2,696 research outputs found

    Surface Critical Behavior of Binary Alloys and Antiferromagnets: Dependence of the Universality Class on Surface Orientation

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    The surface critical behavior of semi-infinite (a) binary alloys with a continuous order-disorder transition and (b) Ising antiferromagnets in the presence of a magnetic field is considered. In contrast to ferromagnets, the surface universality class of these systems depends on the orientation of the surface with respect to the crystal axes. There is ordinary and extraordinary surface critical behavior for orientations that preserve and break the two-sublattice symmetry, respectively. This is confirmed by transfer-matrix calculations for the two-dimensional antiferromagnet and other evidence.Comment: Final version that appeared in PRL, some minor stylistic changes and one corrected formula; 4 pp., twocolumn, REVTeX, 3 eps fig

    Spatial Constraint Corrections to the Elasticity of dsDNA Measured with Magnetic Tweezers

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    In this paper, we have studied, within a discrete WLC model, the spatial constraints in magnetic tweezers used in single molecule experiments. Two elements are involved: first, the fixed plastic slab on which is stuck the initial strand, second, the magnetic bead which pulls (or twists) the attached molecule free end. We have shown that the bead surface can be replaced by its tangent plane at the anchoring point, when it is close to the bead south pole relative to the force. We are led to a model with two parallel repulsive plates: the fixed anchoring plate and a fluctuating plate, simulating the bead, in thermal equilibrium with the system. The bead effect is a slight upper shift of the elongation, about four times smaller than the similar effect induced by the fixed plate. This rather unexpected result, has been qualitatively confirmed within the soluble Gaussian model. A study of the molecule elongation versus the countour length exhibits a significant non-extensive behaviour. The curve for short molecules (with less than 2 kbp) is well fitted by a straight line, with a slope given by the WLC model, but it does not go through the origin. The non-extensive offset gives a 15% upward shift to the elongation of a 2 kbp molecule stretched by a 0.3 pN force.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures An explanatory figure has been added. The physical interpretation of the results has been made somewhat more transparen

    Casimir Forces between Spherical Particles in a Critical Fluid and Conformal Invariance

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    Mesoscopic particles immersed in a critical fluid experience long-range Casimir forces due to critical fluctuations. Using field theoretical methods, we investigate the Casimir interaction between two spherical particles and between a single particle and a planar boundary of the fluid. We exploit the conformal symmetry at the critical point to map both cases onto a highly symmetric geometry where the fluid is bounded by two concentric spheres with radii R_- and R_+. In this geometry the singular part of the free energy F only depends upon the ratio R_-/R_+, and the stress tensor, which we use to calculate F, has a particularly simple form. Different boundary conditions (surface universality classes) are considered, which either break or preserve the order-parameter symmetry. We also consider profiles of thermodynamic densities in the presence of two spheres. Explicit results are presented for an ordinary critical point to leading order in epsilon=4-d and, in the case of preserved symmetry, for the Gaussian model in arbitrary spatial dimension d. Fundamental short-distance properties, such as profile behavior near a surface or the behavior if a sphere has a `small' radius, are discussed and verified. The relevance for colloidal solutions is pointed out.Comment: 37 pages, 2 postscript figures, REVTEX 3.0, published in Phys. Rev. B 51, 13717 (1995

    Simulation of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore

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    The probability that a randomly accelerated particle in two dimensions has not yet left a simply connected domain A{\cal A} after a time tt decays as e−E0te^{-E_0t} for long times. The same quantity E0E_0 also determines the confinement free energy per unit length Δf=kBT E0\Delta f=k_BT\thinspace E_0 of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore with cross section A{\cal A}. From simulations of a randomly accelerated particle we estimate the universal amplitude of Δf\Delta f for both circular and rectangular cross sections.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure

    Local functional models of critical correlations in thin-films

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    Recent work on local functional theories of critical inhomogeneous fluids and Ising-like magnets has shown them to be a potentially exact, or near exact, description of universal finite-size effects associated with the excess free-energy and scaling of one-point functions in critical thin films. This approach is extended to predict the two-point correlation function G in critical thin-films with symmetric surface fields in arbitrary dimension d. In d=2 we show there is exact agreement with the predictions of conformal invariance for the complete spectrum of correlation lengths as well as the detailed position dependence of the asymptotic decay of G. In d=3 and d>=4 we present new numerical predictions for the universal finite-size correlation length and scaling functions determining the structure of G across the thin-film. Highly accurate analytical closed form expressions for these universal properties are derived in arbitrary dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figure. Submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Critical behaviour near multiple junctions and dirty surfaces in the two-dimensional Ising model

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    We consider m two-dimensional semi-infinite planes of Ising spins joined together through surface spins and study the critical behaviour near to the junction. The m=0 limit of the model - according to the replica trick - corresponds to the semi-infinite Ising model in the presence of a random surface field (RSFI). Using conformal mapping, second-order perturbation expansion around the weakly- and strongly-coupled planes limits and differential renormalization group, we show that the surface critical behaviour of the RSFI model is described by Ising critical exponents with logarithmic corrections to scaling, while at multiple junctions (m>2) the transition is first order. There is a spontaneous junction magnetization at the bulk critical point.Comment: Old paper, for archiving. 6 pages, 1 figure, IOP macro, eps

    Using AI/expert system technology to automate planning and replanning for the HST servicing missions

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    This paper describes a knowledge-based system that has been developed to automate planning and scheduling for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Servicing Missions. This new system is the Servicing Mission Planning and Replanning Tool (SM/PART). SM/PART has been delivered to the HST Flight Operations Team (FOT) at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) where it is being used to build integrated time lines and command plans to control the activities of the HST, Shuttle, Crew and ground systems for the next HST Servicing Mission. SM/PART reuses and extends AI/expert system technology from Interactive Experimenter Planning System (IEPS) systems to build or rebuild time lines and command plans more rapidly than was possible for previous missions where they were built manually. This capability provides an important safety factor for the HST, Shuttle and Crew in case unexpected events occur during the mission

    Surface crossover exponent for branched polymers in two dimensions

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    Transfer-matrix methods on finite-width strips with free boundary conditions are applied to lattice site animals, which provide a model for randomly branched polymers in a good solvent. By assigning a distinct fugacity to sites along the strip edges, critical properties at the special (adsorption) and ordinary transitions are assessed. The crossover exponent at the adsorption point is estimated as ϕ=0.505±0.015\phi = 0.505 \pm 0.015, consistent with recent predictions that ϕ=1/2\phi = 1/2 exactly for all space dimensionalities.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX with Institute of Physics macros, to appear in Journal of Physics

    Local tunneling spectroscopy as signatures of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in s- and d-wave Superconductors

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    The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states for two-dimensional s- and d-wave superconductors (s- and d-SC) are self-consistently studied under an in-plane magnetic field. While the stripe solution of the order parameter (OP) is found to have lower free energy in s-SC, a square lattice solution appears to be energetically more favorable in the case of d-SC. At certain symmetric sites, we find that the features in the local density of states (LDOS) can be ascribed to two types of bound states. We also show that the LDOS maps for d-SC exhibit bias-energy-dependent checkerboard patterns. These characteristics can serve as signatures of the FFLO states.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Type and grammaratic errors corrected. Last figure replaced by colored one. To appear in PR

    Entropic Elasticity of Double-Strand DNA Subject to Simple Spatial Constraints

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    The aim of the present paper is the study of the entropic elasticity of the dsDNA molecule, having a cristallographic length L of the order of 10 to 30 persistence lengths A, when it is subject to spatial obstructions. We have not tried to obtain the single molecule partition function by solving a Schodringer-like equation. We prefer to stay within a discretized version of the WLC model with an added one-monomer potential, simulating the spatial constraints. We derived directly from the discretized Boltzmann formula the transfer matrix connecting the partition functions relative to adjacent "effective monomers". We have plugged adequate Dirac delta-functions in the functional integral to ensure that the monomer coordinate and the tangent vector are independent variables. The partition function is, then, given by an iterative process which is both numerically efficient and physically transparent. As a test of our discretized approach, we have studied two configurations involving a dsDNA molecule confined between a pair of parallel plates.Comment: The most formal developments of Section I have been moved into an appendix and replaced by a direct derivation of the transfer matrix used in the applications. of Section II. Two paragraphs and two figures have been added to clarify the physical interpretation of the result
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