187 research outputs found

    Treatment planning optimisation in proton therapy

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    The goal of radiotherapy is to achieve uniform target coverage while sparing normal tissue. In proton therapy, the same sources of geometric uncertainty are present as in conventional radiotherapy. However, an important and fundamental difference in proton therapy is that protons have a finite range, highly dependent on the electron density of the material they are traversing, resulting in a steep dose gradient at the distal edge of the Bragg peak. Therefore, an accurate knowledge of the sources and magnitudes of the uncertainties affecting the proton range is essential for producing plans which are robust to these uncertainties. This review describes the current knowledge of the geometric uncertainties and discusses their impact on proton dose plans. The need for patient-specific validation is essential and in cases of complex intensity-modulated proton therapy plans the use of a planning target volume (PTV) may fail to ensure coverage of the target. In cases where a PTV cannot be used, other methods of quantifying plan quality have been investigated. A promising option is to incorporate uncertainties directly into the optimisation algorithm. A further development is the inclusion of robustness into a multicriteria optimisation framework, allowing a multi-objective Pareto optimisation function to balance robustness and conformity. The question remains as to whether adaptive therapy can become an integral part of a proton therapy, to allow re-optimisation during the course of a patient's treatment. The challenge of ensuring that plans are robust to range uncertainties in proton therapy remains, although these methods can provide practical solutions

    Incorporating Genetic Biomarkers into Predictive Models of Normal Tissue Toxicity.

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    There is considerable variation in the level of toxicity patients experience for a given dose of radiotherapy, which is associated with differences in underlying individual normal tissue radiosensitivity. A number of syndromes have a large effect on clinical radiosensitivity, but these are rare. Among non-syndromic patients, variation is less extreme, but equivalent to a ±20% variation in dose. Thus, if individual normal tissue radiosensitivity could be measured, it should be possible to optimise schedules for individual patients. Early investigations of in vitro cellular radiosensitivity supported a link with tissue response, but individual studies were equivocal. A lymphocyte apoptosis assay has potential, and is currently under prospective validation. The investigation of underlying genetic variation also has potential. Although early candidate gene studies were inconclusive, more recent genome-wide association studies are revealing definite associations between genotype and toxicity and highlighting the potential for future genetic testing. Genetic testing and individualised dose prescriptions could reduce toxicity in radiosensitive patients, and permit isotoxic dose escalation to increase local control in radioresistant individuals. The approach could improve outcomes for half the patients requiring radical radiotherapy. As a number of patient- and treatment-related factors also affect the risk of toxicity for a given dose, genetic testing data will need to be incorporated into models that combine patient, treatment and genetic data.NGB is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clon.2015.06.01

    Exploiting biological and physical determinants of radiotherapy toxicity to individualise treatment.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the British Institute of Radiology via http://dx.doi.org/10.1259/bjr.20150172The recent advances in radiation delivery can improve tumour control probability and reduce treatment related toxicity. The use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in particular can reduce normal tissue toxicity, an objective in its own right, and can allow safe dose escalation in selected cases. Ideally IMRT should be combined with image guidance to verify the position of the target, since patients, target and organs at risk can move day-to-day. Daily image guidance scans can be used to identify the position of normal tissue structures, and potentially to compute the daily delivered dose. Fundamentally, it is still the tolerance of the normal tissues which limits radiotherapy dose and therefore tumour control. However, the dose response relationships for both tumour and normal tissues are relatively steep, meaning that small dose differences can translate into clinically relevant improvements. Differences exist between individuals in the severity of toxicity experienced for a given dose of radiotherapy. Some of this difference may be the result of differences between the planned dose and the accumulated dose (DA). However, some may be due to intrinsic differences in radiosensitivity of the normal tissues between individuals. This field has been developing rapidly, with the demonstration of definite associations between genetic polymorphisms and variation in toxicity recently described. It might be possible to identify more resistant patients who would be suitable for dose escalation, as well as more sensitive patients for whom toxicity could be reduced or avoided. Daily differences in delivered dose have been investigated within the VoxTox research programme, using the rectum as an example organ at risk. In prostate cancer patients receiving curative radiotherapy, considerable daily variation in rectal position and dose can be demonstrated, although the median position matches the planning scan well. Overall, in 10 patients, the mean difference between planned and accumulated rectal equivalent uniform doses (EUDs) was -2.7 Gy (5%), and a dose reduction was seen in 7/10 cases. If dose escalation were performed to take rectal dose back to the planned level, this should increase the mean tumour control probability (TCP) (as biochemical progression-free survival) by 5%. Combining radiogenomics with individual estimates of DA might identify almost half of patients undergoing radical radiotherapy who might benefit from either dose escalation, suggesting improved tumour cure, or reduced toxicity, or both.JS is supported by Cancer Research UK through the Cambridge Cancer Centre. NGB is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. The VoxTox Research Programme is funded by Cancer Research UK

    Evaluation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor ABT-888 combined with radiotherapy and temozolomide in glioblastoma

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Background: The cytotoxicity of radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be enhanced by modulating DNA repair. PARP is a family of enzymes required for an efficient base-excision repair of DNA single-strand breaks and inhibition of PARP can prevent the repair of these lesions. The current study investigates the trimodal combination of ABT-888, a potent inhibitor of PARP1-2, ionizing radiation and temozolomide(TMZ)-based chemotherapy in glioblastoma (GBM) cells.Methods: Four human GBM cell lines were treated for 5 h with 5 μM ABT-888 before being exposed to X-rays concurrently with TMZ at doses of 5 or 10 μM for 2 h. ABT-888′s PARP inhibition was measured using immunodetection of poly(ADP-ribose) (pADPr). Cell survival and the different cell death pathways were examined via clonogenic assay and morphological characterization of the cell and cell nucleus.Results: Combining ABT-888 with radiation yielded enhanced cell killing in all four cell lines, as demonstrated by a sensitizer enhancement ratio at 50% survival (SER50) ranging between 1.12 and 1.37. Radio- and chemo-sensitization was further enhanced when ABT-888 was combined with both X-rays and TMZ in the O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT)-methylated cell lines with a SER50 up to 1.44. This effect was also measured in one of the MGMT-unmethylated cell lines with a SER50 value of 1.30. Apoptosis induction by ABT-888, TMZ and X-rays was also considered and the effect of ABT-888 on the number of apoptotic cells was noticeable at later time points. In addition, this work showed that ABT-888 mediated sensitization is replication dependent, thus demonstrating that this effect might be more pronounced in tumour cells in which endogenous replication lesions are present in a larger proportion than in normal cells.Conclusions: This study suggests that ABT-888 has the clinical potential to enhance the current standard treatment for GBM, in combination with conventional chemo-radiotherapy. Interestingly, our results suggest that the use of PARP inhibitors might be clinically significant in those patients whose tumour is MGMT-unmethylated and currently derive less benefit from TMZ. © 2013 Barazzuol et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.European Union: European Community’s Seventh Framework Programm

    Prophylactic radiotherapy against heterotopic ossification following internal fixation of acetabular fractures: a comparative estimate of risk.

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    OBJECTIVE: Radiotherapy (RT) is effective in preventing heterotopic ossification (HO) around acetabular fractures requiring surgical reconstruction. We audited outcomes and estimated risks from RT prophylaxis, and alternatives of indometacin or no prophylaxis. METHODS: 34 patients underwent reconstruction of acetabular fractures through a posterior approach, followed by a 8-Gy single fraction. The mean age was 44 years. The mean time from surgery to RT was 1.1 days. The major RT risk is radiation-induced fatal cancer. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) method was used to estimate risk, and compared with a method (Trott and Kemprad) specifically for estimating RT risk for benign disease. These were compared with risks associated with indometacin and no prophylaxis. RESULTS: 28 patients (82%) developed no HO; 6 developed Brooker Class I; and none developed Class II-IV HO. The ICRP method suggests a risk of fatal cancer in the range of 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000; the Trott and Kemprad method suggests 1 in 3000. For younger patients, this may rise to 1 in 2000; and for elderly patients, it may fall to 1 in 6000. The risk of death from gastric bleeding or perforation from indometacin is 1 in 180 to 1 in 900 in older patients. Without prophylaxis risk of death from reoperation to remove HO is 1 in 4000 to 1 in 30,000. CONCLUSION: These results are encouraging, consistent with much larger series and endorse our multidisciplinary management. Risk estimates can be used in discussion with patients. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: The risk from RT prophylaxis is small, it is safer than indometacin and substantially overlaps with the range for no prophylaxis.NGB is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. JES is supported by Cancer Research UK through the Cambridge Cancer Centre.This is the accepted manuscript version. The final version is available from the BIR at http://www.birpublications.org/doi/abs/10.1259/bjr.20140398?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dpubmed&

    Localisation of an occult thyrotropinoma with 11^{11}C-methionine PET-CT before and after somatostatin analogue therapy

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    A 75-year-old woman presented to her local endocrine service with tiredness, palpitations, and enlargement of a longstanding goitre. Unexpectedly, her thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]) concentration was not suppressed (6·3 mU/L; reference range 0·35–5·5) despite raised concentrations of thyroid hormones (free thyroxine [T4_{4}] 89·1 pmol/L [reference range 10–19·8]; free triiodothyronine [T3_{3}] 11·7 pmol/L [3·0–6·5]). After exclusion of laboratory assay interference, a thyrotropin-releasing hormone test showed an attenuated response (TSH at 0 min was 6·1 mU/L, at 20 min was 6·8 mU/L, and at 60 min was 8·5 mU/L), raising suspicion of a thyrotropinoma (also known as TSHoma). However, pituitary MRI was normal. The patient was referred to our centre for further assessment. On repeat MRI, the pituitary gland showed mild asymmetry (right larger than left; figure A). Functional imaging with 11C-methionine (11^{11}C-Met) PET-CT revealed intense tracer uptake (denoting active peptide synthesis) on the right side of the sella (red hot spot in figure A). Treatment with a depot somatostatin analogue (SSA) led to resolution of symptoms and normalisation of thyroid function (TSH 0·6 mU/L, free T4_{4} 12·5 pmol/L, and free T3_{3} 3·8 pmol/L). Repeat 11^{11}C-Met PET-CT showed absence of the right-sided focal hot spot (figure B). 14 months into treatment, the patient had several hypoglycaemic episodes, which resolved after discontinuation of SSA. However, thyrotoxicosis recurred (TSH 4·3 mU/L, free T4_{4} 38·1 pmol/L, free T3_{3} 11·6 pmol/L), and repeat 11^{11}C-Met PET-CT revealed the reappearance of the right-sided hot spot (figure C). During pituitary surgery, a microthyrotropinoma was resected from the right side of the gland (figure D). The patient remains in clinical and biochemical remission more than 12 months after surgery and has normal pituitary function
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