motivation in preclinical research has recently intensified. This review briefly summarises the tasks that have been implemented for the evaluation of motivation in different species, emphasising the recent use of touchscreen-based rodent testing systems. This methodology has been widely used in the evaluation of multiple cognitive domains emphasising their translational value and flexibility. Recently touchscreen-based versions of classical tasks for the evaluation of motivation have been or are currently being developed and validated, thus facilitating translation from animal to human research and promoting their implementation in clinical contexts

    Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and its role in cognition.

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    UNLABELLED: Adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) has intrigued neuroscientists for decades. Several lines of evidence show that adult-born neurons in the hippocampus are functionally integrated and contribute to cognitive function, in particular learning and memory processes. Biological properties of immature hippocampal neurons indicate that these cells are more easily excitable compared with mature neurons, and demonstrate enhanced structural plasticity. The structure in which adult-born hippocampal neurons are situated-the dentate gyrus-is thought to contribute to hippocampus function by disambiguating similar input patterns, a process referred to as pattern separation. Several ideas about AHN function have been put forward; currently there is good evidence in favor of a role for AHN in pattern separation. This function of AHN may be understood within a 'representational-hierarchical' view of brain organization. WIREs Cogn Sci 2014, 5:573-587. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1304 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.The discovery of neurogenesis in the brain of adult mammals1-3 , including humans4 , received considerable attention as it challenged the prevailing dogma that the brain is ‘post-mitotic’ and as such is endowed with limited regenerative capacity. In the mammalian brain, adult neurogenesis is restricted to two regions: 1. the DG, at the border of the granule cell layer and hilus (the subgranular zone) where adult neurogenesis gives rise to the primary granule cells (GCs), and 2. the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles; cells born here subsequently migrate to the olfactory bulb5-7 . Given the well-established role of the hippocampus in learning and memory8 , it was soon suggested that AHN may contribute to these functions in some way. This idea was supported by the finding that memory demand correlated with AHN in birds9 and that in rats AHN could be stimulated by learning a spatial task10. In this manuscript, we will review some of the biological properties of adult-born hippocampal neurons and provide an overview of the structure in which adult-born hippocampal neurons are situated, the dentate gyrus. This is followed by an overview of studies that have addressed a putative role of AHN in learning and memory function and a discussion of the ideas on how adult-born hippocampal neurons may contribute to hippocampus function.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wcs.1304/abstract