5 research outputs found

    Modeling the effect of wheeled tractors and skidded timber bunches on forest soil compaction

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    An increasing demand for forest products incites a large number of log transportation operations, which may lead to negative consequences for the soil and the ecosystem as a whole. This paper is focused on establishing a mathematical model to estimate the soil deformation and compaction processes under tires of wheeled forest machines and individual components of the skidding system such as forwarder, limbs, butts, and tops of tree-lengths in high latitudes, permafrost soil and forests. The method applied is based on simulating the impact processes of elastic tires and the skidding system on the soil through a mathematical device for the measurement of the compaction parameters for different types of soil and the size of the shelterbelt. The effectiveness of the proposed models was evaluated according to experimental results. The influence of the rheological (elastic, viscous, and plastic) properties of soil were studied. The elasticity of tires and the running speed of forest machines can help to control the performance of forest machines. This can be done by reducing the pressure exerted on the soil and increasing the number of skidder passes 1.5-2-fold. Comparative analysis showed that the calculated data differ from the experimental ones by no more than 10%. The obtained results and the developed model will allow for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of technological impact on the soil during the projecting maps for logging operations. Β© 2021 Institut za Istrazivanja. All rights reserved

    Predicting the Passability of Wheeled Tractors

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    Assessment of the tractor's passability plays an essential role in determining its capability to move under certain conditions. However, the operation of forest machinery may lead to soil deformation and degradation of its mechanical properties. Consequently, this study aims to develop a mathematical model for the tractor's crosscountry capability assessment and its impact on the soil. A predictive model was created as part of the study, which depends on the soil and the forwarder parameters. Some high-correlation dependencies of deformation modulus and cone index, specific tractive force, internal friction angle, and shear modulus on these parameters were established. The developed model can be used to analyze changes in rut depth and soil compaction factors after multiple tractor passages. Soil moisture content and temperature can influence the deformation rate, as drier and warmer soils tend to deform much faster. Furthermore, the proposed model can analyze the impact of forestry and agricultural machinery on soils. Β© 2022, Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems. All Rights Reserved

    The Mathematical Model of Forestry Machines Impact on Cryolitozone Forest Soils

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    In the Russian Federation, the permafrost zone are gaining increasing importance due to wood procurement operations. Active timber harvesting, accompanied by the simultaneous development of wood processing enterprises in the Far Eastern Federal District, leads to the depletion of available and exploitable forests in southern and central Siberia, Buryatia, and Khabarovsk territory. The exploitation of modern forestry machines, wheeled forwarders, in particular, broadens the question of their effectiveness. In specific production and geotechnical conditions, the cross-country ability and technological productivity of wheeled forwarders are of particular relevance. These circumstances, combined with the need to minimise technological pressure on the ecological environment raise the problem of optimisation of the forest machines. We developed a mathematical model for calculating parameters of the defrosting soil destruction process occurring at the border with the permafrost zone. The mathematical model allows assessment of the possible value depth of the induced track at the stage of the project design. The assessment is conducted with the account of the forest machine's technical and maneuvering capabilities in specific natural and industrial conditions. Β© 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

    Modeling of the processes of the modification of the current volume warming by drainage and pressing

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    This work creates and verifies a mathematical model for modifying soft-leaved wood by impregnation and compaction. The relevance of this work is because due to global climate change, recently there has been a change in the average formula of the species composition of many forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia: soft-leaved wood species replace the coniferous forests of natural generation. The change in species composition is aggravated by the active spread of plantation growing of forests, because soft-leaved wood species are more suitable for plantation growing. One of the most promising areas for processing soft-leaved wood, including those grown by plantation, is the modification of such wood by impregnation and compaction. The main technological processes of obtaining modified wood with the achievement of specified parameters and properties is the dehydration of samples impregnated with various compositions with simultaneous pressing and drying. As a result of the implementation of the developed mathematical model, an equation of linear multiple regression is obtained depending on the sample processing time on the required values of their compaction and humidity in a given temperature field, which forms a reliable theoretical basis for solving various optimization problems of the technological parameters of the pressing and dewatering plasticized wood samples. Β© 2019, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria. All rights reserved