165 research outputs found

    On the problems of modern philology and the creative methodology of teaching foreign languages in the European educational system

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    The modern philology involves many creative methods in the study of foreign languages. European education system used measures related to the involvement of the new technologies and distance learning due to the global pandemic. The aim – to describe the latest methodology in combination with new technologies and creativity. The methodology of creative pauses was conducted among the students in Comenius University Bratislava. Methods: monitoring, testing, data analysis, description, experimental training using multimedia resources. The results showed that non-traditional methodologies (creative pauses) adapted to the FluentU media resource in combination with distance forms of education become an alternative to traditional learning

    Interlanguage Adaptation of the Neuropsychological Screening MAKRO: Russian-German Context

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    Описан процесс создания русскоязычной версии скрининга обработки текстовых макроструктур (MAKRO). Скрининг позволяет диагностировать дефициты в продуцировании и обработке текстов у пациентов с неврологическими нарушениями и черепно-мозговыми травмами. Целью данного исследования было осветить практику локализации немецкого нейропсихологического инструментария в русской лингвокультуре. Создание переводной версии теста было связано с необходимостью внести многочисленные трансформации в содержание тестовых заданий, мотивированные кросс-культурными расхождениями: использование в заданиях культурно-специфичных сценариев действий в повседневной жизни; различия в представлениях о гендерных ролях в двух культурах; несовпадения во временном ритме культур; упоминание реалий жизни в Германии; использование культурно-специфичных имен собственных и др. Работа выполнена в контексте кросс-культурной нейропсихологииThe article describes the process of creating a Russian-language version of the MAKRO screening. MAKRO allows to diagnose the deficiencies in production and processing of the texts by the patients with neurological disorders and traumatic brain injuries. The purpose of this study was to describe the practice of localization of German neuropsychological instrument in the Russian culture. In the translated version of the screening, it was necessary to introduce numerous transformations into the content of the subtests motivated by cross-cultural differences: the use of culturally specific scenarios of actions in everyday life; differences in the ideas about gender roles in two cultures; discrepancies in the time rhythm of cultures; mentioning the German realities; the use of culturally specific proper names, etc. The article is made in the context of cross-cultural neuropsycholog

    Role of antimicrobial peptide DEFB126 mutation in pathogenesis of male idiopathic infertility

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    Male infertility is a multifactorial disease, and elucidation of etiopathogenetic mechanisms of its progression is a topical issue. High percentage of the “idiopathic infertility” diagnosis is largely cased by inability to establish etiology of decrease in reproductive spermatic function. Mutation of в-defensin DEFB126 gene is supposed to affect the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa at different levels: it may decrease their ability to migrate through the cervical mucus and reduce binding capacity to epithelial layer of upper female reproductive tract, and it may also increase susceptibility for infections of reproductive tract, due to impairment of local protective function of defensins. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine possible role of rs11468374 gene polymorphism of the DEFB126 gene in pathogenesis of male idiopathic infertility. Patients and methods: The group of patient with decreased fertility included 54 male subjects, ages 34 to 42, with a control group of 19 ejaculate donors without acute or chronic disease aged 28 to 36. The indicators of sperm motility in the Moscow population were compared with individual levels of DEFB126 gene expression, as well as with estimated distribution frequency of rs11468374 alleles and genotypes among the subjects.As compared with the control group, the infertile patients exhibited a more than seven-fold reduction of DEFB126 gene expression. Analysis of distribution frequency for alleles and genotypes rs11468374 polymorphic marker of the DEFB126 gene revealed that the mutant allele is detected almost twice as often in males with infertility, as compared with control group. No cases with the DEFB126 del/del genotype were found among the control group, in contrary to 16.1% in the group of patients. The patients with DEFB126 del/del genotype exhibited 5.2-fold reduction of sperm motility. Thus, the data obtained may be used to extend our knowledge on the pathogenetic mechanisms of male idiopathic infertility and to improve techniques for its diagnostics, as well as to provide personalized approach to the treatment of male reproductive disorders. The association between carriage of del mutant allele and decreased level of sperm motility suggests a role of this polymorphism in pathogenesis of male infertility. A general decrease in the level of DEFB126 gene expression in the patients affected by infertility also presumes a contribution of defensin 126 to pathogenesis of the disorder

    Electrochemical Study of Cp(CO)₃MnRh(μ-C=CHPh)(acac) Complex

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    Электрохимическими методами изучены редокс-свойства биядерного комплекса Cp(CO)₃ MnRh(μ-C=CHPh)(acac) на платиновом, стеклоуглеродном и ртутном капельном электродах в ацетонитриле. Установлено, что как окисление, так и восстановление этого комплекса приводит к образованию CpMn(CO)3 и комплексов родия Rh0 при восстановлении или RhIII при окисленииRedox properties of binuclear Cp(CO)₃ MnRh(μ-C=CHPh)(acac) complex were studied by electrochemical methods at platinum, glassed carbon and dropping mercury electrodes in acetonitrile. It was found that a reduction of the complex resulted in the formation of CpMn(CO)3 and rhodium Rh0 compounds whereas an oxidation gave CpMn(CO)3 and RhIII compound

    Solubility Study of Betulonic Acid in the Presence of Hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin by Capillary Electrophoresis

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    Методом капиллярного электрофореза изучена растворимость бетулоновой кислоты в 40 мМ растворе гидроксипропил-γ-циклодекстрина. Показано, что равновесие реакции комплексообразования между бетулоновой кислотой и гидрокиспропил-γ-циклодекстрином (ГП-γ-ЦД) устанавливается в течение трех суток. Найдено, что присутствие или отсутствие кислорода в растворе ГП-γ-ЦД не влияет на динамику растворения бетулоновой кислоты. Определена растворимость бетулоновой кислоты в 40 мМ водного раствора гидроксипропил- γ-циклодекстрина, которая составляет (410±20) мг/л.Solubility of betulonic acid in 40 mM hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin solution was studied by capillary electrophoresis. It was shown that the equilibrium of complexation reaction between betulonic acid and hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin was established for three days. The oxidation of betulonic acid by atmospheric oxygen was shown not to occur during the long stirring. The solubility of betulonic acid in 40 mM aqueous cyclodextrin solution was 410±20 mg/l

    Determination of Cerium in Filtrates After Sorption by Stripping Voltammetry on Solid Electrodes

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    Разработана методика определения церия (III) в водных растворах методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии на графитовом электроде в виде малорастворимого соединения. Зависимость аналитического сигнала церия (III) от его концентрации в растворе линейна в диапазоне 0.5–10 мг/л и описывается уравнением I = (0.56±0.03)с + (0.54±0.10) [коэффициент корреляции > 0.99]. Предел обнаружения церия (III) составляет 0.1 мг/л. Методом «введено-найдено» показано отсутствие значимой систематической погрешности. С использованием разработанной методики определено содержание церия в фильтратах после его сорбцииА stripping voltammetry method was developed for the determination of cerium (III) on graphite electrode as a poorly soluble compound in filtrate after sorption. The cerium (III) concentration presents a good linear relationship over the range of 0.5–10 mg/l. Its linear equation is I = (0.56±0.03)с + + (0.54±0.10), with a correlation coefficient >0.99. The detection limit of cerium (III) is 0.1 mg/l. The absence of a significant systematic error is shown by the added-found method. Using the developed technique, the concentration of cerium (III) in the filtrates after sorption has been determine

    Identification of T-cell epitopes in African swine fever virus CD2v and C-type lectin proteins.

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    African swine fever (ASF) is an emerging disease threat for the swine industry worldwide. No ASF vaccine is available, and progress is hindered by lack of knowledge concerning the extent of ASF virus (ASFV) strain diversity and the viral antigens conferring type-specific protective immunity in pigs. Previously, we demonstrated that ASFV serotype-specific proteins CD2v (EP402R) and/or C-type lectin (EP153R) are important for protection against homologous ASF infection. Here, we identified six discrete T-cell epitope regions present on CD2v and C-type lectin using IFN-γ ELISpot assay and PBMCs from ASF immune animals, indicating cellular reactivity to these proteins in the context of ASFV infection and protective immunity. Notably, three of the epitope regions map to previously described serotype-specific signature regions of these proteins. Improved understanding of ASFV protective antigens, relevant epitopes and their diversity in nature will facilitate ASFV subunit vaccine design and development


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    In article the results of investigating the phenol migration from polyvinyl chloride medical infusion set into contacting water solution were presented. The perfusion of ozonized, physiologic solutions through the medical infusion set extended, in clinical practice can be accompanied, by migration of phenol from a polymeric material with concentration up to 1 mg/l

    Oxidative treatment of waste activated sludge by different activated persulfate systems for enhancing sludge dewaterability

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    The enhancement in dewaterability of waste activated sludge (WAS) by oxidative treatment using thermally- and alkali-activated persulfates (i.e., peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and peroxydisulfate (PDS)) was studied with two indices representing dewaterability change, i.e., centrifuged weight reduction (CWR) and standardized-capillary suction time (SCST). The tested conditions include 50 ??C/PMS, 50 ??C/PDS, 80 ??C/PMS, and 80 ??C/PDS as thermally-activated persulfate systems and NaOH/PMS, NaOH/PDS, KOH/PMS, and KOH/PDS as alkali-activated persulfate systems. The oxidation by activated persulfates caused the disintegration of bacterial cells and extracelluar polymeric substance (EPS) of WAS, affecting the sludge dewaterability. The highest dewaterability was found at the KOH/PDS treatment in CWR and at the 80 ??C/PDS treatment in SCST. The EPSs were stratified as soluble, loosely-bound (LB) and tightly-bound fractions, and contents of protein and polysaccharide in each fraction were measured to characterize the EPS matrix before and after treatments. The statistical analysis of the relationship between EPS character and dewaterability indicated that the protein content in LB-EPS was the dominant negative factor for the dewaterability represented by SCST, whereas the polysaccharide content in soluble-EPS was identified as the dominant positive factor for the dewaterability by CWR.ope

    Соотношение мантийного и разновозрастного корового вещества в составе гранитоидов Забайкалья А-типа: петрологические и геодинамические следствия

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    Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic alkaline A-type granitoids (anhydrous, alkaline, moderately aluminous, ferruginous) are widely distributed in the structures of the Central Asian Fold Belt. In Northern Mongolia and Transbaikalia, there are hundreds of massifs that formed from the end of the Permian to the Middle Jurassic inclusive. These massifs are composed of alkaline granites, alkaline and alkali-feldspar syenites, and located within crustal blocks (terranes) of different ages and origins. New geochemical data obtained for the Kruchininsky, Sherbakhtinsky, Shabartay and Khamney massifs, as well as earlier published materials (Bryansk and Kharitonovo plutons), demonstrate that despite the general petrogeochemical similarity of the main rock types composing these plutons, their isotopic composition (Nd) differs significantly. Our studies suggest that the isotopic composition of Transbaikalia A-type granitoids is caused, on the one hand, by the crust permeability for mantle magmas and, on the other hand, by the material heterogeneity of the crustal magma sources themselves, varying from the Early Precambrian crystalline blocks to ‘young’ island-arc terranes.Позднепалеозойские и раннемезозойские щелочные гранитоиды А-типа (сухие, щелочные, умеренно-глиноземистые, железистые) широко распространены в структурах Центрально-Азиатского складчатого пояса. В Северной Монголии и Забайкалье известны сотни массивов, формировавшихся с конца пермского периода до средней юры включительно. Эти массивы сложены щелочными гранитами, щелочными и щелочно-полевошпатовыми сиенитами и расположены в пределах блоков коры (террейнов) разного возраста и происхождения. Новые геохимические данные, полученные по Кручининскому, Шербахтинскому, Шабартайскому и Хамнейскому массивам, в совокупности с опубликованными ранее (Брянский, Харитоновский плутоны), показывают, что при общем петрогеохимическом сходстве основных разновидностей пород, слагающих эти плутоны, их изотопный состав (Nd) существенно различается. Проведенные исследования дают основание полагать, что изотопный состав гранитоидов Забайкалья А-типа обусловлен, с одной стороны, проницаемостью коры для мантийных магм, а с другой – вещественной гетерогенностью собственно коровых источников магм, варьирующихся от раннедокембрийских кристаллических блоков до «молодых» террейнов островодужного типа