252 research outputs found


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    It is often said that, in contrast to natural kinds, artifacts are mind-dependent, meaning that they somehow depend on either human beliefs or activities. In addition, some specifically claim that this mind-dependency of artifacts means that they are concept-dependent, i.e., that they are constituted by the concepts and intentions of humans (artifact authors or creators) and that the latter, in turn, determine what features are relevant for an artifact to be a member of a certain artifact kind. The paper therefore inquires into what these constitutive concepts are and what role they play. It also tries to explain the relationship between these concepts and the ā€˜theoreticalā€™ ones. Since the paperā€™s main thesis is that law as such is an artifact or, more precisely, that legal systems are artifacts, it considers the said issue specifically in relation to the jurisprudential views on the ontological character of law.Često se kaže da su, za razliku od prirodnih vrsta, artefakti umno ovisni, podrazumijevajući pod tim da artefakti na neki način ovise o ljudskim vjerovanjima ili djelovanjima. Osim toga, neki joÅ” određenije tvrde da ta umna ovisnost artefakata znači da su oni pojmovno ovisni, tj. da su konstituirani pojmovima i intencijama ljudi (autora ili stvaratelja artefakata) te da ovi, pak, određuju koja su to važna obilježja nekog artefakta koja ga čine pripadnikom neke artefaktne vrste. U radu se stoga ispituje Å”to su to konstitutivni pojmovi i koju ulogu imaju. Također, nastoji se objasniti odnos između tih pojmova i onih ā€œteorijskihā€. Budući da je osnovna teza rada da je pravo kao takvo, ili preciznije, pravni sustav artefakt, spomenuto se pitanje razmatra posebno u odnosu na pravnofilozofska glediÅ”ta o ontoloÅ”kom značaju prava

    Estimates for mild solutions to semilinear Cauchy problems

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    The existence (and uniqueness) results on mild solutions of the abstract semilinear Cauchy problems in Banach spaces are well known. Following the results of Tartar (2008) and Burazin (2008) in the case of decoupled hyperbolic systems, we give an alternative proof, which enables us to derive an estimate on the mild solution and its time of existence. The nonlinear term in the equation is allowed to be time-dependent. We discuss the optimality of the derived estimate by testing it on three examples: the linear heat equation, the semilinear heat equation that models dynamic deflection of an elastic membrane, and the semilinear Schr\uf6dinger equation with time-dependent nonlinearity, that appear in the modelling of numerous physical phenomena

    The criterion of specialty as a means of resovling antinomies between the general principles of law (the City Cemetery case)

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    Nakon izlaganja činjenica slučaja Gradska groblja i stajaliÅ”ta sudova koji su odlučivali u navedenom slučaju, u radu se, na temelju pravnoargumentacijske analize, predlaže drukčiji način rasuđivanja pri rjeÅ”avanju spornog pitanja. Utvrđuje se postojanje pravne praznine u ispitivanom slučaju te se predlaže njezino popunjavanje uporabom argumenta per analogiam. Naposljetku, analizira se pojava tzv. potpune-djelomične antinomije između općih načela prava, koja je nastala kao posljedica primjene tzv. pravne analogije, te se predlaže njezino rjeÅ”avanje kriterijem specijalnosti kao klasičnim juridičkim kriterijem za rjeÅ”avanje antinomija u pravu.After having briefly presented the relevant facts and judicial reasonings, the author of the paper highlights two major theoretical dilemmas arising from a recent case (the so-called City Cemetery case) that was settled before the Croatian courts: the problem of gaps in the law and the problem of the so-called total-partial antinomy between two principles of law (the principle of nemo plus iuris and the principle of good faith). In an attempt to resolve the aforementioned dilemmas the author first presents the general stance on the problems of gaps in the law and antinomy in the law and the ways of dealing with them within the framework of the general theory of law. Furthermore, the author analyses the contents of the principles in question. Finally, on the basis of the solutions given in the writings on the general theory of law and the results of the analysis of the said principles, the author criticises the reasoning of the final judgment in the City Cemetery case and provides a different (theoretical) approach to the solving of these dilemmas. The author concludes that instead of resorting to the prevailing method of the weighing or balancing of principles, the criterion for solving the so-called total-partial antinomies between the general principles of law could be the classical juridical criterion of specialty

    Diagnosis and treatment of anaplastic large cell non Hodgkin lymphoma in children

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    Velikostanični anaplastični limfomi (engl. anaplastic large cell lymphoma ā€“ ALCL) rijedak su oblik ne-Hodgkinovih limfoma. NajčeŔće se očituju povećanim limfinim čvorovima (LČ) - nodularni tip - ili prisutnoŔću bolesti u nekom drugom organu koji ima limfno tkivo - ekstranodularni tip. Kod djece koristimo St. Jude klasifikaciju, koja bolest dijeli u 4 stadija. Za dijagnostiku je potrebna biopsija tkiva, dok se stadiji određuju slikovnim metodama kao Å”to su CT, MR I PET CT. Ove metode koristimo i za praćenje uspjeÅ”nosti liječenja. Za ALCL je specifična translokacija t (2,5) (p23;35), kojom se međusobno spajaju dva gena te stvaraju fuzijski gen, koji dovodi do pojačane ekspresije ALK (eng. anaplastic lymphoma kinase). Kemoterapija je prva linija liječenja, dok se u slučaju progresije bolesti koristi transplantacija matičnih hematopoetskih stanica. U novije vrijeme za liječenje se uz kemoterapiju koristi i monoklonalno protutijelo brentuximab vedotin.Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare form of Ne-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The most common manifestations are increased lymph nodes. It can first be reported in the lymph node - nodular type - or in some other organ with lymphatic tissue - extracellular type. Children use the St. Jude classification, which is divided into four stages. For diagnostics, biopsy is used first, while the image methods such as CT, MR and PET CT are needed for the determination of the stage of disease. These methods are also used to monitor the disease as well as the bloodstream. For ALCL it is specifically the case that there is the translation of t (2,5) (p23; 35), which connects two genes together and creates a fusion gene, which results in enhanced ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) expression. Chemotherapy is the first line of treatment, while in the case of regression, are used transplants of stem cells. Recently, for treatment were started to use brentuximab, monoclonal antibodies, which are used together with chemotherapy

    Application of Mixture Theory to solid tumors and normal pressure hydrocephalus

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    In this thesis, the theory of poroelasticity, namely the Mixture Theory version -- a homogenized, macroscopic scale approach used to describe fluid flow through a porous medium -- is employed in three separate cases pertaining to a biological phenomenon. The first investigation explores the behavior of interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) in solid tumors. Thus, in Chapter 2, a Mixture Theory based approach is developed to describe the evolution of the IFP from that in a healthy interstitium to the elevated levels in cancerous tumors. Attention is focused on angiogenesis, a tightly regulated process in healthy tissue that provides all necessary nutrients through the creation of new blood vessels. Once this process becomes unruly within a tumor, angiogenesis gives rise to an abnormal vasculature by forming convoluted and leaky blood vessels. Thus, the primary focus of the model is on the capillary filtration coefficient and vascular density as they increase in time, which in turn elevates the tumor IFP. Later, the Mixture Theory model is extended to simulate the effects of vascular normalization, where the cancer therapy not only prunes blood vessels, but reverts the chaotic vasculature to a somewhat normal state, thereby temporarily lowering the tumor IFP. In Chapter 3, the validity of an assumption that was made in order to facilitate the mathematical calculations is investigated. In addition to all of the Mixture Theory assumptions, it is assumed that the pore pressure p is proportional to the tissue dilatation e. This assumption is examined to determine how appropriate and accurate it is, by using a heat type equation without the presence of sources and sinks under the assumption of a spherical geometry. The results obtained under the proportionality of p and e, are compared with the results obtained without this assumption. A substantial difference is found, which suggests that great care must be exercised in assuming the proportionality of p and e. The last application is reported in Chapter 4 and it investigates the pathogenesis of normal pressure hydrocephalus. In a normal brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is created by the choroid plexus, circulates around the brain and the spinal cord without any impediment, and then is absorbed at various sites. However, normal pressure hydrocephalus occurs when there is an imbalance between the production and absorption of CSF in the brain that causes the impaired clearance of CSF and the enlargement of ventricles; however, the ventricular pressure in this case is frequently measured to be normal. Thus, a mathematical model using Mixture Theory is formulated to analyze a possible explanation of this brain condition. Levine (1999) proposed the hypothesis that CSF seeps from the ventricular space into the brain parenchyma and is efficiently absorbed in the bloodstream. To test this hypothesis, Levine used the consolidation theory version of poroelasticity theory, with the addition of Starling's law to account for the absorption of CSF in the brain parenchyma at steady state. However, the Mixture Theory model does not agree with the results obtained by Levine (1999) which leads one to conclude that the pathogenesis of normal pressure hydrocephalus remains unknown. To conclude the thesis, all three applications of Mixture Theory are discussed and the importance and contribution of this work is highlighted. In addition, possible future directions are indicated based on the findings of this thesis

    Efficacy as a Condition of Validity in Hans Kelsenā€™s General Theory of Norms

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    Prema Kelsenu postoje dva (činjenična) uvjeta pod kojima se može reći da se norme treba pridržavati, a ako je se ne pridržava, da je treba primjenjivati, tj. da norma postoji ili važi. Ti su uvjeti sljedeći: 1) činjenica da je norma postavljena (i da nije derogirana) i 2) činjenica da je norma učinkovita ili da je moguće da bude učinkovita. U radu se usredotočujem na drugi od dvaju (činjeničnih) uvjeta važenja. Osnovni je cilj rada rekonstruirati i kritički raŔčlaniti učinkovitost kao uvjet važenja u Kelsenovoj Općoj teoriji normi u svjetlu Kelsenova novouvedenog razlikovanja između uvjetnog i potpunog važenja norme i dinamičkog aspekta pravnog poretka. Osim toga, u radu nastojim sustavno objasniti učinkovitost kao uvjet važenja općih i pojedinačnih pravnih normi, uzimajući u obzir vremenski aspekt važenja, tj. trenutke u kojima norma stječe i gubi važenje i vremenski luk u kojemu je važeća (u kojemu postoji).According to Kelsen, there are two (factual) conditions under which one can say that a legal norm is to (or ought to) be observed, and if not observed, then applied, i.e., that a norm exists or is valid. These are: 1) the fact that a norm has been posited (and has not been repealed), and 2) the fact that a norm is efficacious or that it has the possibility of being efficacious. The paper focuses on the second of the two (factual) conditions of validity. Its main aim is to reconstruct and critically analyse efficacy as a condition of validity in Hans Kelsenā€™s General Theory of Norms both in the light of his newly introduced distinction between the conditional and full validity of a norm and the dynamic aspect of the legal order. It also aims to give a systemic account of efficacy as a condition of validity of both general and individual legal norms, taking into account the temporal aspect of validity, i.e., the moments in which a norm becomes valid and ceases to be valid, and the time span during which it remains valid. The paper first outlines Kelsenā€™s understanding of the concept of efficacy (Section 2). It then analyses and reconstructs the efficacy condition as a condition for the beginning of a legal normā€™s validity (Section 3), and goes on to analyse and reconstruct the efficacy condition as a condition of the end of a legal normā€™s validity. Finally, the paper systematizes the conditions under which the general hypothetical sanction-decreeing legal norm and the individual hypothetical and categorical sanction-decreeing legal norms acquire and lose their validity (Section 5)

    Book review: Nikola Gavella, Privatno pravo, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2019, 448 pages

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    U osvrtu na djelo Privatno pravo profesora emeritusa Nikole Gavelle izlažem metodoloŔku raŔčlambu djela s aspekta filozofije prava kao filozofije pravne znanosti. Nastojim pokazati kako je riječ o viŔeslojnom djelu, koje u smislu znanstvenog identiteta pripada barem trima znanstvenim disciplinama. Ono, prije svega, pripada analitičkoj (strukturnoj) teoriji privatnog prava, zatim normativnoj teoriji privatnog prava te, konačno, pravnoj znanosti ili doktrini hrvatskog privatnog prava.Review of a recently published system of a theory of private law prepared by professor emeritus Nikola Gavella (Privatno pravo, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2019, 448 pages)
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