5 research outputs found

    The Hermetic Synchronous Engines for Pumping the Aggressive Liquids

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    The paper covers brief information about asynchronous and synchronous engines used for driving centrifugal pumps. It is argued the fact that asynchronous engines do not, actually, satisfy the requirements for hermetic engines designed for pumping radioactive and chemical liquids, because they possess low technical and economic indexes. Modification of rotor construction of these engines gives the possibility to increase these indexes. The shortcut rotor was replaced with a ferromagnetic rotor in hermetic asynchronous engine serially produced and permanent magnets had been inserted into its body. Different synchronous engine constructions with permanent magnets had been analyzed and developed, which operating characteristics had been compared with those of the asynchronous one

    Dizajniranje in analiza termičnega modeliranja notranjosti električnega avtobusa

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    The heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system represents the main auxiliary load for any type of bus. Being the most significant energy-consuming auxiliary load for the electric bus, it must be given special attention in an electric bus system design. To study the heat transfer and thermal optimization for passenger comfort in the electric bus computer-aided design (CAD) is used. The geometry of an electric bus interior is designed considering the main components of the vehicle: passenger cabin, driver’s cabin, windows, walls, and seats. Materials of the same type as those used in the real bus are considered for the geometry model. Based on the heat transfer theory, a thermal model and simulations are made for the heat transfer inside the electric bus. The simulated data are compared with measurement data, and based on these, it can be concluded that the thermal model of the electric bus can be validated and used further for a wide variety of thermal simulation types.Sistem ogrevanja, prezračevanja in klimatizacije (HVAC) predstavlja glavno dodatno obremenitev za vse vrste avtobusov. Ker gre za sistem z največjo porabo energije pri električnem avtobusu, mu moramo posvetiti posebno pozornost pri dizajniranju električnega avtobusa. Pri študiji prenosa toplote in optimizaciji v smislu udobja potnikov smo uporabili računalniško podprto dizajniranje (CAD). Postavitev notranjosti električnega avtobusa je zasnovana glede na glavne komponente vozila: prostor za potnike, prostor za voznika, okna, stene in sedeže. V oblikovanem modelu so uporabljeni materiali iste vrste kot v realnih avtobusih. Na podlagi teorije o prenosu toplote smo naredili model in simulacije prenosa toplote znotraj električnega avtobusa, nakar smo primerjali podatke iz simulacije s podatki iz meritev. Iz izvlečkov omenjene primerjave lahko zaključimo, da je termični model električnega avtobusa mogoče validirati in nadalje uporabiti za najrazličnejše termične simulacije

    Wind or Hydro Homo-Heteropolar Synchronous Generators: Equivalent Magnetic Circuit and FEM Analysis

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    In an effort to introduce a low cost (PM less), low power electric wind or hydro generators, this paper reports on preliminary design aspects, equivalent magnetic circuit and 3D FEM analysis of a 2.5 KVA, 250-1000 rpm, reactive homo-heteropolar brushless synchronous machine (RHHBSM)

    Relative fecal abundance of extended-spectrum-ß-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli strains and their occurrence in urinary tract infections in women

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    PubMed ID: 23836184Extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL E. coli) strains are of major concern because few antibiotics remain active against these bacteria. We investigated the association between the fecal relative abundance (RA) of ESBL-producing E. coli (ESBL-RA) and the occurrence of ESBL E. coli urinary tract infections (UTIs). The first stool samples passed after suspicion of UTI from 310 women with subsequently confirmed E. coli UTIs were sampled and tested for ESBL-RA by culture on selective agar. Predictive values of ESBL-RA for ESBL E. coli UTI were analyzed for women who were not exposed to antibiotics when the stool was passed. ESBL E. coli isolates were characterized for ESBL type, phylogroup, relatedness, and virulence factors. The prevalence of ESBL E. coli fecal carriage was 20.3%, with ESBL E. coli UTIs being present in 12.3% of the women. The mean ESBL-RA (95% confidence interval [CI]) was 13-fold higher in women exposed to antibiotics at the time of sampling than in those not exposed (14.3% [range, 5.6% to 36.9%] versus 1.1% [range, 0.32% to 3.6%], respectively; P<0.001) and 18-fold higher in women with ESBL E. coli UTI than in those with another E. coli UTI (10.0% [range, 0.54% to 100%] versus 0.56% [range, 0.15% to 2.1%[, respectively; P<0.05). An ESBL-RA of<0.1% was 100% predictive of a non-ESBL E. coli UTI. ESBL type, phylogroup, relatedness, and virulence factors were not found to be associated with ESBL-RA. In conclusion, ESBL-RA was linked to the occurrence of ESBL E. coli UTI in women who were not exposed to antibiotics and who had the same clone of E. coli in urine samples and fecal samples. Especially, a low ESBL-RA appeared to be associated with a low risk of ESBL E. coli infection. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved