1 research outputs found
City responses to economic downturns 2003 to 2009: Statistical and textual analyses of comprehensive annual financial reports
- Author
- AASHTO Center For Exellence In Project Finance
- Ackerlof G.
- Ackerman A.
- Allen A.
- Bornstein H.
- Bouffard K.
- Brown J.
- Brown K. W.
- Brune C.
- Bureau of Transportaion Statistics
- Cal
- Chapman J.
- Chapman J. I.
- Cheiron
- Chernick H.
- Christie J.
- Cox R.W. III.
- Daniels K.
- Davidson L.
- Denison D.
- Denison D.V.
- Editorial
- Edwards C.
- Eggers W. D.
- Federal Highway Administration
- Field M.
- Frederickson H. G.
- French R.
- Gauthier S. J.
- Geluso J.
- General Accounting Office
- Genito M. A.
- Gentry W. M.
- Goetz A.
- Government Accounting Office
- Government Finance Officers Association
- Harmon O. R.
- Hembree H.
- Hendrick R. M.
- Honadle B. W.
- Horstman B.M.
- Hume L.
- Internal Revenue Service
- Karmin C.
- Kidwell D.S.
- Kleine R.
- Kleine R.
- Kurtenbach J.M.
- Levine H.
- Liu G.
- Los Angeles City Employees'
- Los Angeles Fire
- Los Angeles Fire
- Maher C. S.
- Marlowe J.
- Martell C. R.
- McGee P.
- Michigan Department of Treasury (2001-2011).
- Mikesell J. L.
- Miller G.
- Mitchell J.
- Mitchell S.
- Moody's Investors Service
- Mousseau J.
- Munnell A. H.
- Munnell A. H.
- Munnell A. H.
- National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commision.
- Nesbit T. M.
- Nollenberger K.
- Norment R.
- O'Connell L.
- Office
- Peng J.
- Peng J.
- Peng J.
- Perlman B.J.
- Petersen J. E.
- Petersen J. E.
- Petro J.
- Pirinsky C.
- Plant J. F.
- Plant J. F.
- Radian Group
- Robbins M. D.
- Rubin I. S.
- Scorsone E.
- Simonsen W.
- Sohl S.
- Spence M.
- Standard
- Standard
- State of Florida Auditor General (n.d.).
- Strauss R. P.
- Stumm T. J.
- Svara J. H.
- Tannewald
- Taylor M.
- Thakor A.V.
- The
- The League
- The League 0
- The Little Hoover Commission (2011 February).
- The National Association of Counties (2010 June).
- The National Association of State Budget Officers (2010 Fall).
- The National League of Cities (2010 October).
- The Pew Center on the States (2010
- The Pew Center on the States (2010 February 18).
- Transportation Research Board
- Treasury Department
- Treasury Department
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Utt R. D.
- Vogt J. A.
- Ward A.
- Washington State Department of Transportation
- White F. C.
- Winston C.
- Wooldridge J.
- Wooldridge J.
- Woolfolk J.
- Yaffee R.
- Yusuf J.E.
- Zweig J.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study