41 research outputs found

    Enhanced Piezoelectricity of Electrospun Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fibers for Energy Harvesting

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    Piezoelectric polymers are promising energy materials for wearable and implantable applications for replacing bulky batteries in small and flexible electronics. Therefore, many research studies are focused on understanding the behavior of polymers at a molecular level and designing new polymer-based generators using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). In this work, we investigated the influence of voltage polarity and ambient relative humidity in electrospinning of PVDF for energy-harvesting applications. A multitechnique approach combining microscopy and spectroscopy was used to study the content of the β-phase and piezoelectric properties of PVDF fibers. We shed new light on β-phase crystallization in electrospun PVDF and showed the enhanced piezoelectric response of the PVDF fiber-based generator produced with the negative voltage polarity at a relative humidity of 60%. Above all, we proved that not only crystallinity but also surface chemistry is crucial for improving piezoelectric performance in PVDF fibers. Controlling relative humidity and voltage polarity increased the d33 piezoelectric coefficient for PVDF fibers by more than three times and allowed us to generate a power density of 0.6 μW·cm-2 from PVDF membranes. This study showed that the electrospinning technique can be used as a single-step process for obtaining a vast spectrum of PVDF fibers exhibiting different physicochemical properties with β-phase crystallinity reaching up to 74%. The humidity and voltage polarity are critical factors in respect of chemistry of the material on piezoelectricity of PVDF fibers, which establishes a novel route to engineer materials for energy-harvesting and sensing applications

    Registration of ‘Serenut 5R’ Groundnut

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    ‘Serenut 5R’ (Reg. No. CV-129, PI 676092) is a new high-yielding, spanish-type groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. fastigiata var. vulgaris) with two seeds per pod. Serenut 5R was released in 2010 by the National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute, Soroti, Uganda. It was a selection from the ICRISAT advanced line ICGV-SM 93535. Serenut 5R originated from a cross made between ICGM 522 and ‘RG 1’. ICGV-SM 93535 was developed by using repeated bulk selections for groundnut rosette disease resistance, using the infector row technique at the ICRISAT-Malawi research station. Performance tests in replicated trials were performed in Uganda in 2008 and 2009. Trials were performed in two seasons each year and averaged over 10 rainfed locations in Uganda. Serenut 5R matures in 100 to 110 d, similar to the widely grown control cultivar Serenut 3R. Serenut 5R resulted in significantly higher pod yields (16%) than Serenut 3R, and the shellout percentage for Serenut 5R was 4.8% higher than Serenut 3R. Seed testa is red, and the seeds are slightly larger than those of Serenut 3R. The sound mature kernel count for Serenut 5R was 38.7 g 100−1 compared with 32.38 g 100−1 for Serenut 3R, an increase of 19.51%. The dormancy period for Serenut 5R was significantly less than Serenut 3R

    Registration of ICG 12991 peanut germplasm line

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    ICG 12991 is a short duration (90–110 d to maturation), drought-tolerant, spanish-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. fastigiata Waldron var. vulgaris Harz.) germplasm line (Reg. no. GP-122, PI 639691) with a high level of field resistance to groundnut rosette disease (Naidu et al., 1999a; Subrahmanyam et al., 2000). Groundnut rosette disease results from a synergism of three agents: Groundnut rosette assistor virus (GRAV, a luteovirus), Groundnut rosette virus (GRV, an umbravirus), and a satellite RNA (sat RNA) of GRV. ICG 12991 was originally collected from a farmer’s field in south India in 1988. In 1994, ICRISAT introduced ICG 12991 into Malawi for evaluation during a germplasm screening program for resistance to groundnut rosette disease and early leaf spot disease (caused by Cercospora arachidicola S. Hori). Subsequently, ICG 12991 was released in Malawi as ‘Baka’ in 2001 and in Uganda as ‘Serenut 4T’ in 2002, following extensive testing and distribution by the national programs of each country. Resistance to groundnut rosette disease in ICG 12991 is due to aphid resistance, not due to resistance to the virus complex (Naidu et al., 1999b)

    Registration of groundnut cultivar ICGV-SM 90704 with resistance to groundnut rosette

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    ICGV-SM 90704 is a high-yielding medium-duration groundnut germplasm developed at ICRISAT, Lilongwe, Malawi. It was derived from a cross between varieties RG1 and Mani Pintar, made in 1983. It was released in Uganda in 1999 as Serenut 2 and in Malawi in 2000 as ICGV-SM 90704. ICGV-Sm 90704 is resistant to groundnut rosette virus (GRV) but susceptible to aphid vector (Aphis craccivora) for GRV transmission. The yield performance, plant and seed characters of ICGV-SM 90704 are briefly described

    Recent advances and perspectives on starch nanocomposites for packaging applications

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    Starch nanocomposites are popular and abundant materials in packaging sectors. The aim of this work is to review some of the most popular starch nanocomposite systems that have been used nowadays. Due to a wide range of applicable reinforcements, nanocomposite systems are investigated based on nanofiller type such as nanoclays, polysaccharides and carbonaceous nanofillers. Furthermore, the structures of starch and material preparation methods for their nanocomposites are also mentioned in this review. It is clearly presented that mechanical, thermal and barrier properties of plasticised starch can be improved with well-dispersed nanofillers in starch nanocomposites