20 research outputs found

    Lech kocha Głupią Ludmiłę : Polacy i stereotypy słowiańskości a "Malowany ptak" Jerzego Kosińskiego

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    "Zróżnicowane reakcje spowodował zarówno sam Jerzy Kosiński, jak i jego najbardziej znana powieść – "Malowany ptak". Z perspektywy często artykułowanego w Stanach Zjednoczonych punktu widzenia, Kosiński jest ofiarą Holocaustu, która podczas drugiej wojny światowej doświadczyła osobistej tragedii pociągającej za sobą utratę domu rodzinnego i bliskich. Dlatego też "Malowany ptak" i sam Kosiński (na mocy swych doświadczeń, jako świadek Holocaustu) oferują całej ludzkości lekcję moralności. Z innego punktu widzenia, "Malowany ptak" (odczytany w świetle biografii autora) zawiera sugestię kłamliwego i zwodniczego odczytania historii. Artykuł ten podąża tropem tej drugiej perspektywy [...]"

    On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model

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    The paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite element code with solver version R8.1

    Finite element method simulations of various cases of crash tests with N2/W4/A steel road barrier

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    The subject of this study is performance of N2/W4/A steel road safety barrier investigated in numerical simulations. System was checked under several types of initial conditions, which were assumed basing on the TB11 and TB32 normative crash tests. The main goal of present study is to investigate the relationship between initial conditions (angle and velocity) of the impact and the severity indices (associated to the vehicle occupant) during the collision. Obtained performance parameters and impact severity indexes may be considered reasonable. Results of the simulations facilitates the deep insight into vehicle crash mechanics phenomena

    Finite element method simulations of various cases of crash tests with N2/W4/A steel road barrier

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    The subject of this study is performance of N2/W4/A steel road safety barrier investigated in numerical simulations. System was checked under several types of initial conditions, which were assumed basing on the TB11 and TB32 normative crash tests. The main goal of present study is to investigate the relationship between initial conditions (angle and velocity) of the impact and the severity indices (associated to the vehicle occupant) during the collision. Obtained performance parameters and impact severity indexes may be considered reasonable. Results of the simulations facilitates the deep insight into vehicle crash mechanics phenomena

    On the influence of the acceleration recording time on the calculation of impact severity indexes

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    The paper concerns with the analysis of normative requirements pertaining to experimental setup of a crash test and its numerical modelling. An overview of parameters describing the collision of a vehicle with a road restraining system is presented. A short description of a concrete road safety barrier is presented. A brief description of numerical modelling procedures for crash tests is given as well. The parametric influence analysis is performed of the acceleration recording time on various crash test functionality parameters The simulations are carried out using LS-DYNA finite element code with a solver version R.8.

    On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model

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    The paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite element code with solver version R8.1

    The influence of position of the post or its absence on the performance of the cable barrier system

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    Road safety barriers are used to increase safety in potentially dangerous places on the roads. They are designed and installed on the roads to prevent any vehicle from getting outside the travelled way or from entering the opposite lane of the road. Barriers, which are used on European roads, have to undergo full scale crash tests according to the EN 1317 standards. Nowadays as a supplement to real crash tests, numerical simulations are commonly used. The work concerns the influence of position of the post or its absence on the crashworthiness of the cable barrier based on numerical study results

    The influence of position of the post or its absence on the performance of the cable barrier system

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    Road safety barriers are used to increase safety in potentially dangerous places on the roads. They are designed and installed on the roads to prevent any vehicle from getting outside the travelled way or from entering the opposite lane of the road. Barriers, which are used on European roads, have to undergo full scale crash tests according to the EN 1317 standards. Nowadays as a supplement to real crash tests, numerical simulations are commonly used. The work concerns the influence of position of the post or its absence on the crashworthiness of the cable barrier based on numerical study results