3 research outputs found


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    HighlightsIt has been shown that chronic adaptation to cold (28 days, +2 – +4°C) has a cardioprotective effect in in vivo model of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Certain types of receptors and КАТP-channels might be involved in mechanisms of this effect. Aim. To evaluate the role of opioid, cannabinoid, bradykinin receptors and the КАТP-channels in the infarct-limiting effect of chronic adaptation to cold.Methods. The study involved male Wistar rats weighing 250–300 g. Rats (two in a cage) were placed in a refrigerator for 28 days. The temperature inside the chamber was +2 – +4oC. The infarct-limiting effect of chronic adaptation to cold and its possible cancelation by receptor blockers was studied in a 45-minute coronary artery occlusion and a 120-minute reperfusion of the rat myocardium in vivo. The quantitative assessment of myocardial injury was determined by the necrotic zone to the area at risk (NZ/AAR) ratio.Results. We have found that КАТP-channels are involved in the mechanism of the infarct-limiting effect of chronic adaptation to cold. Opioid, cannabinoid and bradykinin receptors are not involved in this effect.Conclusion. The obtained results have expanded our understanding of cold adaptation, as well as receptor pathways involved in the mechanism of ischemia/reperfusion injury resistance. Further studying of the signaling and receptor pathways of the infarct-limiting effect of cold adaptation will reveal molecules responsible for tolerance to ischemia/reperfusion injury. These molecules can be used to develop novel cardioprotective drugs for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction.Основные положенияПоказано, что хроническая холодовая адаптация (28 суток, +2…+4 °C) оказывает кардиопротекторный эффект на модели ишемии и реперфузии миокарда крыс in vivo. В механизме развития данного эффекта могут принимать участие некоторые типы рецепторов и КАТФ-каналы. Цель. Оценить значение опиоидных, каннабиноидных, брадикининовых рецепторов, а также КАТФ-каналов в инфаркт-лимитирующем эффекте хронической адаптации к холоду.Материалы и методы. Эксперименты выполнены на крысах самцах линии Wistar массой тела 250–300 г. Крыс (по двое в клетке) помещали в сборную холодильную камеру на 28 сут. Температура внутри камеры находилась в пределах +2…+4 °C. Инфаркт-лимитирующий эффект хронической холодовой адаптации, а также возможности его устранения блокаторами рецепторов исследовали на модели 45-минутной коронароокклюзии и 120-минутной реперфузии миокарда крыс in vivo. Количественную оценку повреждений миокарда определяли по соотношению зоны некроза к зоне риска.Результаты. Обнаружили, что в механизме развития инфаркт-лимитирующего эффекта хронической адаптации к холоду принимают участие КАТФ-каналы. Опиоидные, каннабиноидные и брадикининовые рецепторы не участвуют в реализации данного эффекта.Заключение. Полученные результаты имеют фундаментальное значение и расширяют наши представления о холодовой адаптации, а также о рецепторных путях повышения устойчивости сердца к ишемическим и реперфузионным повреждениям. Изучение сигнальных и рецепторных путей инфаркт-лимитирующего эффекта адаптации к холоду позволит понять, какие молекулы отвечают за повышение толерантности сердца к ишемии/реперфузии. Данные молекулы могут быть использованы для создания принципиально новых кардиопротекторных препаратов, предназначенных для лечения острого инфаркта миокарда

    Mirror neurons in the interpretation of action and intentions

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    The aim of the research was the studying the activity of mirror neurons in humans during the observation and reproduction of rhythm. As markers of mirror neuron activity, we used depression of the EEG mu-rhythm in the alpha and beta frequency ranges, cortical interactions at the frequency of this rhythm, as well as the results of fMRI brain mapping. The research involved volunteers men and women aged from 18 to 27 year (University students). Research has shown that monitoring the reproduction of a five-second rhythm is accompanied by activation of not only those areas of the cortex where the «motor» mirror neurons are located, but also other cortex areas, as well as the basal ganglia and cerebellum. This findings suggest that mirror neurons themselves do not provide an understanding of actions and intentions, although they are involved in these processes. It is assumed that these neurons provide interaction between the prefrontal, sensory and motor areas of the cortex, as well as places where motor programs are stored in the brain. The result of the interaction of these structures is an understanding of the actions and intentions of other people

    fMRI study of brain activity in men and women during rhythm reproduction and measuring short time intervals

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    The aim of the research was to study the men and women brain activity in during memorizing and reproducing rhythm (5 s) and measuring short time intervals (0.8 s) by fMRI method. Volunteers are young people (boys and girls) aged 18 to 27 years. It was shown that extensive brain areas (prefrontal and motor cortex, insular cortex, sensory and associative areas of the parietal and temporal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, basal ganglia and cerebellum) are involved in providing sensorimotor activity associated with rhythm reproduction and measuring short time intervals. It was found that the measurement of short time intervals is partially provided by the same brain structures as the rhythm reproduction. When measuring the duration, the activation in both hemisphere of a number of additional structures (frontal pole, supraorbital gyrus, angular gyrus, temporal area and some other cortical areas) was detected. The results of this study indicate that the brain support of sensorimotor activity associated with rhythm reproduction and measuring short time intervals significantly depends on the method of scaling time intervals and gender differences