213 research outputs found

    Somatic and skeleton development of rat foetuses following in-utero exposure to isopropylantipyrine (propyphenazone) during the second trimester of gestation

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    Isopropylantipyrine (IPA, propyphenazone) is a pyrazolone derivative, widely used as an antipyretic and analgesic drug. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of propyphenazone on rat development. IPA was administered to pregnant rats from day 8 to day 14 of pregnancy once a day, orally by a stomach tube at doses of 2.10 (R1), 21.0 (R2), and 210.0 mg/kg/day (R3). The dams were sacrificed on day 21 of gestation and corpora luteum, implants, resorptions, and live foetuses were counted. The weight of foetuses and placentas, the length of foetuses and their tails were checked. The foetuses were fixed in alcohol and skeletons were stained with alizarin. There was a statistical difference in body length in R1, R2 and numbers of subcutaneous ecchymose in R1. External and skeletal examination of the foetuses revealed no evidence of teratogenesis. It can be concluded that IPA has no harmful effects on the prenatal development of the rat offspring at doses used in the present study

    Evaluation of bone formation in fetal skeletons following prenatal paracetamol administration in single alizarin-stained specimens in Wistar rats

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    The study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of paracetamol on skeleton in Wistar rats. The drug was administered orally, once a day, in three doses: P1 - 3.5 mg/kg, P2 - 35.0 mg/kg, P3 - 350.0 mg/kg. The foetuses were delivered by laparotomy on the 21st day of pregnancy and fixed in alcohol. The skeletons were stained with alizarin. Insignificant differences of bone malformations were found

    Anatomical eponyms — unloved names in medical terminology

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    Uniform international terminology is a fundamental issue of medicine. Names of various organs or structures have developed since early human history. The first proper anatomical books were written by Hippocrates, Aristotle and Galen. For this reason the modern terms originated from Latin or Greek. In a modern time the terminology was improved in particular by Vasalius, Fabricius and Harvey. Presently each known structure has internationally approved term that is explained in anatomical or histological terminology. However, some elements received eponyms, terms that incorporate the surname of the people that usually describe them for the first time or studied them (e.g., circle of Willis, follicle of Graff, fossa of Sylvious, foramen of Monro, Adamkiewicz artery). Literature and historical hero also influenced medical vocabulary (e.g. Achilles tendon and Atlas). According to various scientists, all the eponyms bring colour to medicine, embed medical traditions and culture to our history but lack accuracy, lead of confusion, and hamper scientific discussion. The current article presents a wide list of the anatomical eponyms with their proper anatomical term or description according to international anatomical terminology. However, since different eponyms are used in various countries, the list could be expanded

    Morphology of third molar teeth with incompletely formed apices on the basis of panoramic radiograms

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    Third molar teeth are causative factors of many oral pathologies. Lower third molars are the most often retained teeth and the origin of considerable pain. The aim of the study is a presentation of the morphology of third molars with incompletely formed apices on the basis of panoramic radiograms. The material comprised routine panoramic radiograms taken in the years 1996–2000. In the cases where third molars with incompletely formed apices were found, there was determined the location of the teeth in the alveolar process. The angle between occlusal plane and tooth axis was measured, which allowed determination of angularity of the teeth. Retromolar space width ratio was also calculated as a prognostic radiographic feature on which an estimation of future eruption of mandibular third molars could be based. In retained teeth the reasons for impaction, such as incorrect angularity, insufficient retromolar space, presence of pathological lesions impeding eruption, were analysed. Panoramic radiograms proved useful in diagnostics of morphology of third molars with incompletely formed apices


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    ABSTRAK Salah satu sumber informasi penting yang dapat menunjang perubahan situasi dan kondisi yang berkembang di dunia pendidikan dengan cepat adalah arsip. Melalui pengelolaan kearsipan di sekolah akan menjadikan sebuah mekanisme kearsipan disekolah menjadi teratur dan menjadikan keuntungan bagi sekolah dalam mengelola serta menciptakan sebuah manajemen yang baik dalam sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tahap penciptaan arsip, tahap penggunaan arsip,tahap penyimpanan arsip, tahap pemeliharaan arsip, dan tahap pemusnahan arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, Subjek penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah Kepala sekolah dan staf tata usaha di SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan Staf TU. Data sekunder berupa data teoritis dan data dokumentasi. Uji keterbasahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi teknik dan waktu. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memberikan makna terhadap data yang berhasil dikumpulkan dan dari makna itulah ditarik kesimpulan dengan memaparkan secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh penciptaan arsip di SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang dengan membuat arsip menggunakan laptop yang ada disekolah dan juga mencetak surat dijasa print yang menggunakan genset. Penggunaan arsip di SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang tidak asal digunakan, jika dapat menimbulkan masalah dan merugikan sekolah maka lebih baik arsip tidak digunakan. Penyimpanan Arsip di SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang dengan membedakan arsip aktif dan arsip in�aktif. Pemeliharaan Arsip di SMA Negeri 1 Talang mengganti tempat arsip yang sudah tidak layak pakai. Pemusnahan Arsip di SMA Negeri 1 Talang dengan dilakukan dengan pengecekan kembali dengan teliti dan hati-hati. Namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan seperti penciptaan arsip yang terkendala oleh kesalahan dalam penulis arsip yang akan digunakana, tidak ada ruang seperti gudang yang digunakan untuk penyimpanan arsip, serta pemeliharaan arsip yang tidak dilakukan setiap hari. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Kearsipan dan Ketatausahaan. iv ABSTRACT One important source of information that can support rapidly changing situations and conditions in the world of education is archives. Through management in schools, it will make a filing mechanism orderly advantage for schools manage and create good. This research aims to determine creation, use, storage, maintenance, and extermination. This research was a qualitative research. The research subjects principals and administration staff. Data collection was done by using interviews, observation, and documentation. Check the validity of the data was done by triangulation of technique and time. Data analysis was carried out by giving meaning to the data that had been collected and from that meaning, conclusions were drawn by describing it descriptively. From the research results obtained creation SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang making archives a laptop and printing letters for services generator. The use SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang is not casually, if can problems and harm the school. Storage SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang by distinguishing between active and inactive. Maintenance SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang replaces that are not longer suitable. Extermination SMA Negeri 1 Talang Padang was carried out by checking again carefully. However, there are number of things need to be considered, such as the creation are constrained by errors in the author to be used, space such as a warehouse for storage, and maintenance is not carried out every day. Keywords: Records Management and Administration

    Sebaceous glands - unusual histological finding in the uterine cervix

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    Sebaceous glands have been extremely rare findings in the female genital system. Excluding the vulva and recent findings, very few cases have been described. The origin of the lesions remains a topic of speculation. However, it appears that prolonged irritation induces a metaplastic response in the ectocervical epithelium. A new case of sebaceous glands in the ectocervix of a 46-year-old woman is reported. The lesions were unexpectedly found in a hysterectomy specimen. The procedure was carried out for multiple leiomyomas of the uterine corpus. Histological examination revealed three mature sebaceous glands located distally to the transformation zone, which opened directly onto the surface epithelium. It could be concluded that sebaceous glands in the ectocervix are rare lesions of unclear origin and low clinical significance. However, the glands could potentially be associated with sebaceous carcinoma of that anatomical site

    Types of ethmoid sinus morphology on the basis of computed tomography examination

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    The aim of the study was the application of computed tomography (CT) in the evaluation of types of ethmoid morphology. The material consisted of 197 CT examinations performed, using the Somatom AR.T (Siemens) CT scanner, in patients referred for CT for reasons other than sinus pathology. The examinations were performed in 2-mm contiguous axial scans. Ethmoid morphology was evaluated by means of classification into 3 types according to the degree of aeration and the relationship of the anterior ethmoid cells to the lacrimal sac on transversal scans. The most common was the II type (medium relationship to the lacrimal sac) found in 38.32% of the cases. Type III (large ethmoid sinus extending in front of the lacrimal sac) occurred in 32.49% of the patients, while the smallest sinus (Type I) was detected in the remaining 29.19% of the cases. In almost 1/5 of the cases asymmetry of the bilateral ethmoid anatomy was noted. It was concluded that CT examination was useful in the evaluation of ethmoid sinus morphology in respect to the lacrimal sac

    Blue nevus of the endocervix

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    The mucosa of the uterine cervix is normally devoid of melanocytes; therefore, melanin-containing lesions are very rare in this site. A new case of a common blue nevus in the cervix of a 57-year-old woman is reported. The lesion was an incidental finding in a total hysterectomy specimen performed for atypical endometrial hyperplasia. Gross and histological examination revealed minute dark macula on the mucosa of the posterior aspect of the endocervical canal, composed of loose conglomerates of spindle-shaped and dendritic cells located superficially within the stroma, containing multiple brownish granules, which exhibited positive immunostaining for HMB45 and melan A. Although the blue nevi seem to be lesions of low clinical significance, they require careful differential diagnosis with malignant melanoma, especially in scanty endocervical curettage or cervical biopsy specimens. Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 1: 62-6

    Intrapancreatic accessory spleen

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    A case of accessory spleen located in the tail of the pancreas in a stillbirth male foetus is reported. The congenital anomaly was revealed at autopsy. The intrapancreatic spleen was well demarcated and was composed of red and white pulp; however, same pancreatic ducts were intermingled with the splenic parenchyma. As well as the intrapancreatic lesion another minute accessory spleen was also found at the hilum of the proper organ. Since a lack of morphological features of trisomy 13 syndrome were found in the foetus, the ectopic spleens were regarded as incidental findings

    The temperature of caffeine administered during pregnancy and foetal morphometric parameters

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    Background: Caffeine is one of the most frequently ingested (at various temperatures) xenobiotics by people. A number of studies have confirmed the negative effect of high doses of caffeine ingested during pregnancy both for the mother and the developing foetus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between caffeine’s toxicity on development and the administered solution’stemperature.Materials and methods: The research was conducted on rats. The fertilised females were randomly divided into two main groups: an experimental (E) and a control group (C). The experimental groups received caffeine (30 mg/day) in10 (E1), 25 (E2) and 45°C (E3). The females in the control group were given water at the same temperature (C1, C2 and C3). On the 21st day of pregnancy, the pregnant females were killed by decapitation using a specially prepared laboratory guillotine and were assessed morphometric parameters of foetuses.Results and Conclusions: Based on this work showed that: the embryotoxic effect of caffeine was only confined to a reduction in the number of offspring; the greatest changes in the morphometric parameters occurred in foetuses whose mothers received caffeine at 10°C; in the control groups, the greatest changes were observed in foetuses whose mothers were given water at 10°C during pregnancy
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