20 research outputs found

    Growth hormone biases amygdala network activation after fear learning

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    Prolonged stress exposure is a risk factor for developing posttraumatic stress disorder, a disorder characterized by the ‘over-encoding’ of a traumatic experience. A potential mechanism by which this occurs is through upregulation of growth hormone (GH) in the amygdala. Here we test the hypotheses that GH promotes the over-encoding of fearful memories by increasing the number of neurons activated during memory encoding and biasing the allocation of neuronal activation, one aspect of the process by which neurons compete to encode memories, to favor neurons that have stronger inputs. Viral overexpression of GH in the amygdala increased the number of amygdala cells activated by fear memory formation. GH-overexpressing cells were especially biased to express the immediate early gene c-Fos after fear conditioning, revealing strong autocrine actions of GH in the amygdala. In addition, we observed dramatically enhanced dendritic spine density in GH-overexpressing neurons. These data elucidate a previously unrecognized autocrine role for GH in the regulation of amygdala neuron function and identify specific mechanisms by which chronic stress, by enhancing GH in the amygdala, may predispose an individual to excessive fear memory formation.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (NIMH R01 MH084966)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA grant W911NF-10-1-0059)United States. Army Research Offic

    Effects of transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation on drug use and responses to cue-induced craving: a pilot study

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    Background: Transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation (TEAS) avoids the use of needles, and instead delivers a mild electric current at traditional acupoints. This technique has been used for treating heroin addiction, but has not been systematically tested for other drugs of abuse. This study aims to investigate the effects of TEAS on drug addiction. Methods: Volunteers who were either cocaine-dependent (n = 9) or cannabis-dependent (n = 11) but were not seeking treatment for their dependence participated in a within-subject, single-blind study. Treatment consisted of twice daily 30-minute sessions of TEAS or sham stimulation for 3.5 days. The active TEAS levels were individually adjusted to produce a distinct twitching response in the fingers, while the sham stimulation involved 2 minutes of stimulation at threshold levels followed by 28 minutes of stimulation below the detection levels. The participants recorded their drug use and drug cravings daily. At 1 hour after the last morning session of TEAS or sham stimulation, a cue-induced craving EEG evaluation was conducted. Event-related P300 potentials (ERPs) were recorded, sorted, and analyzed for specific image types (neutral objects, non-drug-related arousing images, or drug-related images). Results: TEAS treatment did not significantly reduce the drug use or drug cravings, or significantly alter the ERP peak voltage or latency to peak response. However, the TEAS treatment did significantly modulate several self-reported measures of mood and anxiety. Conclusion: The results of this pilot study with a limited sample size suggest that the acupoint stimulation techniques and protocol used in this trial alone do not significantly reduce cravings for or use of cocaine or cannabis. The findings that TEAS modulates mood and anxiety suggest that TEAS could be used as an adjunct in a multimodal therapy program to treat cocaine and cannabis dependence if confirmed in a full randomized controlled clinical trial

    Amygdala inputs to prefrontal cortex guide behavior amid conflicting cues of reward and punishment

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    Orchestrating appropriate behavioral responses in the face of competing signals that predict either rewards or threats in the environment is crucial for survival. The basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) and prelimbic (PL) medial prefrontal cortex have been implicated in reward-seeking and fear-related responses, but how information flows between these reciprocally connected structures to coordinate behavior is unknown. We recorded neuronal activity from the BLA and PL while rats performed a task wherein competing shock- and sucrose-predictive cues were simultaneously presented. The correlated firing primarily displayed a BLA→PL directionality during the shock-associated cue. Furthermore, BLA neurons optogenetically identified as projecting to PL more accurately predicted behavioral responses during competition than unidentified BLA neurons. Finally photostimulation of the BLA→PL projection increased freezing, whereas both chemogenetic and optogenetic inhibition reduced freezing. Therefore, the BLA→PL circuit is critical in governing the selection of behavioral responses in the face of competing signals.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award 1R25-MH092912-01)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant R01- MH102441-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award DP2- DK-102256-01

    Resolving the neural circuits of anxiety

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    Although anxiety disorders represent a major societal problem demanding new therapeutic targets, these efforts have languished in the absence of a mechanistic understanding of this subjective emotional state. While it is impossible to know with certainty the subjective experience of a rodent, rodent models hold promise in dissecting well-conserved limbic circuits. The application of modern approaches in neuroscience has already begun to unmask the neural circuit intricacies underlying anxiety by allowing direct examination of hypotheses drawn from existing psychological concepts. This information points toward an updated conceptual model for what neural circuit perturbations could give rise to pathological anxiety and thereby provides a roadmap for future therapeutic development.National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) (NIH Director’s New Innovator Award DP2-DK-102256-01)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (NIH) R01-MH102441-01)JPB Foundatio

    Prelimbic and infralimbic neurons signal distinct aspects of appetitive instrumental behavior.

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    It is thought that discrete subregions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) regulate different aspects of appetitive behavior, however, physiological support for this hypothesis has been lacking. In the present study, we used multichannel single-unit recording to compare the response of neurons in the prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) subregions of the mPFC, in rats pressing a lever to obtain sucrose pellets on a variable interval schedule of reinforcement (VI-60). Approximately 25% of neurons in both structures exhibited prominent excitatory responses during rewarded, but not unrewarded, lever presses. The time courses of reward responses in PL and IL, however, were markedly different. Most PL neurons exhibited fast and transient responses at the delivery of sucrose pellets, whereas most IL neurons exhibited delayed and prolonged responses associated with the collection of earned sucrose pellets. We further examined the functional significance of reward responses in IL and PL with local pharmacological inactivation. IL inactivation significantly delayed the collection of earned sucrose pellets, whereas PL inactivation produced no discernible effects. These findings support the hypothesis that PL and IL signal distinct aspects of appetitive behavior, and suggest that IL signaling facilitates reward collection

    Inactivation of IL, but not PL, altered the time course of reward collection.

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    <p>Either the GABA<sub>A</sub> agonist muscimol (<i>Mus</i>) or saline vehicle (<i>Sal</i>) was bilaterally infused into IL or PL 30 min prior to testing animals on VI-60. <b><i>A–B,</i></b> Inactivation of IL, but not PL, significantly delayed the collection of earned pellets (**<i>p</i><0.01, compared to all other groups). <b><i>C–E,</i></b> Other behavioral measures were unaffected by IL or PL inactivation, including the rate of lever pressing (<i>C</i>), latency for the resumption of lever pressing after collecting the earned pellets (<i>D</i>), or general locomotion in an open-field test (<i>E</i>). [Inset in <i>B</i> shows the location of injector tips. PL-Sal: <i>n</i> = 6, PL-Mus: <i>n</i> = 6, IL-Sal: <i>n</i> = 4, IL-Mus: <i>n</i> = 6].</p

    Latencies for PL, IL, and reward collection.

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    <p>The distribution of PL latencies peaked at ∼0.1 s after rewarded lever presses were achieved (<i>A</i>), whereas the distribution of IL latencies peaked at ∼1 s (<i>B</i>). Similar to IL, the distribution of latencies for reward collection peaked at ∼1 s after rewarded presses were achieved (<i>C</i>).</p

    Transiently-responsive neurons predominated in PL, whereas prolonged-responsive neurons predominated in IL.

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    <p><b><i>A-B,</i></b> Single-neuron examples of transient and prolonged excitatory responses during rewarded lever presses. Insets show the activity of these neurons during unrewarded presses, and gray boxes represent the temporal windows used to quantify the proportion of neurons showing each type of response. <b><i>C,</i></b> Percentage of neurons per structure that showed either transient or prolonged excitation during rewarded lever presses. PL exhibited significantly more transiently-responsive neurons than IL, whereas IL exhibited significantly more prolonged-responsive neurons than PL (Χ<sup>2</sup> tests: **p<0.01).</p

    Bidirectional modulation of anxiety-related and social behaviors by amygdala projections to the medial prefrontal cortex

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    The basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) modulate anxiety and social behaviors. It remains to be elucidated, however, whether direct projections from the BLA to the mPFC play a functional role in these behaviors. We used optogenetic approaches in behaving mice to either activate or inhibit BLA inputs to the mPFC during behavioral assays that assess anxiety-like behavior and social interaction. Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2)-mediated activation of BLA inputs to the mPFC produced anxiogenic effects in the elevated plus maze and open field test, whereas halorhodopsin (NpHR)-mediated inhibition produced anxiolytic effects. Furthermore, activation of the BLA-mPFC pathway reduced social interaction in the resident-intruder test, whereas inhibition facilitated social interaction. These results establish a causal relationship between activity in the BLA-mPFC pathway and the bidirectional modulation of anxiety-related and social behaviors.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training Grant 5T32GM007484-38)Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Young Investigator Award)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Sciences)Integrative Neuronal Systems FellowshipJames R. Killian FellowshipJPB FoundationWhitehall FoundationKlingenstein FoundationAlfred P. Sloan FoundationNew York Stem Cell FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01-MH102441-01

    A ghrelin–growth hormone axis drives stress-induced vulnerability to enhanced fear

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    Hormones in the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis mediate many of the bodily responses to stressors, yet there is no clear relationship between the levels of these hormones and stress-associated mental illnesses such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, other hormones are likely to be involved in this effect of stress. Here we used a rodent model of PTSD in which rats repeatedly exposed to a stressor display heightened fear learning following auditory Pavlovian fear conditioning. Our results show that stress-related increases in circulating ghrelin, a peptide hormone, are necessary and sufficient for stress-associated vulnerability to exacerbated fear learning and these actions of ghrelin occur in the amygdala. Importantly, these actions are also independent of the classic HPA stress axis. Repeated systemic administration of a ghrelin receptor agonist enhanced fear memory but did not increase either corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) or corticosterone. Repeated intraamygdala infusion of a ghrelin receptor agonist produced a similar enhancement of fear memory. Ghrelin receptor antagonism during repeated stress abolished stress-related enhancement of fear memory without blunting stress-induced corticosterone release. We also examined links between ghrelin and growth hormone (GH), a major downstream effector of the ghrelin receptor. GH protein was upregulated in the amygdala following chronic stress, and its release from amygdala neurons was enhanced by ghrelin receptor stimulation. Virus-mediated overexpression of GH in the amygdala was also sufficient to increase fear. Finally, virus-mediated overexpression of a GH receptor antagonist was sufficient to block the fear-enhancing effects of repeated ghrelin receptor stimulation. Thus, ghrelin requires GH in the amygdala to exert fear-enhancing effects. These results suggest that ghrelin mediates a novel branch of the stress response and highlight a previously unrecognized role for ghrelin and growth hormone in maladaptive changes following prolonged stress.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities ProgramHugh Hampton Young Memorial FellowshipSchoemaker FellowshipSingleton Presidential FundJames R. Killian FellowshipNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (R01 MH084966)United States. Army Research OfficeUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant W911NF-10-1-0059