4 research outputs found

    Implementing Punishment in Building Characters of Students at Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis penerapan hukuman oleh guru sebagai upaya pembinaan karakter jujur, disiplin, dan tanggung jawab santri pada Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso, dengan tiga fokus masalah, yaitu: 1) bentuk penerapan hukuman dalam pembinaan karakter santri; 2) ragam hambatan penerapan hukuman dalam pembinaan karakter santri beserta solusinya, dan 3) hasil penerapan hukuman dalam pembinaan karakter santri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan pedagogik, psikologis, yuridis, dan normatif teologis. Sumber data terdiri atas informan-informan dari berbagai unsur Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso, yaitu: pimpinan, guru, santri, dan orang tua santri. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk hukuman yang diterapkan adalah teguran, pemberian tugas, hukuman psikis, dan hukuman fisik; hambatan-hambatannya adalah Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak, problem lingkungan, dan kreativitas guru; dan hukuman fisik lebih optimal dalam pembinaan karakter santri bila didukung oleh kerja sama yang baik dengan orang tua santri

    Hakikat Manusia sebagai Makhluk Pedagogik

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    This study aimed to analyze the essence of humans as pedagogic beings by focusing on optimizing fitrah, hearing, sight, and heart as human basic potential, as well as the implications of these various potentials for Islamic education. This study is a literature study whose data comes from documents and analyzed using content analysis method. The results of the study indicate that optimizing fitrah as a basic human potential must be through education and the creation of a conducive environment. Optimization of hearing, sight, and heart as a basic human potential by always directing it to respond to empirical stimuli not only to something that is material in nature but also to something that brings it closer to God. The essence of humans as pedagogical beings has implications for (1) the Islamic education system must be built on the integration between qalbiyah and aqliyah education; (2) Islamic education must be directed at being able to carry out the functions and objectives of the creation of humans (khalifah and ‘abd)

    The Relevance of Islamic Education Values in Sacrifice Worship to the Learning of Formal Education

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    This research analyzes the values of Islamic education in the sacrifice worship according to QS al-Ṣaffāt/37: 100-108 and its relevance to the learning of formal education in Indonesia. The type of the research used is qualitative with text study method. Data are collected through documentation and then analyzed using the content analysis method. The results of the research show that the history of sacrifice worship according to QS al-Ṣaffāt/37: 100-108 is divided into four episodes: (1) hope, (2) examination, (3) passing the exam, and (4) reward. There are eight values of Islamic education found in sacrifice worship: (1) faith, (2) morals, (3) patience, (4) resignation, (5) sincerity, (6) democratic, (7) dialogue, and (8) social. The values of Islamic education in the history of kurban worship has relevance to the main characteristics of learning design and the learning process which consists of planning, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up. In addition, it accommodates all values that will be developed in character education