16 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa Kelas VII SMP Islam Ylpi Kota Pekanbaru

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    This study discusses the students' reading comprehension class VII Islam YLPI city of Pekanbaru. This study also discusses reading and the things contained in the text itself as the key idea, the idea of descriptors, conclusions readings, and message / views of the authors. This study used a qualitative approach and methods of analysis that aims to give value to the aspects of the central idea, the idea of descriptors, conclusions readings, and message / views of the authors. Subject matter of this study is a test that uses objective tests. The results of this study are research data, analysis, and conclusions of the aspects of the central idea, the idea of descriptors, conclusions readings, and message / views of the authors

    Prinsip Kerjasama dalam Novel Azab dan Sengsara Karya Merari Siregar

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    This research discussed the act principle of cooperation in the novelazab dan sengsara by merari siregar. the method used was descriptive method withqualitative approach.in this research, the researcher was used three techniques thatwere read technigue, and record technique. The entire data sourch in the novel Azabdan Sengsara by Merari Siregar. the data of this research amounth to 81 data, fromresult of research which writer find in Novel Azab dan Sengsara by Merari Siregar. theresearch found there were 4 maxsims in the prinsiple of cooperation. Namaly themaxsim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner

    Penggunaan Konjungsi Koordinatif dalam Novel Kasih Tak Terlerai Karya Soeman Hs

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    This research is to describe useing coordinative conjunction in a novel Kasih Tak Terlerai created by Soeman HS. The aim of this research is to know and to discribe about using coordinative conjunction in a novel Kasih Tak Terlerai created by Soeman HS. This research is about descriptive qualitative. The source of this research is a novel Kasih Tak Terlerai created by Soeman HS consist of 11 sub tittle. The result of this research refer to formulation and the aim of research. Frist data be fount as much as 172 be found using coordinative conjunction in the first as much as16, using coordinative conjunction in the middle is as 152, and using coordinative conjunction in the end is nothing. Using coordinative conjunction whic connecting klausa by clausa as much as 152, and conecting sentence by sentence as much as 16 data. Second, the meaning of this novel Kasih Tak Terlerai created by Soeman HS as much as 15 meaning that is (1) quantity meaning (and) sequences meaning (then and past), selection meaning (or) opposite meaning (buts, however, while, butrather and but) and meaning more (moreover)

    Kemampuan Membaca Puisi Siswa Kelas VII Mts Al-uswah Pekanbaru

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    This research was intended to find out the ability of the first year students of Al-Uswah Pekanbaru. in reading poetry. The problem in this research is how the student's ability in reading poetry consists of the aspects of vocal precision, intonation, and appreciation (expression). The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with the sample were 44 students of the first year of MTs Al-Uswah Pekanbaru. The data was collected by provide a test reading text of the poem to the sample, and then provide an assessment in accordance with the assessment criteria that have been established, then look for the percentage, mean, two different tests, standard deviation, and standard deviation for each aspect combined assessed and a recapitulation result of data analysis. The research finding showed that (1) the ability to read poetry in aspects of vocal accuracy category with the average being 60.99, equivalent to 76.24 per cent (2) the ability to read poetry in intonation aspect being categorized with the average of 47.26, equivalent to 78 , 77 percent (3) the ability to read poetry in the aspect of appreciation (expression) low category with a mean of 41.22, equivalent to 68.71 percent. Overall, it can be concluded that the ability of the first year students of Al-Uswah Pekanbaru. in reading poetry is categorized with average 143.59 (for two poems), equivalent to 71.80 percent

    Kemampuan Menulis Pantun Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Lirik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kemampuan menulis pantun siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Lirik. Kemampuan siswa tersebut didapat berdasarkan hasil penilaian terhadap tiga aspek pantun yaitu sampiran, isi, dan rima. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mix methods atau campuran. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Lirik yang berjumlah 56 siswa dengan rincian masing-masing kelas berjumlah 28 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa tes menulis (esai), observasi, dan wawancara. Data pada penelitian ini adalah hasil penilaian berupa skor terhadap tes menulis pantun siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Lirik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa kemampuan menulis pantun siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Lirik tergolong sedang dengan rata-rata 64.32 dengan rata-rata mendapatkan skor 25 pada aspek sampiran, skor 25 pada aspek isi, dan skor 20 pada aspek rima. Selain itu terdapat perbedaan kemampuan menulis pantun antara siswa kelas VII A dan siswa kelas VII B. Kemampuan menulis pantun siswa kelas VII A lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa kelas VII B. Siswa kelas VII A memperoleh nilai rata-rata 65.86 dengan kategori sedang, sedangkan siswa kelas VII B memperoleh nilai rata-rata 62.79 dengan kategori sedang. Perbedaaan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh motivasi belajar, lingkungan kelas, dan jam pelajaran

    Kemampuan Membaca Soal Hitungan Cerita Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 105 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the ability to read a story about a matter of mathematics student of elementary school class V 105 Pekanbaru. This research is using quantitative methods. The populations in this research is all students is the fifth grade off primary school 105 Pekanbarutotaling 160 students. The sample in this research are 40 students drawn using simple random sampling technique. The technique collecting data is a test reading a story about a matter of math with 4 option/alternative. Data analysis technique is using statistics. The research concluded that the ability to read a story about a matter of mathematics students public elementary school class V 105 Pekanbaru category is very low with an average value of 42,25

    Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Deskripsi Siswa X Sman 2 Singingi

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    This study titled Essay Writing Ability Description Class X SMAN 2 Singingi . This study aims to determine what is the ability to write essay description of the class X SMAN 2 Singingi . The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method . Data were students of Class X SMAN 2 Singingi that berjulah sample of 35 students . The results found in this study through three aspects: the accuracy of the title with the theme of high category with an average of 9.2 , the aspect of conformity content with the title essay category with the average being 8.4 and accuracy aspects of language use ( diction , sentence , paragraphs and punctuation ) being categorized with an average of 7.1 . Based on the calculation of average ability to write the essay description of the class X SMAN 2 Singingi category were namely 77.5