79 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje stabilnosti vakcine kućne praÅ”ine za sublingvalnu imunoterapiju

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    Allergen-specific immunotherapy with house dust mite (HDM) allergen extracts can effectively alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma. The efficacy of the immunotherapeutic treatment is highly dependent on the quality of house dust mite vaccines. This study was performed to assess the stability of house dust mite allergen vaccines prepared for sublingual immunotherapy. Lyophilized Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt) mite bodies were the starting material for the production of sublingual vaccines in four therapeutic concentrations. The stability of the extract for vaccine production, which was stored below 4 Ā°C for one month, showed consistence in the protein profile in SDS PAGE. ELISA-inhibition showed that the potencies of Dpt vaccines during a 12 month period were to 65-80 % preserved at all analyzed therapeutic concentrations. This study showed that glycerinated Dpt vaccines stored at 4Ā°C preserved their IgE-binding potential during a 12 month period, implying their suitability for sublingual immunotherapeutic treatment of HDM allergy.Alergen-specifična imunoterapija predstavlja postupak koji može da promeni tok bolesti kod alergijskog rinitisa i astme. Kvalitet vakcine pripremljene od kućnih grinja značajno utiče na efikasnost imunoterapeutskog tretmana. Ispitivanje je imalo za cilj procenu stabilnosti vakcine kućnih grinja namenjene za sublingvalnu imunoterapiju. Telo liofilozovanih Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus grinja (Dpt-grinja) upotrebljeno je kao polazni materijal za proizvodnju sublingvalne vakcine u 4 različita terapeutska razblaženja. Potentnost Dpt vakcina praćena ELISA-inhibicijom u 4 terapeutska razblaženja, nakon 12 meseci zadržan je u svim razblaženjima u opsegu 65-80%. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da glicerolom stabilizovane Dpt vakcine za subligvalnu imunoterapiju, uz čuvanje na 4Ā°C zadržavaju alergeni potencijal ( gt 65%) nakon 12 meseci od njihove pripreme, i kao takve mogu se koristiti za tretman alergije na kućne grinje

    Hemijske modifikacije Art v 1, glavnog alergena Artemisia vulgaris, cis-akonitilovanjem i citrakonilovanjem

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    Art v 1 is the major allergen of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) pollen, a significant cause of hay fever all over Europe. Specific immunotherapy is the only treatment modality for allergic disease. Application of modified allergens makes the treatment safer and more efficient. In this work, two out of three (citraconic anhydride, cis-aconitic anhydride, 2,3-dimethylmaleic anhydride) tested anhydrides were proven to be suitable for chemical modifications of allergens. Art v 1 was modified by cis-aconitylation and citraconylation in order to obtain derivatives of Art v 1 that may be suitable for further immunological testing. Acylation of Art v 1 gave derivatives (caaArt v 1 and citArt v 1) with about 80 % modified amino groups. The derivatives were in the monomeric form and had dramatically reduced pI values. Both derivatives were relatively stable at neutral pH values, while the acyl groups undergo hydrolysis under acidic conditions. Modification of allergens by cis-aconitylation and citraconylation could be a new tool for obtaining allergoids.Art v1 je glavni alergen polena crnog pelina (Artemisia vulgaris), značajnog uzročnika polenske groznice Ŕirom Evrope. Alergen-specifična imunoterapija je za sada jedini delotvoran način za tretiranje alergija, pri čemu primena modifikovanih alergena čini ovakav tretman bezbednijim i efikasnijim. U ovom radu, dva od tri (anhidrid cis-akonitne, citrakonske i 2,3-dimetilmaleinske kiseline) ispitivana anhidrida su se pokazala pogodnim za hemijske modifikacije alergena. Art v 1 je modifikovan cis-akonitilovanjem i citrakonilovanjem u cilju dobijanja derivata Art v 1 pogodnih za dalje imunoloŔke testove. Acilovanjem Art v 1 dobijeni su derivati (caaArt v 1 i citArt v 1) sa oko 80 % izmodifikovanih amino grupa. Dobijeni derivati su monomerni, sa molekulskom masom sličnom nativnom Art v 1, ali sa dramatično smanjenim pI vrednostima. Oba derivata su relativno stabilna u neutralnoj, dok se u kiseloj sredini acil grupe hidrolizuju. Modifikacija alergena cis-akonitilovanjem i citrakonilovanjem može biti novi način za dobijanje alergoida

    The importance of cross-reactivity in grass pollen allergy

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    According to the data obtained from in vivo and in vitro testing in Serbia, a significant number of patients have allergic symptoms caused by grass pollen. We examined the protein composition of grass pollens (Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Phleum pratense) and cross-reactivity in patients allergic to grass pollen from our region. The grass pollen allergen extract was characterized by SDS-PAGE, while cross-reactivity of single grass pollens was revealed by immunoblot analysis. A high degree of cross-reactivity was demonstrated for all three single pollens in the sera of allergic patients compared to the grass pollen extract mixture. Confirmation of the existence of cross-reactivity between different antigenic sources facilitates the use of monovalent vaccines, which are easier to standardize and at the same time prevent further sensitization of patients and reduces adverse reactions

    Optimization of the heterologous expression of banana glucanase in Escherichia coli (vol 77, pg 43, 2012)

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    For the heterologous production of a banana glucanase in Escherichia coli, its gene (GenBank GQ268963) was cloned into a pGEX-4T expression vector as a fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase (GST). BL21 cells transformed with the GST-Mus a 5 construct were employed for production of the protein induced by 1 mM isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The conditions for protein expression were optimized by varying the temperature (25, 30 and 37 C) and duration of protein expression (3, 6 and 12 h). The level of protein production was analyzed by densitometry of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAG) after electrophoretic resolution of the respective cell lysates. The optimal protein expression for downstream processing was obtained after 12 h of cell growth at 25 degrees C upon addition of IPTG. Recombinant GST-Mus a 5 purified by glutathione affinity chromatography revealed a molecular mass of about 60 kDa. The IgE and IgG reactivity of the rGST-Mus a 5 was confirmed by dot blot analysis with sera of individual patients from subjects with banana allergy and polyclonal rabbit antibodies against banana extract, respectively. The purified recombinant glucanase is a potential candidate for banana allergy diagnosis.Za potrebe proizvodnje u Escherichia coli gen glukanaze iz banane (GenBank GQ268963) je ukloniran u ekspresioni vektor pGEX-4T sa glutation-S-transferazom (GST). Proizvodnja ovog proteina u ćelijama je indukovana 1 mM izopropil-Ī²-D-tiogalaktopiranozidom (IPTG). Uslovi za ekspresiju proteina su optimizovani variranjem temperature (25, 30 i 37Ā°C) i dužine trajanja proteinske sinteze (3, 6 i 12 h). Nivo proizvodnje proteina je analiziran denzitometrijom SDS-PA gela nakon elektroforetskog razdvajanja ćelijskih lizata. Optimalna proizvodnja proteina za njegovo dalje procesovanje je dobijena gajenjem ćelija nakon dodatka IPTG na 25Ā°C tokom 12 h. Rekombinantni GST-Mus a 5 prečiŔćen afinitetnom hromatografijom sa glutationom pokazuje molekulsku masu od 60 kDa. IgE i IgG reaktivnost izolovane glukanaze potvrđena je u 'dot blot' sa pojedinačnim serumima osoba alergičnih na bananu, i sa poliklonskim zečijim antitelima na ekstrakt banane, redom. PrečiŔćena rekombinantna glukanaza je potencijalan kandidat za dijagnozu alergije na bananu

    Optimizacija heterologe proizvodnje glukanaze iz banane u E. coli

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    For the heterologous production of a banana glucanase in Escherichia coli, its gene (GenBank GQ268963) was cloned into a pG EX-4T expression vector as a fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase (GST). BL21 cells transformed with the GST-Mus a 5 con struct were employed for production of the protein induced by 1 mM isopropyl-Ī²-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The conditions for protein expression were optimized by varying the temperature (25, 30 and 37Ā°C) and duration of protein expression (3, 6 and 12 h). The level of protein production was analyzed by densitometry of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAG) after electrophoretic resolution of the respective cell lysates. The optimal protein expression for downstream processing was obtained after 12 h of cell growth at 25Ā°C upon addition of IPTG. Recombinant GST-Mus a 5 purified by glutathione affinity chromatography revealed a molecular mass of a bout 60 kDa. The IgE and IgG reactivity of the rGST-Mus a 5 was confirmed by dot blot an analysis with sera of individual patients from subjects with banana allergy and polyclonal rabbit antibodies against banana extract, respectively. The purified recombinant glucanase is a potential candidate for banana allergy diagnosis.Za potrebe proizvodnje u Escherichia coli gen glukanaze iz banane (GenBank GQ268963) je ukloniran u ekspresioni vektor pGEX-4T sa glutation-S-transferazom (GST). Proizvodnja ovog proteina u ćelijama je indukovana 1 mM izopropil-Ī²-D-tiogalaktopiranozidom (IPTG). Uslovi za ekspresiju proteina su optimizovani variranjem temperature (25, 30 i 37Ā°C) i dužine trajanja proteinske sinteze (3, 6 i 12 h). Nivo proizvodnje proteina je analiziran denzitometrijom SDS-PA gela nakon elektroforetskog razdvajanja ćelijskih lizata. Optimalna proizvodnja proteina za njegovo dalje procesovanje je dobijena gajenjem ćelija nakon dodatka IPTG na 25Ā°C tokom 12 h. Rekombinantni GST-Mus a 5 prečiŔćen afinitetnom hromatografijom sa glutationom pokazuje molekulsku masu od 60 kDa. IgE i IgG reaktivnost izolovane glukanaze potvrđena je u 'dot blot' sa pojedinačnim serumima osoba alergičnih na bananu, i sa poliklonskim zečijim antitelima na ekstrakt banane, redom. PrečiŔćena rekombinantna glukanaza je potencijalan kandidat za dijagnozu alergije na bananu

    Evaluacija kriterijuma za dijagnozu atopijskog dermatitisa i detekcija alergen specifičnih IgE antitela kod pasa alergičnih na polen biljke Ambrosia artemisiifolia

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    Common ragweed (Ambrosia atremisiifolia) is one of the most frequent causes of pollen-induced allergic reactions both in humans and dogs. It has not been defined yet, what is the major allergen(s) to which most dogs allergic to ragweed show a positive result on intradermal skin test (IDST). In the present study sensitization to Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen allergens in dogs with atopic dermatitis was examined with both in vivo and in vitro tests, including IDST and serum allergen specific IgE test. Detection of specific-IgE antibodies against ragweed allergens by immunoblotting in the sera of allergic dogs was optimized, as well. Dogs that were positive, as judged by IDST reactions to ragweed pollen allergens, also had alergen specific IgE antibodies in their sera. Results indicate that major allergens of A. artemisifolia pollen in dogs are Amb a 1 and Amb a 2. Further characterization of ragweed allergens is needed before they could potentially be used in intradermal testing or allergen immunotherapy in affected dogs. Also, we evaluated new Favrots diagnostic criteria for canine atopic dermatitis in dogs allergic to Ambrosia atremisiifolia pollen. It might be concluded that proposed criteria are of great assistance for seting up suspected diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis, after ruling out other pruritic dermatoses.Kratka ambrozija (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) je jedan od najčeŔćih uzročnika alergijskih reakcija izazvanih polenom kod ljudi i pasa. JoÅ” uvek nije definisano koji je glavni alergen (i), na koji, većina pasa alergičnih na polen ambrozije, ispoljava pozitivnu reakciju na intradermalnom testu. U ovoj studiji je ispitana senzibilizacija na polen ove biljke kod pasa sa simptomima atopijskog dermatitisa in vivo i in vitro testovima, uključujući intradermalni test i dokazivanje prisustva alergen specifičnih IgE antitela u serumu. Optimizovani su uslovi za detekciju IgE specifičnih antitela iz seruma pasa alergičnih na polen ambrozije imunoblot tehnikom. Psi koji su imali pozitivnu reakciju na polen ove biljke na intradermalnom testu, takođe su imali specifična IgE antitela u serumu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su glavni alergeni Ambrosia artemisiifolia kod pasa Amb a 1 i Amb a 2. Neophodna je dalja karakterizacija alergena ambrozije kako bi se oni mogli primeniti pri rutinskom intradermalnom testiranju ili u alergen specifičnoj imunoterapiji obolelih pasa. Takođe je razmatrana i validnost Favrotovih dijagnostičkih kriterijuma kod pasa alergičnih na polen ambrozije. Može se zaključiti da su predloženi kriterijumi od velike pomoći u postavljanju suspektne dijagnoze atopijskog dermatitisa pasa, nakon isključenja drugih pruritičnih dermatoza

    Dactylis glomerata grass pollen from urban area releases more sub- pollen particles and has stronger ige response in allergic individuals than rural counterpart

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    Background and Aim: Epidemiological studies pointed at the connection betweenpollution (e.g., traffic emissions) and an increased percentage of people suffering fromrespiratory allergies, including the pediatric population. Field studies provided the mostrelevant assessment of the effects of the intensity and variety of urban and industrialcontamination on the structure and allergenic potency of pollen allergens. Therefore, theaim of the present work was to compare allergenic profiles ofDactylis glomerata pollen(DGP) collected in the specific urban and rural areas (KruŔevac and suburbs), to assesspollen structures and immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivity to pollen of school childrenpopulation allergic to grass pollens

    Izolovanje i karakterizacija 68 kD alergena iz ekstrakta kućnih grinja

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    House dust mites (HDM) represent a major source of allergens, contributing to the increasing incidence of type I hypersensitivity disease worldwide. Over 30 different IgE-binding proteins from the HDM extract were detected. Although group 1 and 2 have been identified as major allergens, due to the safety and efficacy of allergy diagnosis and immunotherapy, there is a need to carefully evaluate the clinical relevance of other allergens present in the HDM extract. In regard to this, a high molecular mass allergen of about 68 kD was purified from the HDM extract using a combination of gel permeation chromatography and reversed-phase chromatography. The IgG and IgE reactivity of the purified protein were preserved during the purification process, as confirmed by Western blot analysis with polyclonal rabbit antibodies and dot blot analysis with a pool of sera from subjects with house dust mite allergy, respectively. In addition, the IgE reactivity was confirmed using ELISA testing with nine patient sera. The biological potency of the 68 kD allergen was confirmed by skin prick testing in five allergic subjects, suggesting that the high molecular mass allergen is a good candidate for component-resolved diagnosis of house dust mite allergy and eventual therapeutic treatment.Grinje iz kućne praÅ”ine predstavljaju jedan od glavnih izvora alergena koji su u značajnoj meri doprineli porastu prvog tipa preosetljivosti. Preko 30 IgE-vezujućih proteina iz kućne praÅ”ine je detektovano do danas. Alergeni grupe 1 i 2 označeni su kao glavni alergeni kućne praÅ”ine. Međutim, da bi se poboljÅ”ala sigurnost i efikasnost dijagnoze i terapije alergijskih oboljenja izazvanih grinjama iz kućne praÅ”ine, neophodno je odrediti klinički značaj svih alergena iz ovog alergenskog izvora. U ovom radu izolovan je alergen visoke molekulske mase od 68 kD iz ekstrakta kućne praÅ”ine kombinovanjem gel-permeacione hromatografije i reversno-fazne hromatografije. IgG i IgE reaktivnost prečiŔćenog proteina je proverena u 'Western blot'-u i 'dot blot'-u sa poliklonskim zečijim antitelima na ekstrakt kućne praÅ”ine i 'pool'-om seruma osoba alergičnih na kućnu praÅ”inu, redom. 64 % pacijenata je pokazalo IgE reaktivnost na prečiŔćeni protein u ELISA testu. BioloÅ”ka reaktivnost prečiŔćenog alergena je potvrđena u kožnim probama na pet pacijenata, ukazujući da je prečiŔćen alergen dobar kandidat za dijagnozu alergije na kućnu praÅ”inu pojedinačnim komponentama i eventualni terapeutski tretman
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