117 research outputs found

    Flow Control Applications

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    Flow control has a long history with many successes across a plethora of applications. This report addresses the characteristics of the approaches that are actually used, why they are used, the many approaches that are not used, and why. Analysis indicates ways forward to increase applicability/usefulness, and efficiency of flow control research. Overall, greater and more effective progress in flow control requires utilization of far more detailed information early in the research process regarding application details and requirements

    Prospectives in Deep Space Infrastructures, Development, and Colonization

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    The realization of the long studied cost reduction benefits of reusable rockets is expected to revolutionize and enable both commercial deep space beyond Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and solar system human colonization. The projections for a myriad of space commercialization activities beyond the current largely positional Earth utilities and Humans Mars both safe and affordable may now be realizable. This report considers these putative commercial and colonizationrelated activities, the emerging technologies, the space functionalities to support and further enable them, and envisions the nature of space developments beyond GEO going forward

    Supersonic laminar-flow control

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    Detailed, up to date systems studies of the application of laminar flow control (LFC) to various supersonic missions and/or vehicles, both civilian and military, are not yet available. However, various first order looks at the benefits are summarized. The bottom line is that laminar flow control may allow development of a viable second generation SST. This follows from a combination of reduced fuel, structure, and insulation weight permitting operation at higher altitudes, thereby lowering sonic boom along with improving performance. The long stage lengths associated with the emerging economic importance of the Pacific Basin are creating a serious and renewed requirement for such a vehicle. Supersonic LFC techniques are discussed

    Polymer/riblet combination for hydrodynamic skin friction reduction

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    A process is disclosed for reducing skin friction and inhibiting the effects of liquid turbulence in a system involving the flow of a liquid along the surface of a body, e.g., a marine vehicle. This process includes injecting a drag reducing polymer into the valleys of adjacent, evenly spaced, longitudinal grooves extending along the length of the surface of the body, so that the rate of diffusion of the polymer from individual grooves into the liquid flow is predictably controlled by the groove dimensions. When the polymer has diffused over the tips of the grooves into the near wall region of the boundary layer, the polymer effectively reduces the turbulent skin friction. A substantial drag reducing effect is achieved with less polymer than must be used to lower skin friction when the surface of the body is smooth

    Imaginable Technologies for Human Missions to Mars

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    The thesis of the present discussion is that the simultaneous cost and inherent safety issues of human on-site exploration of Mars will require advanced-to-revolutionary technologies. The major crew safety issues as currently identified include reduced gravity, radiation, potentially extremely toxic dust and the requisite reliability for years-long missions. Additionally, this discussion examines various technological areas which could significantly impact Human-Mars cost and safety. Cost reductions for space access is a major metric, including approaches to significantly reduce the overall up-mass. Besides fuel, propulsion and power systems, the up-mass consists of the infrastructure and supplies required to keep humans healthy and the equipment for executing exploration mission tasks. Hence, the major technological areas of interest for potential cost reductions include propulsion, in-space and on-planet power, life support systems, materials and overall architecture, systems, and systems-of-systems approaches. This discussion is specifically offered in response to and as a contribution to goal 3 of the Presidential Exploration Vision: "Develop the Innovative Technologies Knowledge and Infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration"

    Enabling Electric Aircraft_Applications and Approaches

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    Climate concerns have instigated serious research for weight-critical batteries to enable what are termed EVs, electric vehicles, initially for ground transportation. This research has advanced to the point where, at the system level, parity with combustion engines, via vehicle weight and drag reductions to reduce battery requirements, along with continued battery research, can conceivably be achieved in less than 10 years.. Concomitantly, renewable electric generation, which would enable essentially emission-less transportation, has via cost reductions, efficiency improvements and storage research advanced to the point of producing 25% of current electrical generation and 62% of new generation capability with continued rapid cost reductions and consequent rapid further adoption projected. The present report examines the resultant electric aircraft possibilities and opportunities including technologies to reduce requisite battery size and weight via airframe performance improvements, the benefits of electric propulsion and the enablement of a massive new aeronautics market for affordable, safe personal air vehicles that operate off of local streets

    Industrial Design in Aerospace/Role of Aesthetics

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    Industrial design creates and develops concepts and specifications that seek to simultaneously and synergistically optimize function, production, value and appearance. The inclusion of appearance, or esthetics, as a major design metric represents both an augmentation of conventional engineering design and an intersection with artistic endeavor(s). Report surveys past and current industrial design practices and examples across aerospace including aircraft and spacecraft, both exterior and interior

    Advanced-to-Revolutionary Space Technology Options - The Responsibly Imaginable

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    Paper summarizes a spectrum of low TRL, high risk technologies and systems approaches which could massively change the cost and safety of space exploration/exploitation/industrialization. These technologies and approaches could be studied in a triage fashion, the method of evaluation wherein several prospective solutions are investigated in parallel to address the innate risk of each, with resources concentrated on the more successful as more is learned. Technology areas addressed include Fabrication, Materials, Energetics, Communications, Propulsion, Radiation Protection, ISRU and LEO access. Overall and conceptually it should be possible with serious research to enable human space exploration beyond LEO both safe and affordable with a design process having sizable positive margins. Revolutionary goals require, generally, revolutionary technologies. By far, Revolutionary Energetics is the most important, has the most leverage, of any advanced technology for space exploration applications

    Broad Band Effective and Affordable Approaches to Climate

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    Although we have had many decades of projections and warnings about climate change it is, as is all too usual, only fairly recently that actual impacts have stirred serious societal interest in mitigation efforts. Such efforts will involve changes, and changes are always difficult. In fact, although renewable energy is a bedrock mitigation approach, it is only as technology has reduced renewable costs below parity with fossil carbon that they have been taken very seriously. Renewable energy technologies are already producing some 25% of electricity worldwide and constitute some 65% of new generation. It appears that favorable economics motivates change more often than longer term issues. In the case of climate change, it is no longer long term. In fact many indicate we have a decade or less to institute serious mitigation or rather dire impacts are projected. Fortunately humans have invented approaches which would be effective in that decade time frame and be overall economically advantageous

    Civilian Aeronautical Futures - The Responsibly Imaginable

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    Since 1940 Aeronautics has had an immense impact upon Global Human lifestyles and affairs - in both the Civilian and Military arenas. During this period Long distance Train and Ship passenger transport were largely supplanted by Air Travel and Aviation assumed a dominant role in warfare. The early 1940 s to the mid 1970 s was a particularly productive period in terms of Aeronautical Technology. What is interesting is that, since the mid 1970 s, the rate of Aeronautical Technological Progress has been far slower, the basic technology in nearly all of our current Aero Systems dates from the mid 70 s or earlier. This is especially true in terms of Configuration Aerodynamics, Aeronautics appears to have "settled" on the 707, double delta and rotary wing as the approach of choice for Subsonic long haul, supersonic cruise and VTOL respectively. Obviously there have been variants and some niche digression from this/these but in the main Aeronautics, particularly civilian Aeronautics, has become a self-professed "mature", Increasingly "Commodity", Industry. The Industry is far along an existing/deployed technology curve and focused, now for decades, on incremental/evolutionary change - largely Appliers vs. developers of technology. This is, of course, in sharp contrast to the situation in the early-to-later 20th century where Aeronautics was viewed as A Major Technological Engine, much the way IT/Bio/Nano/Energetics/Quantum Technologies are viewed today. A search for Visionary Aeronautical "Futures" papers/projections indicates a decided dearth thereof over the last 20 plus years compared to the previous quarter Century. Aeronautics is part of Aerospace and Aerospace [including Aeronautics] has seen major cutbacks over the last decades. Some numbers for the U.S. Aerospace Industry serve as examples. Order of 600,000 jobs lost, with some 180,000 more on the block over the next 10 years. Approximately 25% of the Aerospace workforce is eligible to retire and the average Engineer age is in the mid-50 s. Firms such as Microsoft, Intel and Walmart are individually capitalized at a factor of 4 or more than the Aerospace industry as a whole. Aerospace Research levels are in the less than 5% range in terms of overall U.S. Research Investments