2,154 research outputs found

    Conditional Probabilities of Multivariate Poisson Distributions

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    Multivariate Poisson distributions have numerous applications. Fast computation of these distributions, holding constant a fixed set of linear combinations of these variables, has been explored by Sontag and Zeilberger. This elaborates on their work

    Discriminative Bayesian filtering lends momentum to the stochastic Newton method for minimizing log-convex functions

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    To minimize the average of a set of log-convex functions, the stochastic Newton method iteratively updates its estimate using subsampled versions of the full objective's gradient and Hessian. We contextualize this optimization problem as sequential Bayesian inference on a latent state-space model with a discriminatively-specified observation process. Applying Bayesian filtering then yields a novel optimization algorithm that considers the entire history of gradients and Hessians when forming an update. We establish matrix-based conditions under which the effect of older observations diminishes over time, in a manner analogous to Polyak's heavy ball momentum. We illustrate various aspects of our approach with an example and review other relevant innovations for the stochastic Newton method

    Mine surveying in the Missouri coal fields

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    The mines surveyed and included in this thesis are certain mines in the foremost and second largest producing counties in the state, namely Macon and Adair county. This thesis also includes surveying at one mine in Randolph County ... The mines included in this thesis operate mainly in the Bevier bed. This seam contains an average of 41 inches of coal in Adair County and is somewhat thicker in Macon and Randolph County. All mines in the Bevier bed are operated on the room and pillar system of mining with about 50 to 60 percent extraction in Adair County and a somewhat greater extraction in Macon County. A few mines included in this thesis operate in the Mulky bed. This seam is from 20 to 24 inches thick and is operated on the longwall system with a face track and skip roadways off of the main entry --Introduction, Pages 5-6


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    In order to serve several experiments simultaneously, the Project X requires a programmable chopping system to deflect bunches from the initially 162.5MHz CW H-beam. A helical 200 Ohm deflector is proposed, which needs a ±500V variable pulse length driver with ~2 ns rise/fall time at an average repetition rate of 33 MHz. The SLAC Hybrid MOSFET/driver Switch Module (HSM) has demonstrated 1ns switching of 1 kV into a 30 Ohm load during 6 MHz burst operation. This paper presents the development and preliminary testing results of a new HSM, which is optimized for the Project X chopper driver parameters. I