59 research outputs found

    Regional environmental safety assessment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the regions of the Volga Federal District, Russia to identify the dependence of industrial development on the environment. The research collected statistical information for all regions of the district and used it as a basis for constructing a perception map showing the actual regional situations compared to the “ideal point”

    Современные возможности дуплексного сканирования в планировании и динамическом наблюдении пациентов с дистальными реконструктивными вмешательствами на артериях нижних конечностей

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    Aim. To estimate possibilities of the color duplex scanning in evaluation of a shank artery status. Duplex scanning was used as an updating method required for planning of revasularizing operations on the lower extimities arteries. A study of haemodynamic in patients after femoral-tibial bypass combined with formation of arterio-venous fistula was used as prognostic criteria of bypass functioning. Materials and methods. 9 patients with occluding aterosclerotic lesions of femoral-popliteal-tibial segments were studied. 10 revascularing operations were performed: 6 external femoral-tibial bypasses and 4 femoral-tibial bypasses with formation of unloading arterio-venous fistula and application of a “Sent-Mary boot” cuff on a distal anastomosis level. Color duplex scanning and computer angiography were performed for all patients before operation and after distal arterial reconstructions. Results. Possibilities of both methods in evaluations of the status of lower extrimities arterial bed were compared and 70% coincidence were revealed. Prognostic useful factor of the bypass functioning was a volume blood velocity in bypass at middle third of leg which is equal to a sum of volume blood velocity in donor artery distal to anastomosis and volume blood velocity in unload vein proximal to anastomosis. Conclusion. Precise performance of method and duplex scanning protocol allow to evaluate not only an anatomic state of the outflow pathway but also to determine functional status of the invaded extrimity. These data may serve as a prognostic criteria of bypass functioning.Цель исследования: определение возможностей дуплексного сканирования в оценке состояния артерий голени как уточняющего метода, требуемого для планирования реваскуляризирующих вмешательств на артериях нижних конечностей, а также изучение состояния гемодинамики у пациентов, которым выполнено бедренно-тибиальное шунтирование с формированием разгрузочной артериовенозной фистулы, как прогностического критерия функционирования шунта. Материал и методы. Обследовано 9 пациентов с окклюзирующими поражениями бедренно-подколенно-тибиальных сегментов атеросклеротического генеза, которым выполнено 10 оперативных реваскуляризирующих вмешательств на артериях нижних конечностей. Из 10 операций 6 оперативных вмешательств - наружноподвздошно-тибиальное шунтирование и у 4 пациентов - бедренно-тибиальное шунтирование с формированием разгрузочной артериовенозной фистулы и наложением венозной манжеты по типу “туфельки Св. Марии” на уровне дистального анастомоза. Всем пациентам выполнены дуплексное сканирование артерий нижних конечностей на дооперационном этапе и после выполнения дистальных артериальных реконструкций и компьютерная ангиография. Результаты. Проведено сопоставление возможностей компьютерной ангиографии и дуплексного сканирования в оценке состояния различных сегментов артериального русла нижних конечностей, которое показало совпадение результатов двух методик в 70% наблюдений. Выявлено, что прогностически благоприятным фактором функционарования шунта является показатель объемной скорости кровотока в шунте на уровне средней трети бедра, равный сумме объемных скоростей кровотока в донорской артерии дистальнее анастомоза и в разгрузочной вене проксимальнее анастомоза. Выводы. Точное соблюдение методики и протокола при выполнении дуплексного сканирования позволяет комплексно оценить не только анатомическое состояние путей оттока, но и определить функциональное состояние пораженной конечности, что, несомненно, является прогностическим критерием функционирования шунта

    Результаты хирургического лечения больных неспецифическим аортоартериитом с поражением ветвей дуги аорты по данным дуплексного сканирования

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    The aim: assessment of short-term and long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of branches of aortic arch in patients who suffer from nonspecific arteritis (Takayasu’s arteritis). Materials and methods. Duplex ultrasonographic imaging was conducted in 27 patients with nonspecific arteritis who had 30 different kinds of surgical repairs of the branches of aortic arch performed, (carotid and subclavian arteries), 31 shunts were imposed (one patient put two shunt). The average postoperative follow-up period was 8.4 ± 5.4 years. Results. In late postoperative period 15 (48%) of the repaired arteries remained unobstructed. The absence of variations in the surgery area was registered after the performance of reconstruction of carotid arteries (aorta carotid or carotid subclavian prosthesis) more often (80%). Complications in the area of the reconstructed artery (thrombosis, stenosis at the distal anastomosis) were more common after transthoracic surgeries - 69%, while the percentage of complications after extrathoracic surgeries was 27%. In 62.5% of the observed cases, the connection was found between the development of the bypass thrombosis with the progression of inflammatory process in the arteries of the distal arterial bed. The permeability of the reconstructed carotid arteries in 5 years and over was 83.3%. according to the duplex ultrasonographic imaging. After the reconstruction of subclavian arteries, the bypass patency in 5 years was 63.6%, in 10 years - 36.3%. Conclusion. Accurate diagnosis of changes in the vessels of medium and large caliber in patients with nonspecific arteritis is a topical issue of radiology. The use of duplex scanning at various stages of treatment of this complex group of patients allows high accuracy to evaluate the results of surgical and medical treatment to prevent the development of life-threatening complications, and its non-invasiveness, safety and relative affordability make duplex scanning priority diagnostic method of control.Цель исследования: оценка ближайших и отдаленных результатов хирургического лечения ветвей дуги аорты у больных неспецифическим аортоартериитом. Материал и методы. Дуплексное сканирование проведено 27 больным неспецифическим аортоартериитом (артериитом Такаясу), которым было выполнено 30 различных видов реконструктивных вмешательств на ветвях дуги аорты (сонные и подключичные артерии), наложен 31 шунт (у одного пациента наложено два шунта). Средний послеоперационный срок наблюдения составил 8,4 ± 5,4 года. Результаты. В отдаленном послеоперационном периоде 15 (48%) реконструированных артерий оставались проходимыми. Чаще отсутствие изменений в зоне операции отмечали после выполнения реконструкции сонных артерий (аорто-сонное или подключично-сонное протезирование) (80%). Осложнения в зоне реконструированной артерии (тромбоз, стеноз дистального анастомоза) чаще возникали после выполнения трансторакальных вмешательств - 69%, в то время как частота осложнений после выполнения экстраторакальных операций составляла 27%. В 62,5% наблюдений выявлена связь развития тромбоза шунта с прогрессированием воспалительного процесса в артериях дистального артериального русла. По данным дуплексного сканирования проходимость реконструированных сонных артерий через 5 лет и более составила 83,3%. После реконструкции подключичных артерий проходимость шунтов через 5 лет - 63,6%, через 10 лет - 36,3%. Заключение. Точная диагностика изменений в сосудах крупного и среднего калибра у больных неспецифическим аортоартериитом является актуальной проблемой лучевой диагностики. Применение дуплексного сканирования на различных этапах лечения этой сложной категории больных позволяет с высокой точностью оценить результаты хирургического и медикаментозного лечения с целью предотвращения развития угрожающих жизни осложнений, а его неинвазивность, безопасность и относительно низкая стоимость делают дуплексное сканирование приоритетным методом диагностического контроля

    The ways in which we do not know things

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    Speaking about the way we perceive the world and relate to it, how flexible is the line between knowledge (something we possess) and non-knowledge (something that escapes us)? Marking this question a point of departure, I set off to explore possible ways of not knowing. Assuming that the “unknown” is a significant part of our life which we often neglect or avoid contact with, I believe, that recognizing and finding the right attitude to the “unknown” will provide us an expanded insight into the world and our place in it. The structure of this research is based on approaching the topic from different perspectives. I start with speculating about the nature of the “unknown”, assuming it is the third fundamental principle on a par with being and non-being. Then I proceed with tracing the “unknown” in everyday life and exploring the ways how we recognise and interact with it. In this sense, I consider the “unknown” as a method of questioning and a reason for constant transformation: it always forms new way forward and helps us to disclose the future. Further, I expand the notion of the “unknown” by observing it through the perspective of Chinese culture. It allows me to acquire another set of tools for the research and takes the discourse further. Referring to the “Study of the Profound” Xuanxue 玄學, concepts of wuwei 無為 and fengliu 風流 I explore the “unknown” as an important feature of the “Way” Dao 道, its secrecy, and try to find out what are the practical means to reveal it. Next, I approach the field of aesthetics, studying manifestation of the “unknown” through the concept of “blank-leaving” liubai 留白. Its broad understanding implies the ideas of non-duality of opposites, emptiness, knowledge through non-knowledge and self-actualization through self-loss, that, in my opinion, constitute important features of the “unknown”. Through the revelation of the blank space, it appears as a bonding force that permeates “being” you 有 and “non-being” wu 無. I see the “unknown” as the realm of constantly unfolding perspective of the vague image that blurs the border between distinct and indistinct, appearing and disappearing, full and empty, and reveals a path to new horizons - recognition of all kinds of possibilities. I conclude this journey with a Breath Out part, where I publish thoughts and reflections on the “unknown” from my conversations with friends and personal experience

    Antiviral and other pharmacological properties of the drug influcid: A critical review of current data

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    Considering the wide spread of known and new pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), it is important to search for drugs that have a wide spectrum of antiviral activity and additionally the ability to act pathogenetically. Equally important is the confirmation of therapeutic activity in drugs known for their effectiveness and safety. In order to monitor the susceptibility of ARVI pathogens to the antiviral drug Influcid, a series of in vitro studies was performed. Materials and methods: classical virological controlled studies were performed using current strains of human influenza virus (A/Moscow/225/2019 (H1N1)pdm09 and B/Moscow/17/2019) and MDCK cell culture. Antiviral, cytoprotective (against viruses, antiviral and antipyretic drugs) properties of the Inflicid were evaluated by changing the logarithm of the tissue cytopathic infecting dose, which causes 50% of cells to be damaged (lgTCID50), as well as by changing the optical density when using tetrazolium dyes. Results and discussion: Influcid dose-dependently suppressed the reproduction of epidemic strains A/Moscow/225/2019(H1N1)pdm09 and B/Moscow/17/2019 by 50% at concentrations of 0, 34 and 0, 69-0, 86% vol., respectively. Also, the Influcid reduced the reproduction of human influenza virus strains: A/New Caledonia/20/99(H1N1), A/Victoria/35/72, Wisconsin/67/05(H3N2) and B/Malaysia/2506/04, reducing the titers by 0, 5-2, 5 lgTCID50 and Dengue virus DENV-2/RUS/TH-Novosibirsk02/2012. Influcid exerted a cytoprotective effect on cells infected with A/IIV-Moscow/01/2009 (H1N1)pdm09, increasing the proportion of surviving cells by 4-52, 0%. For cells infected with the pandemic strain A/California/07/09(H1N1)pdm09, there was a significant decrease in the cytopathic effect of the virus up to full protection with the «preventive» scheme of the drug application. In addition, the Influcid protected cells from the action of herpes viruses types I and II, type III adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, seasonal coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus, toxic doses of umifenovir and rimantadine, and did not increase the cytotoxicity of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Conclusion: having a combination of confirmed antiviral activity against current epidemic virus strains, cytoprotective action, the ability to exert a pathogenetic (immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory) effect, as well as a favorable safety profile, Influcid may be a relevant and promising drug in the arsenal of medical practitioners

    Evaluating the effectiveness of franchise in tourism

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    Russian tourism industry is going through hard time. Devaluation of Russian ruble and bankruptcy of several major tour operators caused customers mistrust. Market players are forced to unite, consolidate. One of the most effective ways to withstand in this hard time is franchising. But how a beginner of touristic retail market can pick the right one? How a tour operator can build an effective franchise and attract more professional agents in own network? Developed model is based on mathematic analysis of the most important factors – component parts of franchise. This model as well as the general technique allows by simple calculation evaluate the effectiveness of franchise. The modern condition of Russian tourism market is next: strengthening of the tour operator market; those who survived gained the reputation, others are out of game; а clearer division of Agency market into niches; the change of relations scheme between market players. Small players are forced to unite, consolidate; increasing the service quality in attempt to keep customers

    Evaluating the effectiveness of franchise in tourism

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    Russian tourism industry is going through hard time. Devaluation of Russian ruble and bankruptcy of several major tour operators caused customers mistrust. Market players are forced to unite, consolidate. One of the most effective ways to withstand in this hard time is franchising. But how a beginner of touristic retail market can pick the right one? How a tour operator can build an effective franchise and attract more professional agents in own network? Developed model is based on mathematic analysis of the most important factors – component parts of franchise. This model as well as the general technique allows by simple calculation evaluate the effectiveness of franchise. The modern condition of Russian tourism market is next: strengthening of the tour operator market; those who survived gained the reputation, others are out of game; а clearer division of Agency market into niches; the change of relations scheme between market players. Small players are forced to unite, consolidate; increasing the service quality in attempt to keep customers

    Marketing assessment of innovation potential of water filter manufacturers

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    The study focuses on analyzing the products of water filter manufacturers using marketing tools. In the course of the study, factorial, cluster, regression analysis, as well as multivariate scaling were used. As a result, it was revealed that 65% of buyers rely on 4 main factors when buying filter products: price-value ratio, assortment depth, assortment saturation, and advertising support

    Regional environmental safety assessment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the regions of the Volga Federal District, Russia to identify the dependence of industrial development on the environment. The research collected statistical information for all regions of the district and used it as a basis for constructing a perception map showing the actual regional situations compared to the “ideal point”

    Non-price competition in the regional high-rise construction market

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    The article analyzes the market of high-rise residential construction in the city of Kirov (Russia). A minimal significance of price factors has been revealed in the process of the market analysis. This suggests that a lower price does not guarantee an increase in consumer demand. Thus, factors of non-price competition are of great importance in the market in question. The expert survey has identified the factors of non-price competition which influence consumer perceptions. A perceptual map has been constructed on the basis of the identified factors by means of the factor analysis to determine the positioning of each high-rise building relative to the consumer requirements. None of the high-rise residential buildings in the market in question meets the consumers’ expectations of an “ideal facility”