9 research outputs found

    Power quality indices of distribution networks with embedded generation

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    The present paper deals with the relevant aspects related to EG and its influence on the quality of supply of the distribution networks, focusing on the impact of EG on harmonic distortion, voltage variations and dips. It is shown that assessment of the network power quality levels can be efficiently performed by means of suitable indices defined for either the entire system or portions of it. The usefulness of the approach is tested on a real case distribution networ

    The Messinian Salinity Crisis: New seismic evidence in the West-Sardinian Margin and Eastern Sardo-Provençal basin (West Mediterranean Sea)

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    We processed and interpreted a newly acquired geophysical dataset (WS10 project) integrated with vintage seismic profiles to study the evolution of the Sardinian passive margin of the Sardo-Provençal basin. The most prominent features of the area of study are a consequence of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) which produced a thick salt layer in the deep basin. Complex halokinetic tectonics deformed the overlying Messinian Upper Unit (UU) and the Pliocene–Quaternary (PQ) sediments, sometimes also bending the sea bottom. A thinner autochthonous salt in the UU suggests at least one further low stand during the late MSC. The Messinian Erosional Surface (MES) separates the erosional truncation of the pre-Messinian sedimentary sequence from the overlaying Plio-Pleistocene sequence with a clear angular discordance, which almost completely masks possible earlier erosional events. The MES is present across the middle and upper slopes of the Sardinian margin and can be easily recognized down to the lower slope, where it interfingers with the Messinian evaporites which gradually thicken basinward. We propose a correlation between the main erosional surface of the lower slope and the salt layer recognized in the UU as a consequence of a falling stage during the last part of the MSC. The seismic profiles now available along the West Sardinian margin provide novel and crucial information to correlate the Messinian depositional units in the deep basin with those present in the lower continental slope and with the erosional surface of the middle and upper slopes. Our data and interpretation highlight the main units of the Messinian trilogy and further internal sequences that are probable related to cyclic fluctuations during their deposition

    The Messinian Salinity Crisis: New seismic evidence in the West-Sardinian Margin and Eastern Sardo-Proven\ue7al basin (West Mediterranean Sea)

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    We processed and interpreted a newly acquired geophysical dataset (WS10 project) integrated with vintage seismic profiles to study the evolution of the Sardinian passive margin of the Sardo-Proven\ue7al basin. The most prominent features of the area of study are a consequence of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)which produced a thick salt layer in the deep basin. Complex halokinetic tectonics deformed the overlying Messinian Upper Unit (UU) and the Pliocene\u2013Quaternary (PQ) sediments, sometimes also bending the sea bottom. A thinner autochthonous salt in the UU suggests at least one further low stand during the late MSC. The Messinian Erosional Surface (MES) separates the erosional truncation of the pre-Messinian sedimentary sequence fromthe overlaying Plio-Pleistocene sequencewith a clear angular discordance,which almost completely masks possible earlier erosional events. The MES is present across the middle and upper slopes of the Sardinian margin and can be easily recognized downto the lower slope,where it interfingerswith the Messinian evaporites which gradually thicken basinward. We propose a correlation between the main erosional surface of the lower slope and the salt layer recognized in the UU as a consequence of a falling stage during the last part of the MSC. The seismic profiles now available along theWest Sardinian margin provide novel and crucial information to correlate theMessinian depositional units in the deep basinwith those present in the lower continental slope and with the erosional surface of the middle and upper slopes. Our data and interpretation highlight the main units of the Messinian trilogy and further internal sequences that are probable related to cyclic fluctuations during their deposition

    Análise de determinantes intra e interpessoais como motivos de recaída no contexto da dependência química

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    Objetivo: identificar os motivos de recaída de dependentes químicos, em tratamento em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para álcool e drogas. Método: pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com 15 pessoas em tratamento ativo para dependência química. Os dados foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: dentre os determinantes interpessoais identificados, destacam-se o apoio familiar, o grupo de convívio social, a moradia fixa, e também o vínculo empregatício. Em geral, o ambiente externo adequado minimiza a probabilidade de reuso. Em relação aos intrapessoais, são recorrentes a fissura, a dependência psíquica e a capacidade de lidar com frustrações. Conclusão: acredita-se que para evitar uma recaída, o dependente químico em tratamento, necessita de uma internação domiciliar, assim quando os determinantes interpessoais e intrapessoais ocorrerem, o paciente estará assistido, com menor risco de relapso