1,479 research outputs found

    Damping and decoherence of a nanomechanical resonator due to a few two level systems

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    We consider a quantum model of a nanomechanical flexing beam resonator interacting with a bath comprising a few damped tunneling two level systems (TLS's). In contrast with a resonator interacting bilinearly with an ohmic free oscillator bath (modeling clamping loss, for example), the mechanical resonator damping is amplitude dependent, while the decoherence of quantum superpositions of mechanical position states depends only weakly on their spatial separation

    Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in amorphous solids induced by the nuclear quadrupole interaction

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    We consider the effect of the internal nuclear quadrupole interaction on quantum tunneling in complex multi-atomic two-level systems. Two distinct regimes of strong and weak interactions are found. The regimes depend on the relationship between a characteristic energy of the nuclear quadrupole interaction λ∗\lambda_{\ast} and a bare tunneling coupling strength Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0>λ∗\Delta_{0}>\lambda_{\ast}, the internal interaction is negligible and tunneling remains coherent determined by Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0<λ∗\Delta_{0}<\lambda_{\ast}, coherent tunneling breaks down and an effective tunneling amplitude decreases by an exponentially small overlap factor η∗≪1\eta^{\ast}\ll1 between internal ground states of left and right wells of a tunneling system. This affects thermal and kinetic properties of tunneling systems at low temperatures T<λ∗T<\lambda_{*}. The theory is applied for interpreting the anomalous behavior of the resonant dielectric susceptibility in amorphous solids at low temperatures T≤5T\leq 5mK where the nuclear quadrupole interaction breaks down coherent tunneling. We suggest the experiments with external magnetic fields to test our predictions and to clarify the internal structure of tunneling systems in amorphous solids.Comment: To appear in the Physical Review

    Effect of Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction on the Relaxation in Amorphous Solids

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    Recently it has been experimentally demonstrated that certain glasses display an unexpected magnetic field dependence of the dielectric constant. In particular, the echo technique experiments have shown that the echo amplitude depends on the magnetic field. The analysis of these experiments results in the conclusion that the effect seems to be related to the nuclear degrees of freedom of tunneling systems. The interactions of a nuclear quadrupole electrical moment with the crystal field and of a nuclear magnetic moment with magnetic field transform the two-level tunneling systems inherent in amorphous dielectrics into many-level tunneling systems. The fact that these features show up at temperatures T<100mKT<100mK, where the properties of amorphous materials are governed by the long-range R−3R^{-3} interaction between tunneling systems, suggests that this interaction is responsible for the magnetic field dependent relaxation. We have developed a theory of many-body relaxation in an ensemble of interacting many-level tunneling systems and show that the relaxation rate is controlled by the magnetic field. The results obtained correlate with the available experimental data. Our approach strongly supports the idea that the nuclear quadrupole interaction is just the key for understanding the unusual behavior of glasses in a magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Low temperature dipolar echo in amorphous dielectrics: Significance of relaxation and decoherence free two level systems

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    The nature of dielectric echoes in amorphous solids at low temperatures is investigated. It is shown that at long delay times the echo amplitude is determined by a small subset of two level systems (TLS) having negligible relaxation and decoherence because of their weak coupling to phonons. The echo decay can then be described approximately by power law time dependencies with different powers at times longer and shorter than the typical TLS relaxation time. The theory is applied to recent measurements of two and three pulse dipolar echo in borosilicate glass BK7 and provides a perfect data fit in the broad time and temperature ranges under the assumption that there exist two TLS relaxation mechanisms due to TLS-phonons and TLS-TLS interaction. This interpretation is consistent with the previous experimental and theoretical investigations. Further experiments verifying the theory predictions are suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Low temperature acoustic properties of amorphous silica and the Tunneling Model

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    Internal friction and speed of sound of a-SiO(2) was measured above 6 mK using a torsional oscillator at 90 kHz, controlling for thermal decoupling, non-linear effects, and clamping losses. Strain amplitudes e(A) = 10^{-8} mark the transition between the linear and non-linear regime. In the linear regime, excellent agreement with the Tunneling Model was observed for both the internal friction and speed of sound, with a cut-off energy of E(min) = 6.6 mK. In the non-linear regime, two different behaviors were observed. Above 10 mK the behavior was typical for non-linear harmonic oscillators, while below 10 mK a different behavior was found. Its origin is not understood.Comment: 1 tex file, 6 figure

    Turbulence and jet-driven zonal flows: Secondary circulation in rotating fluids due to asymmetric forcing

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    We report on experiments and modeling on a rotating confined liquid that is forced by circumferential jets coaxial with the rotation axis, wherein system-scale secondary flows are observed to emerge. The jets are evenly divided in number between inlets and outlets and have zero net mass transport. For low forcing strengths the sign of this flow depends on the sign of a sloped end cap, which simulates a planetary β plane. For increased forcing strengths the secondary flow direction is insensitive to the slope sign, and instead appears to be dominated by an asymmetry in the forcing mechanism, namely, the difference in radial divergence between the inlet and outlet jet profiles. This asymmetry yields a net radial velocity that is affected by the Coriolis force, inducing secondary zonal flow

    Optical absorption spectra and monomer interaction in polymers. Investigation of exciton coupling in DNA hairpins

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    We investigate the effect of exciton coupling on the optical absorption spectrum of polymer molecules under conditions of strong inhomogeneous broadening. We demonstrate that the dependence of the maximum in the rescaled absorption spectrum on the number of monomers is determined by the average monomer excitation energies and their resonant coupling and insensitive to the inhomogeneous broadening. Thus the absorption spectrum can be used to determine optical interactions between monomers. The results are applied to the absorption spectra of poly-A poly-T DNA hairpins and used to interpret the dependence of the absorption spectrum on the number of monomers. We also discuss exciton localization in these hairpins.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Random Resonators and Prelocalized Modes in Disordered Dielectric Films

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    Areal density of disorder-induced resonators with a high quality factor, Q≫1Q\gg 1, in a film with fluctuating refraction index is calculated theoretically. We demonstrate that for a given kl>1kl>1, where kk is the light wave vector, and ll is the transport mean free path, when {\em on average} the light propagation is diffusive, the likelihood for finding a random resonator increases dramatically with increasing the correlation radius of the disorder. Parameters of {\em most probable} resonators as functions of QQ and klkl are found.Comment: 6 pages including 2 figure

    Quantum Statistical Physics of Glasses at Low Temperatures

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    We present a quantum statistical analysis of a microscopic mean-field model of structural glasses at low temperatures. The model can be thought of as arising from a random Born von Karman expansion of the full interaction potential. The problem is reduced to a single-site theory formulated in terms of an imaginary-time path integral using replicas to deal with the disorder. We study the physical properties of the system in thermodynamic equilibrium and develop both perturbative and non-perturbative methods to solve the model. The perturbation theory is formulated as a loop expansion in terms of two-particle irreducible diagrams, and is carried to three-loop order in the effective action. The non-perturbative description is investigated in two ways, (i) using a static approximation, and (ii) via Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Results for the Matsubara correlations at two-loop order perturbation theory are in good agreement with those of the Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Characteristic low-temperature anomalies of the specific heat are reproduced, both in the non-perturbative static approximation, and from a three-loop perturbative evaluation of the free energy. In the latter case the result so far relies on using Matsubara correlations at two-loop order in the three-loop expressions for the free energy, as self-consistent Matsubara correlations at three-loop order are still unavailable. We propose to justify this by the good agreement of two-loop Matsubara correlations with those obtained non-perturbatively via Quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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