8 research outputs found

    Positioning the profession - Highlights fra ICML 10 i Brisbane

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    Helt siden avslutningssermonien pĂ„ ICML9 i Brasil i 2005 har drĂžmmen vĂŠrt Ă„ kunne reise til ICML i Brisbane med et foredrag eller en poster. Og drĂžmmen ble virkelighet. Posteren ”What is a medical library in 2013?” ble antatt og SMH ga stĂžtte til deltakelse pĂ„ konferansen. ICML 10 hadde som tema “Positioning the profession”. Hvor har biblioteket plassert seg i organisasjonene i forhold til nye roller, ny brukeradferd og ny teknologi? Disse problemstillingene ble belyst i foredrag, postere og videreutdanningskurs gjennom den lille uka konferansen varte

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    Hunting for the library value

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    International cooperation is an essential part of library and information professionals' work. Three European health and medical libraries started a benchmarking project in year 2013, aiming at comparing services among our libraries in order to find and implement best practices. We wanted to share ideas, solutions and examples. The purpose of this paper is to give the final report of the five-year benchmarking project. The project was a continuous best-practice benchmarking process. At the end the process, we essentially experienced this kind of library benchmarking as a communication and development tool. International benchmarking provides new skills for information professional

    Knowing me, knowing you. Making user perspectives an integrated part of library design thinking

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    User experience (UX) refers to users\u27 emotions, experiences and behavior when using products, systems and services. Traditionally, UX is applied to assess changes with websites and operating systems, but libraries have started applying the same usability principles to their physical spaces and services. NMCÂŽs Horizon Report 2017 estimates that valuing the user experience is on-trend the coming years. Used as a set of tools in library development, UX methods enables us to understand and improve library users\u27 experiences. Mixing qualitative and quantitative techniques to obtain deeper insights into user needs: A key point being to discover needs users themselves are unaware of. In this paper, we present on-going research on and development of library spaces and services at the University Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. We aim to continuously develop our fifteen libraries as inspiring learning environments for students and researchers. UX methods are central to our projects on a small and large scale, and we have actively sought our users\u27 perspectives during library planning the last five years. However, we will argue that we still need to explore ways of implementing findings from using UX methods, to anchor the importance of user perspectives in library development, and to integrate changes based on UX methods among our coworkers. The paper will present four UX projects at our libraries combining several methods, with examples from the interpretation and processing of collected data. We will discuss (1) why UX is a good model for developing library spaces and services, (2) the challenges of identifying, implementing and evaluating measures, and (3) how involving our coworkers in UX methods is the best way to further integrate UX in developing our libraries. The key to success is knowing both ourselves and our users and their needs, and to use methods with both users and employees in mind

    VIKO –an e-learning tool for information literacy support to all students

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    This article describes how an e-learning tool for information literacy can support student learning, and focuses on how to make the program accessible for all students. VIKO is an interactive e-learning tool based on information literacy; it is divided into seven modules and provides a complete course with interactive tests. VIKO was released in 2004, and is successfully implemented in the NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) system. VIKO version 2 will implement the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines from WAI, to provide equal access and equal opportunity for students with disabilities. This article is based on a paper presented at the conference “The Human side of IT” -The 13th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation, Stockholm University, 2007, arranged by SFIS, The Swedish Association for Information Specialists

    Collaboration internationale pour un benchmarking entre trois bibliothÚques de santé européennes

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    La coopĂ©ration internationale est une part importante du travail des bibliothĂ©caires de santĂ© et des professionnels de l’information en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Trois bibliothĂšques europĂ©ennes de sciences mĂ©dicales et de la santĂ© ont entamĂ© en 2013 un projet de benchmarking. Ce projet a pour objectif de comparer les services proposĂ©s par les bibliothĂšques, de permettre aux participantes d’apprendre les unes des autres et de dĂ©gager de bonnes pratiques. Cet article prĂ©sente un point d’étape du projet, il rapporte les expĂ©riences et discute les dĂ©fis et les opportunitĂ©s d’un benchmarking international pour les bibliothĂšques. Il dĂ©crit concrĂštement cette coopĂ©ration, les moyens et les outils de communication, la maniĂšre dont le projet a Ă©tĂ© documentĂ© et son dĂ©roulementInternationale samenwerking is een belangrijk deel van het werk van medische bibliothecarissen en van informatieprofessionals in het algemeen. Drie Europese bibliotheken van medische en gezondheidswetenschappen zijn in 2013 met een benchmarking project begonnen. Dit project heeft tot doel de diensten die door bibliotheken aangeboden worden te vergelijken, om de deelnemers in staat te stellen van elkaar te leren en om goede praktijken te identificeren. Deze paper is een voortgangsrapport van het project, waarin ervaringen worden gerapporteerd en uitdagingen en kansen van een internationale benchmarking voor bibliotheken worden bediscussieerd. Het beschrijft in het bijzonder de samenwerking, de middelen en gereedschappen die werden benut om te communiceren, de manier waarop het project werd gedocumenteerd en de ontwikkeling van het projec