21 research outputs found

    Search for states with enlarged radii in excited states of 12B

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    An experiment was done to search for states with a neutron halo in 12B. The measurements were carried out at the cyclotron of the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland) using Large Scattering Chamber (LSC). The idea of the work was to search for two states with the expected neutron halo, 1 ̄ and 2 ̄. Differential cross sections with excitation of 12B states, including abovementioned states, were observed. The preliminary calculations on halo radii by the method of asymptotic normalization coefficients for the 2 ̄ and 1 ̄ states which are in a discrete spectrum gave following values: 5.6 fm and 7.4 fm, which is much larger than the radius of the valence neutron in the ground state. But strictly the presence of a neutron halo can be confirmed only for 1 ̄ state. The 2 ̄ state can be considered only as candidate for halo. An unexpected result was obtained for the 3 ̄, 3.39 MeV state, which is in continuum 19 keV above the decay threshold 12B → 11B + n, preliminary estimation for its halo radius is ∼ 6.5 fm. This indicates that the halo can be present in this state as well. But strict conditions for neutron halo are not fulfilled in the same way as for 2 ̄ state. Until now, the neutron halo in unbound states has been observed only for the members of the rotational bands

    Cluster states in 11B

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    The differential cross-sections of the elastic and inelastic 11B + α scattering was measured at E(α) = 65 MeV. The analysis of the data by Modified diffraction model (MDM) showed that the RMS radii of the 11B state 3/2-, E* = 8.56 MeV is ~ 0.6 fm larger than that of the ground state. The 12.56 MeV state was not observed contrary to the predictions of the α-condensate model. The 13.1 MeV state was excited with the angular momentum transfer L = 4 confirming its belonging to the rotational band with the 8.56 MeV state as a head.peerReviewe

    Neutron halos in the excited states of 12B

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    The differential cross sections of the 11B(d,p) 12B reaction leading to formation of the 1+ ground state and the 0.95-MeV 2+, 1.67-MeV 2−, 2.62-MeV 1−, 2.72-MeV 0+, and 3.39-MeV 3− excited states of 12B are measured at Ed = 21.5 MeV. The analysis of the data is carried out within the coupled-reaction-channels method for the direct neutron transfer and the Hauser-Feshbach formalism of the statistical compound-nucleus model. The spectroscopic factors, asymptotic normalization coefficients, and rms radii of the last neutron in all states studied are deduced. The existence of the neutron halos in the 1.67-MeV 2− and 2.62-MeV 1− states is found, consistent with the earlier published data. New information about the enlarged rms radii of the last neutron in the 2.72-MeV 0+ (5.7 fm) and the unbound 3.389-MeV 3− (5.9 fm) states of 12B was obtained, resulting in the possible existence of neutron halo-like states in 12B.peerReviewe

    Proton induced fission of 232Th at intermediate energies

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    The mass-energy distributions and cross sections of proton-induced fission of Th-232 have been measured at the proton energies of 7, 10, 13, 20, 40, and 55 MeV. Experiments were carried out at the proton beam of the K-130 cyclotron of the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvakyla and U-150m cyclotron of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The yields of fission fragments in the mass range A = 60- 170 a.m.u. have been measured up to the level of 10(-4)%. The three humped shape of the mass distribution up has been observed at higher proton energies. The contribution of the symmetric component grows up with increasing proton incident energy; although even at 55 MeV of proton energy the shoulders in the mass energy distribution clearly indicate the asymmetric fission peaks. Evolution of shell structure was observed in the fission fragment mass distributions even at high excitation energy

    Possible neutron and proton halo structure in the isobaric analog states of A=12 nuclei

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    The differential cross sections of the 11B(3He,d)12C reaction leading to formation of the 0+ ground state and the 15.11-MeV 1 +, 16.57-MeV 2−, and 17.23-MeV 1− excited states of 12C are measured at Elab=25 MeV. The analysis of the data is carried out within the coupled-reaction-channels method for the direct proton transfer to the bound and unbound states. The rms radii of the last proton in all states studied are determined. A comparison of the rms radii of the 12B, 12C, and 12N nuclei in the isobaric analog states (IASs) with isospin T=1 determined by different methods allows us to arrive at a conclusion that these nuclei in the 1− excited states at Ex=2.62, 17.23, and 1.80 MeV, respectively, possess one-nucleon (neutron or proton) halo structure. The enlarged radii and a large probability of the last neutron to be outside of the range of the interaction potential are also found for the 2− states of 12B, 12C, and 12N at Ex=1.67, 16.57, and 1.19 MeV, respectively. These IASs also can be regarded as candidates for states with one-nucleon (neutron or proton) halo.peerReviewe

    Spectroscopy of

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    The differential cross sections of the 9Be + α inelastic scattering at 30 MeV were measured at the tandem of Tsukuba University. All the known states of 9Be up to energies ~ 12 MeV were observed and decomposed into three rotational bands, each of them having a cluster structure consisting of a 8Be core plus a valence neutron in one of the sub-shells: p3/2−, s1/2+ and p1/2−. Existence of a neutron halo in the positive parity states was confirmed