79 research outputs found

    Primjena frakcijske plinske analize za određivanje sadržaja oksidnih i dušičnih faza u ALNICO legurama

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    Fractional gas analysis procedure for estimating the contents of oxide and nitride inclusions in Alnico alloys produced from wastes of production is developed. The effect of the temperature and time of melt holding before pouring on the content of impurity oxide and nitride inclusions is considered. The content of SiO2 inclusions in Alnico mainly depends on the holding time before pouring and decreases with increasing holding time, whereas the content of Al2O3 inclusions decreases with increasing both temperature and time of holding. The content of TiN inclusions decreases with increasing holding time. As the holding temperature increases, the content of nitride inclusions decreases only with increasing holding time.Razrađena je metoda frakcijske plinske analize za vrednovanje oksidnih i dušičnih uključaka u ALNICO legurama, dobijenih iz gospodarskih otpada. Posmatran je utjecaj temperature i vremena zadržavanja kupke prije lijevanja. Sadržaj uključaka SiO2 uglavnom ovisi od vremena zadrške prije lijevanja i snižava se povećanjem tog vremena, istodobno se sadržaj uključaka Al2O3 smanjuje s povećavanjem i temperature i vremena zadrške. Sadržaj uključaka TiN smanjuje se povećavanjem vremena zadrške. S povećanjem temperature sadržaj dušičnih uključaka smanjuje se samo pri povećanju vremena zadrške prije lijevanja

    Features of the properties of lead-free ferroelectric ceramic material TBK-3 in the region of phase transition

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    В работе исследована нелинейность диэлектрического отклика в сегнетопьезокерамике ТБК-3 в области фазового перехода.The nonlinearity of the dielectric response in TBK-3 ferroelectric piezoceramics in the region of the phase transition is studied

    Fractional gas analysis procedure for determining the contents of oxide and nitride phases in ALNICO alloys

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    Fractional gas analysis procedure for estimating the contents of oxide and nitride inclusions in Alnico alloys produced from wastes of production is developed. The effect of the temperature and time of melt holding before pouring on the content of impurity oxide and nitride inclusions is considered. The content of SiO2 inclusions in Alnico mainly depends on the holding time before pouring and decreases with increasing holding time, whereas the content of Al2O3 inclusions decreases with increasing both temperature and time of holding. The content of TiN inclusions decreases with increasing holding time. As the holding temperature increases, the content of nitride inclusions decreases only with increasing holding time