1,305 research outputs found

    Confined compression of collagen hydrogels

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    Reconstituted collagen hydrogels are often used for in vitro studies of cell-matrix interaction and as scaffolds for tissue engineering. Understanding the mechanical and transport behaviours of collagen hydrogels is therefore extremely important, albeit difficult due to their very high water content (typically > 99.5%). In the present study the mechanical behaviour of collagen hydrogels in confined compression was investigated using biphasic theory (J. Biomech. Eng. 102 (1980) 73), to ascertain whether the technique is sufficiently sensitive to determine differences in the characteristics of hydrogels of between 0.2% and 0.4% collagen. Peak stress, equilibrium stress, aggregate modulus and hydraulic permeability of the hydrogels exhibited sensitivity to collagen content, demonstrating that the technique is clearly able to discriminate between hydrogels with small differences in collagen content and may also be sensitive to factors that affect matrix remodelling. The results also offer additional insight into the deformation-dependent permeability of collagen hydrogels. This study suggests that confined compression, together with biphasic theory, is a suitable technique for assessing the mechanical properties of collagen hydrogels

    Stable ischemic heart disease in the older adults

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    Ischemic heart disease is caused by atherosclerotic and/or thrombotic obstruction of coronary arteries. Clinical spectrum of ischemic heart disease expands from asymptomatic atherosclerosis of coronary arteries to acute coronary syndromes (ACS) including unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction (non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and ST elevation myocardial infarction). Stable ischemic heart disease (SIHD) refers to patients with known or suspected SIHD who have no recent or acute changes in their symptomatic status, suggesting no active thrombotic process is underway. These patients include those with (1) recent-onset or stable angina or ischemic equivalent symptoms, such as dyspnea or arm pain with exertion; (2) post-ACS stabilized after revascularization or medical therapy; and (3) asymptomatic SIHD diagnosed by abnormal stress tests or imaging studies. This review summarizes clinical features and management of SIHD in the older adult. ACS in older adults is not considered in this review

    Altitudinal Shifts of the Native and Introduced Flora of California in the Context of 20th-Century Warming

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    Aim: The differential responses of plant species to climate change are of great interest and grave concern for scientists and conservationists. One underexploited resource for better understanding these changes are the records held by herbaria. Using these records to assess the responses of different groups of species across the entire flora of California, we sought to quantify the magnitude of species elevational shifts, to measure differences in shifts among functional groups and between native and introduced species, and to evaluate whether these shifts were related to the conservation of thermal niches. Location: California. Methods: To characterize these shifts in California, we used 681,609 georeferenced herbarium records to estimate mean shifts in elevational and climatic space of 4426 plant taxa.We developed and employed a statistical method to robustly analyse the data represented in these records. Results: We found that 15% of all taxa in California have ranges that have shifted upward over the past century. There are significant differences between range shifts of taxa with different naturalization statuses: 12% of endemic taxa show significant upward range shifts, while a greater proportion (27%) of introduced taxa have shifted upward.We found significant differences between the proportion of significant range shifts across taxa with different seed sizes, but did not find evidence for differences in shift based on life-form (annual versus perennial, herbaceous versus woody). Main conclusions: Our analyses suggest that introduced species have disproportionately expanded their ranges upward in elevation over the past century when compared with native species.While these shifts in introduced species may not be exclusively driven by climate, they highlight the importance of considering the interacting factors of climate-driven range shifts and invasion to understand how floras are responding in the face of anthropogenic change

    Covariance systems

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    We introduce new definitions of states and of representations of covariance systems. The GNS-construction is generalized to this context. It associates a representation with each state of the covariance system. Next, states are extended to states of an appropriate covariance algebra. Two applications are given. We describe a nonrelativistic quantum particle, and we give a simple description of the quantum spacetime model introduced by Doplicher et al.Comment: latex with ams-latex, 23 page

    Full regularity for a C*-algebra of the Canonical Commutation Relations. (Erratum added)

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    The Weyl algebra,- the usual C*-algebra employed to model the canonical commutation relations (CCRs), has a well-known defect in that it has a large number of representations which are not regular and these cannot model physical fields. Here, we construct explicitly a C*-algebra which can reproduce the CCRs of a countably dimensional symplectic space (S,B) and such that its representation set is exactly the full set of regular representations of the CCRs. This construction uses Blackadar's version of infinite tensor products of nonunital C*-algebras, and it produces a "host algebra" (i.e. a generalised group algebra, explained below) for the \sigma-representation theory of the abelian group S where \sigma(.,.):=e^{iB(.,.)/2}. As an easy application, it then follows that for every regular representation of the Weyl algebra of (S,B) on a separable Hilbert space, there is a direct integral decomposition of it into irreducible regular representations (a known result). An Erratum for this paper is added at the end.Comment: An erratum was added to the original pape

    Genome-Wide snp analysis of southern african populations provides new insights into the dispersal of bantu-Speaking groups

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    The expansion of Bantu-speaking agropastoralist populations had a great impact on the genetic, linguistic, and cultural variation of sub-Saharan Africa. It isgenerally accepted that Bantulanguages originated inanarea around thepresent borderbetweenCameroon and Nigeria approximately 5,000 years ago, from where they spread South and East becoming the largest African linguistic branch. The demic consequences of this event are reflected in the relatively high genetic homogeneity observed acrossmost of sub-Saharan Africapopulations. Inthiswork, weexploredgenome-wide singlenucleotidepolymorphismdata from28populations to characterize the genetic components present in sub-Saharan African populations. Combining novel data from four SouthernAfrican populations withpreviouslypublishedresults,we reject the hypothesis that the" non-Bantu" geneticcomponent reported inSouth-Eastern Africa (Mozambique) reflects extensive gene flow between incoming agriculturalist and resident hunter-gatherer communities.We alternatively suggest that this novel component is the result of demographic dynamics associated with the Bantu dispersal

    Complex ancient genetic structure and cultural transitions in Southern African populations

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    The characterization of the structure of southern African populations has been the subject of numerous genetic, medical, linguistic, archaeological, and anthropological investigations. Current diversity in the subcontinent is the result of complex events of genetic admixture and cultural contact between early inhabitants and migrants that arrived in the region over the last 2000 years. Here, we analyze 1856 individuals from 91 populations, comprising novel and published genotype data, to characterize the genetic ancestry profiles of 631 individuals from 51 southern African populations. Combining both local ancestry and allele frequency based analyses, we identify a tripartite, ancient, Khoesan-related genetic structure. This structure correlates neither with linguistic affiliation nor subsistence strategy, but with geography, revealing the importance of isolation-by-distance dynamics in the area. Fine-mapping of these components in southern African populations reveals admixture and cultural reversion involving several Khoesan groups, and highlights that Bantu speakers and Coloured individuals have different mixtures of these ancient ancestries