183 research outputs found

    Integrality of Volumes of Representations

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    Let M be an oriented complete hyperbolic n-manifold of finite volume. Using the definition of volume of a representation previously given by the authors in [BucherBurgerIozzi2013] we show that the volume of a representation of the fundamental group of M into the connected component of the isometry group of hyperbolic n-space, properly normalized, takes integer values if n=2m is at least 4. If M is not compact and 3-dimensional, it is known that the volume is not locally constant. In this case we give explicit examples of representations with volume as arbitrary as the volume of hyperbolic manifolds obtained from M via Dehn fillings.Comment: According to the suggestions of the referee, the article has been almost completely rewritten with the respect to the first versio

    A construction project management knowledge model: The type and level of knowledge required

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    Construction project managers come from diverse backgrounds and may, therefore, lack the knowledge set currently required in order to be competent and effective in practice. The aim of this article is to establish the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level of each type of knowledge area required for a competent and effective construction project manager in South Africa. These levels of knowledge are important, in order to develop a proposed construction project management knowledge model to be used by the construction industry. A mixed methods research design was used, including structured questionnaires (n = 40), interviews (n = 10), and a single case study. The questionnaire survey, using close-ended questions measured on a 5-point Likert scale, tests the importance of and rated the NQF qualification levels of each knowledge type fit for project managers in the built environment. The rating assisted in knowing to what knowledge depth project managers need to be educated and trained. Interviews were conducted with 10 construction professionals to obtain their views on the importance of industry-specific know ledge of a construction project manager and to critically review the form of knowledge considered essential. The case study of a building project to the value of R35 million was used to gain understanding of the impact that industry-specific knowledge, or the lack thereof, may have on the successful completion of a project. Results showed that qualifications to gain industry-specific knowledge should at least be on NQF level 6; a qualification on NQF level 7 is recommended to gain adequate project manage ment knowledge (theory). These findings are important, as some construction project management courses in South Africa are currently below NQF level 6. This may be contributing to industry not producing construction project managers with the required knowledge set. The proposed model outlines the adequate knowledge sets and level thereof that can be used when designing training and educational degrees for construction project managers. The proposed model could also be used in practice as a guideline for placing or promoting construction project managers

    Effective utilisation of generation Y Quantity Surveyors

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    In South Africa, 43% of all quantity surveyors are identified as generation Y, born between 1981 and 2000. This highlights the importance of generation Y to the Quantity Surveying (QS) profession, as they are the future upon which the QS profession will build. A lack of knowledge of the differences among generations can easily lead to misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace. QS employers who want to effectively utilise generation Y employees require a sound knowledge and understanding of their attributes and expectations in relation to their job requirements. This study examines the literature on the attributes and expectations as well as the roles and responsibilities of a generation Y quantity surveyor. Suggestions are made as to how QS employers could utilise generation Y more effectively by harnessing their energy and capitalising on their attributes. Initially, 554 published papers, articles and books were generated as references, of which only 68 were purposively selected and extensively reviewed to analyse the key attributes of generation Y as well as to determine the main functions and services rendered by a quantity surveyor. The literature review showed that the key attributes and expectations of generation Y are flexibility; a meaningful job; interesting work; good relationships with supervisors; regular feedback, and career growth opportunities. The literature review also indicated that the service stages offered by a quantity surveyor are inception; concept and viability; design development; documentation and procurement; construction, and close-out. Based on the literature reviewed, generation Y has the potential to be the highest producing workforce in history. QS employers, who practically apply generational knowledge in relation to job requirements, should be able to unlock the potential of generation Y, increase its productivity, and ultimately its profitability. The findings of this article will be of value to employers in the QS profession by expanding their knowledge and understanding of their generation Y employees. Adapting management and leadership strategies according to these findings could lead to higher staff satisfaction, resulting in workforce productivity and increased profitability.&nbsp

    Isometric Embeddings in Bounded Cohomology

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    This paper is devoted to the construction of norm-preserving maps between bounded cohomology groups. For a graph of groups with amenable edge groups we construct an isometric embedding of the direct sum of the bounded cohomology of the vertex groups in the bounded cohomology of the fundamental group of the graph of groups. With a similar technique we prove that if (X,Y) is a pair of CW-complexes and the fundamental group of each connected component of Y is amenable, the isomorphism between the relative bounded cohomology of (X,Y) and the bounded cohomology of X in degree at least 2 is isometric. As an application we provide easy and self-contained proofs of Gromov Equivalence Theorem and of the additivity of the simplicial volume with respect to gluings along \pi_1-injective boundary components with amenable fundamental group.Comment: The text overlaps with the submission http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.1022 by the same author

    L'analyse du droit à l'éducation des enfants réfugiés en Côte d'Ivoire au regard de la politique d'intégration dans le système éducatif ivoirien

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    Parmi les différents principes de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant (ci-après : CDE), ceux concernant l’accès à l’éducation en constituent un élément clé. Les réfugiés, du fait de leur statut, représentent une population fragilisée et particulièrement vulnérable, surtout parce qu’elle ne maîtrise pas son avenir. Or, pour aider les réfugiés à accéder à un peu de normalité et à se reconstruire, il faut leur donner de l’espoir et qui mieux que l’École peut participer à cette démarche. La recherche que nous avons menée traite justement de l’éducation des enfants réfugiés, à travers le cas de la Côte d’Ivoire. Il s’agira en particulier d’étudier la politique d’intégration des enfants réfugiés dans le système éducatif ivoirien. L’étude portera sur les différentes politiques expérimentées en Côte d’Ivoire au profit des enfants réfugiés et sur les résultats obtenus. Enfin, des recommandations seront suggérées de façon à optimiser le rôle des différents acteurs concernés

    The construction project manager in South Africa: Analysis of industry-specific knowledge

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    Construction project managers in the built environment come from various backgrounds and knowledge bases; therefore, the project managers’ project management set may differ. The type of knowledge required to improve CPD training of project managers thus needs to be determined. This would raise the knowledge levels needed for built environment project managers. The aim of this article is to determine the knowledge needed for the successful management of projects within the built environment. Industry-specific guidelines for construction project management (PMBOK and SACPCMP) were obtained and analysed. Expert interviews were conducted with experienced specialists (n=10) who held a senior managerial position within project management in the built environment. A case study and email questionnaires (n=40) were also analysed to determine the type of knowledge required. Data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2003®. Three areas of knowledge were identified, namely project management knowledge, industry-specific knowledge and knowledge through experience. Of these, industry-specific knowledge was considered the most important, although all three were very important. Project management knowledge areas essential to project managers included the nine PMBOK knowledge areas from the PMI PMBOK guide, 4th edition 2008, four additional PMI Construction extension to the PMBOK areas, experience as well as built environment-specific knowledge. This study was limited to the nine knowledge areas and did not include stakeholder management as the tenth area. The results from all three test methods (interviews, questionnaires and a case study) indicated that knowledge was essential for effective leadership, trust and communication within a project. Without knowledge, these organisational factors were compromised and project success could be negatively affected. It is concluded that the knowledge needed for the management of projects within the built environment had to include industry-specific knowledge pertinent to the built environment. The knowledge required does not currently appear in a single document, and it is recommended that a new document or set of required skills be established

    The construction project manager in South Africa : analysis of industry-specific knowledge

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    Construction project managers in the built environment come from various backgrounds and knowledge bases; therefore, the project managers’ project management set may differ. The type of knowledge required to improve CPD training of project managers thus needs to be determined. This would raise the knowledge levels needed for built environment project managers. The aim of this article is to determine the knowledge needed for the successful management of projects within the built environment. Industry-specific guidelines for construction project management (PMBOK and SACPCMP) were obtained and analysed. Expert interviews were conducted with experienced specialists (n=10) who held a senior managerial position within project management in the built environment. A case study and email questionnaires (n=40) were also analysed to determine the type of knowledge required. Data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2003®. Three areas of knowledge were identified, namely project management knowledge, industry-specific knowledge and knowledge through experience. Of these, industry-specific knowledge was considered the most important, although all three were very important. Project management knowledge areas essential to project managers included the nine PMBOK knowledge areas from the PMI PMBOK guide, 4th edition 2008, four additional PMI Construction extension to the PMBOK areas, experience as well as built environment-specific knowledge. This study was limited to the nine knowledge areas and did not include stakeholder management as the tenth area. The results from all three test methods (interviews, questionnaires and a case study) indicated that knowledge was essential for effective leadership, trust and communication within a project. Without knowledge, these organisational factors were compromised and project success could be negatively affected. It is concluded that the knowledge needed for the management of projects within the built environment had to include industry-specific knowledge pertinent to the built environment. The knowledge required does not currently appear in a single document, and it is recommended that a new document or set of required skills be established.Projekbestuurpaaie is gewoonlik deur verskeie agtergrond en kennisbasisse, dus mag projekbestuurders se kennisstel verskil. Die tipe kennis wat benodig word om VPO-opleiding van projekbestuurders te verbeter, moet bepaal word. Dit sal die kennisvlakke wat bou-omgewing projekbestuurders benodig, verhoog. Die doel met die artikel is om die benodigde kennisvlakke van ‘n projekbestuurder in die bou-omgewing vas te stel. Industriespesifieke konstruksieprojekbestuurriglyne (PMBOK en SACPCMP) is verkry en geanaliseer. Spesialis onderhoude is met ervare spesialiste (n=10) wat ‘n senior posisie in die bou-omgewing beklee, gehou. ‘n Gevallestudie en epos vraelyste (n=40) is ook ontleed om die tipe kennis wat benodig word te bepaal. Data-analise is gedoen deur Microsoft Excell 2003® te gebruik. Die drie kennisareas is projekbestuurkennis, industrie-spesifieke kennis en kennis deur ondervinding. Van die drie areas, is industrie kennis as die belangrikste gereken, alhoewel almal belangrik was. Projekbestuur kennisareas wat belangrik is vir projekbestuurders sluit die nege PMBOK kennisareas van die PMI PMBOK 4de uitgawe 2008 in, en vier addisionele areas van die PMI Konstruksie uitbreiding tot die PMBOK, kennis deur ondervinding en industrie-spesifieke kennis in. Die studie was beperk tot die nege kennis areas en het nie belanghebbendesbestuur as tiende area ingesluit nie. Die resultate van al drie toetsmetodes (onderhoude, vraelyste en ‘n gevallestudie) wys op die belangrikheid van kennis vir leierskap, vertroue en kommunikasie tydens ‘n projek. Sonder kennis word hierdie organisasiefaktore benadeel en kan projeksukses negatief beïnvloed word. Dit is bevind dat die kennis wat ‘n projekbestuurder in die bou-omgewing benodig industrie-spesifiek binne die bou-omgewing moet wees. Daar bestaan nie tans een dokument wat die totale kennisstel bevat nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat ‘n nuwe dokument of stel van vereiste kennis/vaardighede saamgestel word.http://reference.sabinet.co.za/sa_epublication/structam2016Construction Economic

    The construction project manager in South Africa : analysis of industry-specific knowledge

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    Construction project managers in the built environment come from various backgrounds and knowledge bases; therefore, the project managers’ project management set may differ. The type of knowledge required to improve CPD training of project managers thus needs to be determined. This would raise the knowledge levels needed for built environment project managers. The aim of this article is to determine the knowledge needed for the successful management of projects within the built environment. Industry-specific guidelines for construction project management (PMBOK and SACPCMP) were obtained and analysed. Expert interviews were conducted with experienced specialists (n=10) who held a senior managerial position within project management in the built environment. A case study and email questionnaires (n=40) were also analysed to determine the type of knowledge required. Data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2003®. Three areas of knowledge were identified, namely project management knowledge, industry-specific knowledge and knowledge through experience. Of these, industry-specific knowledge was considered the most important, although all three were very important. Project management knowledge areas essential to project managers included the nine PMBOK knowledge areas from the PMI PMBOK guide, 4th edition 2008, four additional PMI Construction extension to the PMBOK areas, experience as well as built environment-specific knowledge. This study was limited to the nine knowledge areas and did not include stakeholder management as the tenth area. The results from all three test methods (interviews, questionnaires and a case study) indicated that knowledge was essential for effective leadership, trust and communication within a project. Without knowledge, these organisational factors were compromised and project success could be negatively affected. It is concluded that the knowledge needed for the management of projects within the built environment had to include industry-specific knowledge pertinent to the built environment. The knowledge required does not currently appear in a single document, and it is recommended that a new document or set of required skills be established.Projekbestuurpaaie is gewoonlik deur verskeie agtergrond en kennisbasisse, dus mag projekbestuurders se kennisstel verskil. Die tipe kennis wat benodig word om VPO-opleiding van projekbestuurders te verbeter, moet bepaal word. Dit sal die kennisvlakke wat bou-omgewing projekbestuurders benodig, verhoog. Die doel met die artikel is om die benodigde kennisvlakke van ‘n projekbestuurder in die bou-omgewing vas te stel. Industriespesifieke konstruksieprojekbestuurriglyne (PMBOK en SACPCMP) is verkry en geanaliseer. Spesialis onderhoude is met ervare spesialiste (n=10) wat ‘n senior posisie in die bou-omgewing beklee, gehou. ‘n Gevallestudie en epos vraelyste (n=40) is ook ontleed om die tipe kennis wat benodig word te bepaal. Data-analise is gedoen deur Microsoft Excell 2003® te gebruik. Die drie kennisareas is projekbestuurkennis, industrie-spesifieke kennis en kennis deur ondervinding. Van die drie areas, is industrie kennis as die belangrikste gereken, alhoewel almal belangrik was. Projekbestuur kennisareas wat belangrik is vir projekbestuurders sluit die nege PMBOK kennisareas van die PMI PMBOK 4de uitgawe 2008 in, en vier addisionele areas van die PMI Konstruksie uitbreiding tot die PMBOK, kennis deur ondervinding en industrie-spesifieke kennis in. Die studie was beperk tot die nege kennis areas en het nie belanghebbendesbestuur as tiende area ingesluit nie. Die resultate van al drie toetsmetodes (onderhoude, vraelyste en ‘n gevallestudie) wys op die belangrikheid van kennis vir leierskap, vertroue en kommunikasie tydens ‘n projek. Sonder kennis word hierdie organisasiefaktore benadeel en kan projeksukses negatief beïnvloed word. Dit is bevind dat die kennis wat ‘n projekbestuurder in die bou-omgewing benodig industrie-spesifiek binne die bou-omgewing moet wees. Daar bestaan nie tans een dokument wat die totale kennisstel bevat nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat ‘n nuwe dokument of stel van vereiste kennis/vaardighede saamgestel word.http://reference.sabinet.co.za/sa_epublication/structam2016Construction Economic

    Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning

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    The CoAKTinG project aims to advance the state of the art in collaborative mediated spaces for the Semantic Grid. This paper presents an overview of the hypertext and knowledge based tools which have been deployed to augment existing collaborative environments, and the ontology which is used to exchange structure, promote enhanced process tracking, and aid navigation of resources before, after, and while a collaboration occurs. While the primary focus of the project has been supporting e-Science, this paper also explores the similarities and application of CoAKTinG technologies as part of a human-centred design approach to e-Learning